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A Ride For The CAG

Posted on Sat Dec 24th, 2022 @ 4:54am by Lieutenant Commander Moklor ‘Shell Squid’
Edited on on Sat Dec 24th, 2022 @ 5:38pm

933 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Runabout Approaching The USS Tokyo

"Dropping out of warp", replied a green-gold tinted Vulcan ensign in a red shirt. The human ensign at his side didn't say much. Being stuck alongside this Vulcan made the trip seem to last forever.

A cream colored Danube class runabout cut through the dark expanse of space. One bright flash marked its arrival alongside the USS Tokyo. The shape of the revolutionary carrier quickly grew larger in size as they approached.

The duo was assigned the tedious detail of ferry transport. The Danube had flown several passengers from Starbase Rama, near Janus VI on a one-stop flight to get here. The first stop was to drop off two geneticists at Gagarin IV.

This first leg was a short trip, but it forced the runabout to start the trip in the opposite direction of the Tokyo. Two pilots had been waiting aboard Starbase Rama for this ship to be close enough for runabout transport.

A hefty male Klingon and an Orion lady of copper hair sat across from each other in the Danube’s aft cabin. The little table seated four and was in view of the open bunk style cabins visible even from here.

“We are have finally arrived”, Lt. Commander Moklor said while turning to look at a viewscreen. It was located amidst a surrounding panel interface and showed an image from the front of the shuttle. Now the entrance to one of the massive bays was visible. “Let us hope to never be trapped in such a bucket again”, Moklor said gruffly.

Moklor began his pilot career flying Razor fighters out of Starbase 24. He spent six years there, running temporary assignments to starships visiting the sector on the edge of Klingon and Federation space. This was during a time some would call a Klingon Civil War.

He was next assigned to a ship, the Carrier class USS Hiryu A. It was a deep space exploration carrier based on the Typhon class. Here Moklor transitioned to the Valkyrie fighter. One more transfer would see him serve aboard the Mahan class USS Lyon. This was an aging ship where a toxic crew faced motivation issues.

Moklor was enthusiastic about his transfer to such a tactically impressive vessel as the USS Tokyo. His Klingon reflexes didn't seem to have slowed much with age.

“The next time we enter this bay, sir… We’ll have to land ourselves.” The Orion Ensign was much younger than the Klingon. Both wore the white-shouldered, blue-chested of the Starfighter Corps.

“A welcome invitation”, replied Moklor in all of his Klingon splendor. “You proved something to me Ensign”, he said while pausing for a moment in thought. “You are a free thinker. You can adapt. I feel the spirit of the hunter within you.”

Ensign Talanna Teela laughed quietly and ran a hand along the red hair wrapped close to her scalp. Her dainty verdant hand continued back to adjust the large bun her long her was tucked into. She had always been formal and reserved with her appearance. “You know I would have rather flown fighters”, she said. “I mean, who wants to be limited to flying the Type 6? It was a fun challenge”, the Orion continued. “But I’ll be glad to get back into a Valkyrie.”

The pair spoke of a temporary two week layover without assigned fighters.

“The feeling is mutual Ensign”, Moklor said. He turned from the view of the runabout entering the through hangar bay to make eye contact with her. She smiled timidly as she met his gaze.

“I want to tell you one thing before we disembark”, he said under furrowed eyebrows. His expression was almost angry. Aggressive. Determined. “You will be my wingman. You will learn the ways of the warrior… My personal responsibility will be drawing the best of your potential.”

Ensign Teela excitedly chirped, “Thank you so m-“.

Moklor cut her off quickly. “It will not be easy. You will be pushed to your limits.” For the first time, the Klingon flashed a wide grin. “But you will earn my trust.”

“I am honored for the chance sir”, Ensign Teela said to Moklor. She stood and moved towards the pair of shoulder bags she packed for the trip. Moklor’s sole, larger bag sat alongside Teela’s.

The Klingon slammed his large fist on the table. “But you are not Klingon like I, nor are you old.” Laughing, he added, “therefore I am recommending that you catch the next available transport to Risa.” Both officers had been told that the Tokyo was in the midst of shore leave.

Moklor had no interest on mandated schedules for ‘fun’. He had much work to do and many people to meet. Lt. Cmdr. Moklor had nothing but the utmost faith and respect for the crew of the USS Tokyo. It was he who felt the need to live up to expectations.

He still understood Ensign Teela’s need to connect with the crew on a personal level. Moklor would as well, in his own way. The old Klingon didn’t want to admit that he felt isolated from others.

It wasn’t long until the ship touched down after taxing through much of the ship long bay. The viewscreen shut off moments before, leaving the pair without a view to the outside. Moklor and Talanna made their way towards the side exit near the front of the little ship.

Both pilots stood in the cockpit and exchanged goodbyes as their passengers left the runabout. They would pick up two passengers to ferry to the next destination, a nearby Luna class vessel.


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