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On Beaches and Indoor Spaces and Pampering

Posted on Wed Nov 30th, 2022 @ 4:29pm by Lieutenant JG Nezuko

745 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Risa
Timeline: Shortly after arrival

After much research, Nezuko had come to the conclusion that, while Risa had much to offer a person on holiday, the overwhelming majority of people did the same basic few things: lounge in the sun, play in the water, consume delicious food and free-flowing drink, and enjoy the company of other vacation-goers and/or Risian hospitality staff.

Nezuko therefore had made herself an itinerary, which included a number of other activities but in between each one was beach time.

Within minutes of landing, she was checked into her room and changed into a blue two-piece bathing suit that the computer told her was perfect for Risa.

Swimwear? Check.
Hat? Check.
Sunglasses? Check.
PADD? Check.
Ceremonial statue thing that one of her crewmates suggested she carry around? Check.
Rebreather battery charged? Check.

The sand was hot on her feet, the sun was warm on her skin, and the air was salty and delightful. Nezuko found a relaxing lounge chair to sit and rest and take it all in. The beach was not quiet, but nor was the sound of people playing and laughing were not distracting. Rather, they formed a pleasant background noise which helped her drift to sleep.


Nezuko opened her eyes slowly, revealing the faces of two incredibly beautiful Risians, one man and one woman, each in swimwear and nothing else. She smiled and leaned forward, only to wince as searing pain ran through her shoulders and legs.

She looked down at herself and her eyes went wide. Arms, chest, stomach, legs...all bright red.

She looked to the Risians and tapped her left wrist, an act which was more painful than she'd have preferred.

"It's 1220 hours," the woman said.

Nezuko had only been asleep for a little over two hours...and in that small amount of time she had gotten the worst sunburn of her life.

This time, the man spoke up. "We were coming to check in on you," he explained, "since you displayed the Horga'hn. But you look like you're in rough shape."

"Our planetary shield filters most of the ultraviolet light from our sun," the woman added, "but not all of it. Our guests enjoy their tans. I guess your skin doesn't tolerate even the small amount we let through."

Ultraviolet light. Amphei Prime received almost no UV from its sun; the atmosphere filtering it very efficiently. The shields and weather control systems on most Federation worlds blocked it artificially. But not on Risa....

The nonvocal Amphea let out a light whimper as she realized her inattention that detail ruined her holiday.

"It's okay, Miss," the man said. "We'd be lousy hosts if we let someone down just because of their skin. Come with us, we'll sort you out."

Pure. Relaxation.

Nezuko lay on her back, naked save for small towels covering her chest and hips, eyes merely cracked open, as her two hosts helped treat her sunburn. First with a deep cleansing massage with a topical ointment based on Aloe Vera and other medicinal ingredients, followed by a pass with a dermal regenerator, and followed by more massage. They did the same on her back, which wasn't burned but welcomed the touch. Her muscles released tension she didn’t even know she held.

Perhaps most luxuriously, the massage was in an alt-life support suite. Her rebreather lay on the table with her swimsuit, and her hosts each wore a mask covering their nose and mouth. An atmosphere of argon and gaseous nitrate filled the room, and Nezuko’s smile was visible to anyone in the room.

The day continued. Facial cleansing. Manicure. Pedicure. Card games in the game room. Some Risian cultural activities like old traditional dances and songs. Stargazing in a darkness preserve. Her two hosts were the best companions. They even gave her a detailed itinerary that filled her days with adventure while protecting her from the Risian sun’s deadly deadly rays.

As the night grew long, the hosts brought the Amphea woman to her suite.

“There is one last activity we should offer,” the woman observed. “You did, after all, display the Horga’hn.”

Nezuko cocked her head, not understanding their meaning. The hosts laughed. Another prank by a fellow officer, no doubt.

The man whispered into her ear, making her rejuvenated skin shift back to red.

And then she shrugged and pulled both by the hand into her room with her.

A Posting by:

Lieutenant jg Nezuko
Chief Operations Officer


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