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Reporting aboard

Posted on Sun Nov 13th, 2022 @ 6:18pm by Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Edited on on Tue Nov 15th, 2022 @ 7:51am

2,185 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Captain’s Quarters

Having located the Captain, Talia made her way to Taiga’s quarters. It wasn’t the usual reporting in location, turning up on the Captain’s doorstep so-to-speak, but she wanted to make her arrival official. Pressing the door chime she waited for the Captain to answer.

The door opened and a tall man dressed in a chocolate brown Starfleet uniform stood there. He looked down at the Betazoid woman. He simply smiled at her. "I guess you're here to see Taiga?" he asked.

Talia nodded politely. “I am Sir, I don’t usually report in to the Captain in this way but with Shoreleave coming up I thought I’d catch her beforehand.”

Ryuuji smiled. "Yeah, we've had a few visitors." He replied. "Well, come in. She's over there," he told her pointing to the couch.

Taiga was laid on the couch in her cropped undershirt, her red command tunic with her comm badge attached thrown over a nearby chair. She was reading from a PADD, her eyes following the lines of text as she held it above her face in the air.

"Taiga. Visitor" Ryuuji said simply.

“Captain” Talia smiled warmly as she walked across to her new CO. “I’m Talia Jansen, your new Chief Counsellor.” She held out a PADD that contained her transfer orders.

Taiga rolled over and then sat up to face the Counsellor. She gently took the PADD. "I see. Reporting aboard before we leave huh?" She asked.

“Yes ma’am” Talia grinned. “I understand the crew are due Shoreleave so I thought I’d report in ahead of time.”

"Aye good idea" Taiga said. "You'll be our first Counsellor. With what the crew have been through, I assure you that you'll have your work cut out for you" she paused for a brief moment. "Have you familiarised yourself with the ships facilities?"

Talia shook her head. “I haven’t had a chance as yet, but I intend to familiarise myself with the whole ship. I need to learn my way around.”

Taiga nodded. "Well, you'll have plenty of time to explore" she replied. She looked over at Ryuuji. "Ryuuji, would you get us some tea?"

"Please feel free to sit down, Ryuuji makes excellent tea" she said indicating to an empty chair.

“Thank you” Talia took a seat in the empty chair. “I’ll be taking some Shoreleave, but I’d like to learn my way around first. Nothing worse than needing to get somewhere, and not knowing where to find it.”

"Well the Tokyo is a fairly large ship. Have you been on a ship like this before?" She asked. "Just to clarify, not an Armitage class, there's only four in the fleet, I meant a ship with such a large compliment like ours?"

“I think the biggest ship I’ve served on to date is the Akira Class, I think that more or less compares where basic figures are taken into account.” She paused. “I could be wrong though.”

"The Akira is more or less the same. The Armitage was designed to eventually replace the class" Taiga said as Ryuuji placed three cups and a teapot down on the coffee table and proceeded to pour out the tea. "But that aside, I'm glad we're finally getting a Counsellor aboard. I presume you're cleared for bridge duty?"

Talia nodded. “Yes ma’am, I’m a Counsellor who prefers to spend any free time between appointments on the bridge. I’m not just a Counsellor, I consider myself to be your advisor as well.”

Taiga nodded. "Good. The third seat on the bridge needs breaking in" she replied. "I will be honest with you..." she took a sip of her tea. "I've been described as hot headed, arrogant, impulsive and a real pain the ass. I need someone who's willing to tell me to shut up and think at times, regardless of where I am or what's happening. I know I jump to conclusions and I make mistakes, yet I'm still here in command. Promise me that if you'll be my guide, you'll help me be a better captain?"

Talia nodded. “I’ll certainly do my best Captain, to be honest I’ve been known to be a little out spoken myself at times. Depends on the situation really.” She paused to pick up her tea and take a polite sip.

"Good" Taiga said simply. "I've been through hell recently. It seems like the universe has it in for me these days. At least for the last even years!" She told her in a slightly frustrated tone. "I suppose I should go through all that with you on a counselling appointment..." she said her tone changing back to normal.

Ryuuji smiled awkwardly at Taigas comment blushing slightly buy not commenting.

Talia nodded. “That would be a good idea, but I’m not averse to listening off the record.” She smiled warmly. “As I always say my door is always open.”

"Ah hell to it, I'll just tell you. I got put as the Tokyos commander when I wasn't ready. It was forced upon me and it was at a time that Ryuuji and I had other plans for our lives" she explained as she placed a hand on her belly. "Let's just say, Commanding this ship hasn't helped us achieve anything yet. We've been together fifteen years, and it's Starfleets fault that I lost the first one... Well Starfleets and those Romulans. Not to mention, being on the front lines and borders of the Federation hasn't helped, we never know if we're going to get shot at. I only want to protect the people I love, but recently even I failed at that!"

Talia nodded. “I’m sorry, for both of you. Being thrust into a job like this when you’re not ready for it isn’t good for anyone. Planning a family is hard at the best of times, being a Starfleet Captain adds extra stress. Have you tried using Shoreleave time for family planning? It’s non stress, time for you both to relax.”

"This will be our first shoreleave in seven years" Taiga told her. "With the Tokyo always been needed, we've never had much time to get off ship. I can't remember the last time I wasn't in space".

"We're looking forward to two weeks on Risa, then going back to Earth" Ryuuji added. "I can't wait to finally clean our house! It's been empty for so long!" He said a slight twinkle appearing in his eyes. Taiga simply looked at him and scowled.

"You and your cleaning!" She said with a sigh.

Talia couldn’t help but grin. “Well perhaps getting home will be the relaxation you need. Miracles do happen.” She paused for a moment to sip her tea again. “Have you both considered other possible options? There’s medical help available to have a family, or there’s always the possibility of finding a surrogate? Though I know that’s not an easy choice to consider.”

Taiga shook her head. "No," she replied simply. "I want this to be special, something we do together without needing to rely on anyone else. I've always relied on others for pretty much everything, I want to achieve this on my own" she explained her eyes looking down at the floor. "If I want to be a good..." she paused. "W..wife to Ryuuji. I need to prove I'm capable of doing this..."

"You're good enough for me as you are Taiga" Ryuuji said. "Even if we're not married yet, you're more than good enough"

"Married yet" Taiga replied. She turned her attention back to Talia. "Sorry Counsellor, we should probably get back to what you need..."

“No, it’s okay Captain. It sounds to me like you need this talk. I’m happy to listen for as long as you need me to.”

"I'll make more tea..." Ryuuji said just before standing up to refill the teapot.

"Really? You really want to listen to me?" Taiga asked surprised. "Sorry" she said shaking her head. "Only Ryuuji and Minori have ever really listened to me. I've always had people just not bother, even my own parents... if you could even call them that... had no time for me. All they were ever bothered about were their own Petty little lives!"

She sat back on the couch. "Even after they divorced, neither of them wanted me. I was just the little brat that got in the way. That's why I ran off to Starfleet, the more distance I have between them and myself the better. When I have children, hopefully soon... I'm never doing that to them!"

“I’m sorry, that must have been very hard for you when you were young. I’ve always thought of the crew aboard ships I’m on as family. When you’ve been aboard ships long enough they’re the ones who are always there.” Talia smiled warmly.

"I agree. This crew is my family..." she glanced back at Ryuuji. "Well second family. I can be quite protective of them, it's just sometimes I think this ship is cursed. We're always running into trouble, my first Exec was assimilated under my watch. I vowed to never let that happen again!"

“As the saying goes.. shit happens!” Talia grinned a wry grin. “Don’t feel like it’s you, or the ship. If you think something is going to be bad, it’ll be bad. Be positive, see and feel the positive. That’s how I do it, as a Counsellor I deal with the bad, but the plus point is turning it to something good. That makes my job worth doing.”

"This is why I'm glad you're here" Taiga responded. Ryuuji returned with a fresh pot of tea. "The problem is all the shit happens to me. We're a rapid response ship, we get it all thrown at us!" She added. "I'll be honest, this isn't an exploration vessel, our main mission is to protect The Federation where needed and keep outside threats at bay. Sometimes I wish we could do a simple charting mission, no Romulans, no Klingons, no Cardassians... Am I crazy to want a child whilst I command such a dangerous ship?"

Talia shook her head. “Not at all, I understand how you feel. I’d love to have children myself, but unlike you I don’t have anyone who loves me. No boyfriend, or husband, but I can hope one day!” She smiled warmly. “You can put me down for future babysitting duties.”

A smile stretched over Taigas face. "That I will." She said. "Anyways back to business huh... the transport for Risa leaves tomorrow, until then you should get cleared by sickbay. We don't have a Chief medical officer aboard yet, however doctor Hinamori is standing in for now. Also Commander Johnson can get you sorted on the duty roster. Although it won't start for three weeks when all the crew returns"

“Understood Captain, I was planning on getting my physical done anyway.” Talia smiled before finishing off her tea. “I plan on joining Shoreleave but it might not be for 24 hours or so.”

"Well, it'll give you a chance to get to know the crew before we all return to our jobs," Taiga replied with a smile. "I personally am looking forward to finally getting some time off, if only it didn't take damaging the ship so badly for it to happen."

Talia grinned. “I’d suggest not looking the proverbial ‘gift horse in the mouth’ Captain. “From the sounds of it you, and this whole crew deserve a well earned break.”

"Yeah. I think we have" Taiga replied as she stretched and stood up to reveal her tiny height and frame. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have an intimate date with my pillow that I intend to keep."

“Of course Captain” Talia nodded and stood to leave. “It’s been nice getting to know you. We’ll talk again another time.”

Taiga gave her a polite nod before heading towards the bedroom.

"I'll show you out" Ryuuji said politely as he led her towards the door. "You caught her on a good day. Trust me" he said with a smile.

“Well I’m here for good and bad, if you ever need to talk you know where to find me.” Talia nodded and stepped out.

Ryuuji nodded. "I'm sure you'll get plenty of business from us. I'll make sure Taiga comes by when she needs to" he held out a hand. "Welcome aboard the Tokyo Counsellor".

Taking the offered hand Talia smiled warmly. “Thank you, it’s a pleasure to be here.”

Ryuuji gripped the other womans hand firmly, he had fairly large hands. In every way he dwarfed his partner. He smiled at her, gave her a reasuring nod before releasing her hand and stepping back into the room allowing the door to swish closed between them.


Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Flight Deck Crew Chief

Lieutenant Talia Jansen
Chief Counsellor


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