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The Eifie and her 'Cha'

Posted on Thu Nov 10th, 2022 @ 11:55am by Lieutenant Rea & Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D.

1,652 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Sickbay

The doors of the sickbay swished open and in walked a rather strange looking officer. The female officer was small in height, but had long aqua hair and bright blue eyes. Blue fur covered ears sat on top of her head, and her gold engineering uniform was cropped revealing her midriff and navel.

Lieutenant Rea walked in and looked around. "Is the doctor here?" she asked outloud.

Luckily Amu heard the call, she stopped briefly on the sight of the alien officer. "Hi. I'm Doctor Amu Hinamori. Can I help?" she asked with a smile.

"I'm Lieutenant Rea. Acting Chief Engineer, I believe its standard protocol to report for a physical on arrival of a new ship?" Rea asked.

Amu nodded. "Indeed it is. Although, I'll be honest lieutenant. I've never seen your species before?" she said as she gestured her to the nearest biobed.

"I'm an Eifie. Technically a Southern Eifie. There isn't many of us in Starfleet, we rarely leave our home system" Rea explained. She made her way over to the biobed and hopped up onto its surface. "Can I also please ask you don't touch my Cha?"

"Cha?" Amu asked cocking her head to one side.

"Yes. The Cha on an Eifie is a sacred place. We believe that all life and our life force resides in it. Therefore it is forbidden for anyone's Cha to be 'touched'. The only time one can be touched is during a reading, by a male during the mating selection and ritual or in case of medical needs" Rea explained.

"I understand. Can you tell me exactly what your 'Cha' is?" Amu asked.

"Apologies, I forgot you're new to my species. Most other species refer to the Cha as a 'Navel' although Humans seem to like calling it a 'Belly Button'." she told her.

Amu couldn't help but smirk. It was an unusual belief, but not unlike some religions that came from Earth. Even in her own country there was a festival in a town that celebrated the navel and what it represented. To her it was unusual, but to the lieutenant it was a normal part of their society and culture.

"Is this why you have an exposed midriff?" Amu asked curiously as she set up the tricorder. Luckily the ships computer would have data on the Eifie and would be able to do a better job of finding any problems.

"Yes," Rea replied. "Because we believe that all life needs to be celebrated and seen. Eifie females have revealed their Cha's since we can remember."

"I see, what about the males?" Amu asked.

"We don't discuss Males Doctor. Only one in twelve Eifie are born male. Therefore male Eifie are taken away when born to be raised for breeding," Rea explained. "Since Males are so rare, we ensure their safety and let no outsiders near them so our species can carry on."

"Fascinating..." Amu said as she took readings. "Have you as a species attempted to rectify the problem of Males being so uncommon?"

Rea shook her head. "No. We believe that it is the way of the Cha. It's always been that way. However within the last five hundred years we have practised selective breeding to ensure that all Eifie are the best they can be"

"Selective breeding?" Amu asked pausing for a moment.

"Yes. When it is time for a Female Eifie to breed, she will be taken to a male who has been selected for her. We are selected on genetics, personality and what role we envision for the child. For example, I was bred by my mother and breeding male to be an engineer" Rea explained to her. "It is all determined through complex calculations..."

"I would love to see some of them one day" Amu replied.

"Unfortunately thats not posisble. But I can understand your curiosity," Rea smiled at the curious doctor.

"Sorry for all the questions, I find new species fascinating. Can I ask, when do you know you are ready for breeding? How do they know when to select you?" Amu asked.

Rea smiled. "I don't mind at all. We are selected on age. All females will be selected to breed every six years starting from the age of sexual maturity."

"Does that mean you have children?" Amu asked.

The Eifie nodded. "Indeed I do. I currently have four, none of them are with me though presently. We reach sexual maturity after only six years. My oldest daughter was concieved when I was six years of age..." she paused for a moment. "Just so you know, an Eifie is fully grown at Six Years. I know Humans take much longer..."

"Yeah we do..." Amu said a little bewildered by how young they reproduce and how quick they mature. But it wasn't unheard of, some species had considerably shorter life spans, and then some had much longer ones. "You mentioned something about 'reading a Cha' earlier? My tricorder is also picking up some unusual brainwaves in your brain."

Rea smiled. "Yes. Its a unique ability of the Eifie. Some of us have the ability to 'Read' the other's 'Cha' through touch. It allows us to look into one lifeforce, sense what they're feeling, what may come, what may have past..." she paused for a moment. "I believe Humans have something a little similar called 'Fortune Telling'. From what I understand it is like that, but also a little like a Vulcan Mind-Meld. Its... hard to explain."

"That could be what these unique brainwaves could be..." Amu replied. "I would love to examine that procedure should we get another Eifie aboard. Mainly for medical curiosity, there has been lots of research on Vulcan Mind-Melds and such. I would like to see how it works with you". She closed the tricorder, the Lieutenant was in good health.

"I can show you," Rea said simply as she slid off the biobed. "I will need someone to read however. A volunteer"

Amu looked around. "Well, how about me? Can you read Humans?" she asked.

Rea nodded. "Yes, usually when reading an Efie's 'Cha' we have a ninety-eight per cent accuracy. However on a non-Eifie, we may lost a bit of that accuracy. The reading would only be at most Ninety per cent accurate" she explained.

"Thats still pretty accurate" Amu smiled. "Lets go into the office, it's more private there," she suggested.

Amu led the way into the office. She activated the frosted glass so neither of them could be seen and closed the door. "So, what do I do?" she asked as she set up the tricorder on the desk to take readings. "Don't mind if I set this to scan?"

Rea shook her head. "Not at all. You can scan the reading, it may provide you with valuable data. First you should reveal your Cha so it can be accessed".

"Ok..." Amu said as she unzipped her teal tunic. Gently she rolled up her undershirt to reveal her flat pale belly underneath.

Rea moved closer. She looked down at Amu's belly. "I will now read your Cha" she said simply. Amu jumped a little as she felt something quickly enter her navel and push all the way to the very back. She looked down, one of Rea's middle fingers was now pushed all the way inside.

Amu felt a strange sensation of cold in her stomach.

"You have a long time partner yes?" Rea asked.

Amu nodded. "Yes, we've been together a very long time. He's a civilian working here on the Tokyo."

"I can see that. His name is Ikuto, he is very fond of you. I believe you've discussed reproducing recently?"

Amu blushed. "Well yeah, but we haven't told anyone that!" she was shocked that Rea could get all this. Was this some form of touch telepathy, she wasn't sure, but the coldness in her belly suddenly came colder causing her to shiver.

"Your Cha tells me that you will soon have a child within your womb. You will give birth to the child on this vessel, as well as assisting in two other child births from other crew" Rea said before she retracted her finger.

She smiled at Amu. "You have a good life coming up. You have lots to do in your future, it shall be bright. You may feel like you have stalled right now, but its only going to get better..."

Amu stood there for a few seconds in bewilderment. She pulled down her undershirt and zipped up her tunic. "That was a strange experience, thankyou for sharing it with me. I hope what you said come true..."

Rea nodded. "Also, I sensed from your Cha that your readings said I was in good health. I would appreciate it if you kept this ability quiet, I only shared it since I could sense you were a good person." Rea asked.

"Of course" Amu smiled. "Well Lieutenant, welcome aboard the Tokyo. And like you said, yes you're in good health and fit for duty. Don't forget to check in with the Executive officer. Most of the crew will be heading to Risa tomorrow."

"Yes" Rea replied. "Although I am staying here to oversee repairs"

Amu nodded. "Thats understandable. You're free to go, if you need anything before tomorrow please feel free to ask me."

Rea nodded and with a smile left the office. Amu picked up the tricorder from the desk and began to look over the readings. "This will make for a fascinating study, although I do wonder how it works. Surely it must be something biological, but why the navel... I do love a good medical mystery..." she sat down behind her desk and started the download to the computer. At least this have her a new project to work on.

Posting by

Lieutenant Amu Hinamori
Acting Chief Medical Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Rea
Acting Chief Engineer
USS Tokyo


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