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Fancy bumping into you!

Posted on Tue Nov 15th, 2022 @ 7:56am by Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin & Lieutenant Talia Johnson

1,784 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Various

Talia was walking at pace along the corridor. Her head in a map of the ship, with people on Shoreleave she was aiming to learn her way around, starting with a map run. Turning the corner she hadn’t seen a rather large crewmember coming, moments later she was sitting on the deck, having unceremoniously crashed into him and fallen over.

Looking up from where she sat she offered an apologetic smile. “I’m so sorry Lieutenant, I wasn’t watching where I was going!”

Trennek turned around. He’d just gotten done explaining, in a polite, non-intimidating way, of course, a few things to the shipyard engineers about how he wanted his newly upgraded tactical systems to work. He looked down and peered at a person not wearing an engineer uniform but one of the medical profession. “Are you okay?” He offered his hand to help her up.

Talia nodded as she took the hand being offered and got her feet. “I’m fine, thank you. Entirely my fault.” She dusted herself off. “I’m Talia Jansen, new Chief Counsellor.”

“No need to worry,” Trennek assured her, “I’m also new, Trennek Zakrin, Security Chief. Nice to meet you.” His voice sounded like two rocks rubbing together with deep bass undertones.

“It’s nice to meet you Trennek” Talia smiled warmly. “I was familiarising myself with the ship’s layout, I start going around with a map to get me used to where I’m going. Just out of curiosity, are you the only one of your species in Starfleet?”

“There are others,” Trennek replied, and after a moment he added, “But not many at this time. Perhaps twenty to thirty at present. Have you been in Starfleet long?”

“Eight years if you count my Academy years” Talia grinned. “Four years as a fully fledged Starfleet Officer.”

Trennek nodded as much as his neck would allow, “I’m surprised we didn’t meet at the Academy. We graduated a year apart.”

“Really? I’m surprised I didn’t see you there.” Talia smiled warmly. “I’m not holding you up I hope? If I am I’ll catch you later on.”

“Not really,” Trennek admitted, “I’m just keeping an eye on the shipyard engineers while the rest of the crew is away. We can’t let them go around messing up the adjustments the regular ship's engineers have made.”

“Ahh I see” She grinned. “So you’re making sure they don’t leave us with any mess, or problems. I’ll be heading off on shoreleave myself later, so at least I know the ship is in good hands.”

“Enjoy your time off,” Trennek offered a polite nod, “I’ll see you when you all get back.”

Talia looked at Trennek curiously. “I take it you have no plans to take any shoreleave?”

"I uhh... no, I don't," he admitted, "I had some leave time last month and don't feel I've earned another yet." He gave what passed for a shrug for a Brikar. "But someone has to keep these dockyard engineers from messing with the fine tuning our own engineers have painstakingly made to the ship."

“Fair enough” Talia grinned. “I’m looking forward to having some downtime. It feels like it’s been forever.”

"Then you most likely need some," Trennek agreed, "Your body will tell you what you need, you just have to listen."

“Right now it’s saying food.” Talia grinned a wry grin. “Just need to find my way back to my Quarters, think I can remember that one.”

"There is also a lounge with working replicators one deck up, and forward from this location," Trennek offered point one of his large arms towards the turbo-lift.

“Mmm now you’re talking!” Talia smiled. “Care to join me? I’m sure the ship won’t fall apart in the next few minutes.”

A soft rumbling emanated from Trennek. It was a Brikar laugh. "It might, but we can stop it if it starts to happen. Yes, I would care to join you." He started towards the turbo-lift.

“Wonderful” Talia smiled warmly. “It’s nice to have company, rather than sit alone. Besides I want to know more about your species, you could say I’m curious.”

Trennek managed to stuff himself into the lift with some room to spare, "I get that a lot."

“I can imagine. I promise not to go on and on. I’ll learn more about you when I do your evaluation anyway.” She grinned a wry grin.

The lift doors opened to let them out, "Oh... you're a counselor?" he sounded surprised.

Talia nodded. “Didn’t I tell you that? Sorry I thought I did.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Chief Counsellor of all things, my first posting as Chief.”

Trennek looked dumbfounded for a moment. "Yes, you did. I think I may need my hearing checked." The lift reached it's destination and opened. "The lounge is just a bit down this way."

Smiling Talia stepped out, waiting for Trennek she walked with him to the lounge. “I think I’m going to like it here, I’m starting to feel at home already.”

They made their way to the lounge, “I hope I’m helping,” Trennek said as they walked, “It’s important to know the people you serve with and to trust them. That’s something I learned early on serving on the Prospero. Captain Jaxom was a good teacher as well as commanding officer. I hope to be more like him as my career progresses.”

“You are most certainly helping!” Talia nodded. “It’s nice to get to know those I’m going to be working alongside. It’s always nice to make new friends.”

They reached the lounge and entered the deserted room. "Indeed it is," Trennek agreed. He ordered some typical fare for his species and waited to Talia to make her choice. "Looks like we can sit anywhere we want," he idly commented.

“Wonderful” Talia ordered herself a lamb dinner, she loved meat of most varieties. “How’s about over there?” She motioned to a nearby seat that would have plenty of room for her well built companion.

"Perfect." Trennek took a chair although he wondered how long it would hold his bulk. He took his seat gingerly then set his plate down, which covered with what looked like triangular chips of various colors.

Taking her seat Talia looked at Trennek curiously. “I don’t want to roll off a million questions, so how's about you tell me more about your species. I’m curious to say the least!” She politely started eating.

It was story Trennek had told many times at Starfleet Academy and again on his first posting to the USS Prospero. Over the course of time he's managed to abbreviate it so the story didn't take so long to tell.

"My home is not far from the borders of the Klingon Empire. At one time we warred with them often but not so much since the 2340's. They simply could not conquer us so now they let us be. Also, at one time, my people were violent and warlike towards each other, and also, over time learned that cooperation and peace led to a more prosperity. Home is not a Federation member as yet, but a few of us have chosen to leave home and join Starfleet as I have. We are silicon based life and there are theories that state Brikar are form of evolved Horta but that hasn't been proven." He picked up one of the chips and when Trennek bit into it made a mighty crunching sound.

“Interesting” Talia nodded. “The Brikar sound like a fascinating people. Just what are those?” She motioned to the chips.

Trennek finished noisily chewing one, "Mineral chips. We don't eat food like you do... these," he held up a green one, ".. are made, or replicated if you will, to be nutrient rich to Brikarians. Organic matter does nothing for us," he shrugged. "Although, I've always been intrigued by the sheer variety of food stuffs you all eat."

“Oh there are plenty of food stuffs we consume, from a whole variety of cultures.” Talia grinned. “I’m a meat eater, I love all sorts of meat but I’m not so keen on vegetables.”

"An omnivore then," Trennek tried his hand at humor.

“More or less,” Talia smiled before eating some more of her food. She was quite enjoying getting to know Trennek outside of a meeting for a counselling session, or evaluation.

Trennek crunched away at another mineral chip hoping the noise didn't rattle Talia's teeth. He wanted to ask her something about herself but was unsure what subject may be taboo among Betazoids. He chose something vague to be on the safe side. "Tell me about yourself perhaps?"

Talia nodded. “Sure, erm well... I was born at Starfleet medical, due to a complicated pregnancy for my mother. My Betazoid abilities developed in early childhood, normally we develop them at puberty. As such I’ve spent my life learning to control my abilities. I’ve spent a few stints back at Starfleet medical due to stress, but I’ve learned better ways to master that.” She sat back in her seat getting more comfortable. “I have an older brother named Jason, and my cousin Sky is also a serving Chief Counsellor in Starfleet.”

Trennek nodded, “Ah, I too, have a brother. Bronnik, he’s made quite a name for himself as a scientist. His specialty is in terraforming. Currently he works for some corporation that works on planet’s ecosystems to make them habitable for colonists.”

“Wow that’s a very special career, making worlds habitable. You must be very proud of your brother.”

“Our whole family is,” Trennek confirmed.

“What about you? Being a Starfleet Officer is an important career too. I certainly hope your family appreciates what you’re doing.” Talia offered a warm smile.

"They are," he replied, "My parents tell me often. There is one political faction back home that is pursuing Federation membership. They don't have a lot of traction yet but perhaps in a few years it could happen."

“Fingers crossed it works out for your people, whatever happens you are already here.” Talia smiled as she picked up her glass and sipped her drink. “I’d best finish this food before it’s cold.” She grinned, put down her glass and tucked heartily into what was left of her meal.

"Indeed!" Food getting cold was not a problem for mineral chips. Trennek crunched away.


Lieutenant Talia Jansen
Chief Counsellor

Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin
Security Chief


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