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A Sign of What’s to Come

Posted on Mon Nov 21st, 2022 @ 10:42am by Commander Thomas Johnson & Lieutenant JG Nezuko

816 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Nezuko’s Quarters
Timeline: Before Risa Departure

With the crew leaving the next day, Thomas had made a mission of himself to get to at least introduce himself to the Chiefs that they did have before they left. As he was already in close proximity he made a visit to the chief operations officer. Given that she only communicated as he understood it, it would give him the chance to hone in those skills he had learnt in the academy.

Nezuko’s door chimed as she was unpacking her belongings and preparing for tomorrow’s trip to Risa. She hadn’t been expecting anyone, but was eager to meet any new face.

She approached the door and opened it manually. Outside her door was a man taller and more broad of shoulder than most among her kind. His red uniform and three solid rank pips told her who he was.

She stepped back and gestured for him to enter, and then quickly found her PADD. She typed in [Good evening, Commander. I’m Nezuko, the new Chief Operations Officer. My apologies for not looking for you yet. I had been hoping to do that tomorrow morning.] and showed it to him.

Thomas walked in and looked around. He looked at the padd. Then thought about the signing that she knew, which he had read in her file. It was a benefit of dating a linguist in the academy. Smiling. [Relax Lt] He signed, and spoke. Hoping letting her know he knew signed would put her at ease. [How was your trip to the Tokyo... Im Commander Thomas Johnson by the way]

Her eyes widened. He knew her language! Her lips became visible behind her respirator as it curved into a smile. She set the PADD down to free her hands so she could reply. [Thank you, Commander. My trip was very good, I got to learn a lot about Federation logistics. Sir, I did not realize anyone here understood Amphea Sign. I am overjoyed! But so you know, I hear well, so you need not sign back unless you wish to practice.]

[A friend told me it was impolite not to sign and speak, if the other communicates via sign whether they can hear or not. Also I do not use it very often, I do need the practice] he smiled as he leaned against the back of the chair. [A hobby i picked up, I actually know 12 different sign languages, and speak an additional 8... competition with my brother... who can learn more languages the fastest. Plus I dated a linguist.]

[I hope you’re winning!] signed Nezuko. [When we return from Risa, I’m going to install some things on the bridge to make communicating easier. A flashing light and alarm on my console to say I have something to report, for example. And I’ll program an easier text reader on the Captain and First Officer armrest consoles, as well as on the viewscreen. Enough that I can get key reports to the bridge without delay.] She had put much thought into this, and tried some of these ideas on her last assignment. [The alarm and light idea worked on my last assignment, the SUSQUEHANNA]. That last word she had to sign each letter using Federation Sign instead of her own language.

[He has made Commanding Officer of the USS Iroquois, so i would say he has won] Thomas replied, as he thought about it. [the alarm might put some people on edge, there are some devices I believe that can translate certain things inwords. Or perhaps saved phrases in a padd]

[The alarm was not too noisy,] she assured him. [Just a little light and chime to signal I have something to report. Most bridge officers, myself excepted, do not carry PADDs at their stations, but I can send text to their consoles, including at your chair. I just need to alert you to look at it.]

[Good idea Lt, I will be staying to assist with the upgrades to the systems, is there anything you may want us to do while you are away?]

Nezuko nodded. [I understand the computer core needs a firmware update. If that is handled, and the remaining check for faults, I will resolve the software incompatibilities that will arrive when I return. Thank you!]

[I will see to it they are installed. But I will make sure they are left alone afterwards. I have known department chiefs that like making their own modifications to systems themselves. I myself included.]

Nezuko gave him a thumbs up. [Thank you, sir, and thank you for visiting. I should probably finish packing for RISA.]

[I will see you when you get back Lt.] He replied as he gave a slight nod, before departing.

She returned his nod and turned back to unpacking and repacking.

A Posting by:

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer

Lieutenant jg Nezuko
Chief Operations Officer


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