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Counselling - Part 1

Posted on Fri Nov 25th, 2022 @ 4:57am by Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Commander Thomas Johnson

1,710 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Various
Timeline: Current

With medical finished, Thomas made his way next door, to the counsellors. A brief inquiry to the computer had indicated that she had arrived, however she was not in the offices, she was in the lounge.

He made a detour to the lounge and looked around. Having no idea what she looked like, he made his way to the bar. He might as well enjoy this part of the ship before doing the menial task of upgrading the ships systems.

Talia wasn’t normally one for frequenting the lounge so early after arrival, but she’d decided to be where she could meet, and observe her new crewmates. Having gotten herself a drink, and ordered a snack she’d found a table, and was going over personnel files on her PADD. Spotting a familiar face from the file she was looking at she looked towards Commander Johnson.

“Commander...” She stood up and waved him smiling warmly as she did so.

Looking around, spotting the one who called him. Judging by her appearance, and her uniform, he found who she was actually looking for. Or rather she found him. He ordered his drink, and made his way to the table.

"Lt Jansen I presume."

Talia nodded. “That’s me!” She smiled warmly. “Apologies for not having introduced myself sooner, I wasn’t sure who was going to be aboard ship and who wasn’t.”

"One of the only ones not going to Risa for pleasure... that’s me." He replied as he smiled.

Talia grinned. “I’m planning on heading down soon, just for a brief rest. Being new onboard I just wanted to catch up, and get settled in before everyone returns.”

"I need to book you for a session. When you come back..."

Talia nodded. “That’s fine if you want to wait, but at the same time I’m available now. We could take a walk, and talk?”

"Walk and talk seems just as good." Thomas replied with a smile. "I have yet to walk the ship."

“Then we can tour together” Talia smiled warmly as she picked up her glass and finished off her drink, making sure she had her PADD as well. “I’m ready whenever you are.”

Looking at his drink, it was too big to down straight so he looked at the tender, indicating he would bring the glass back.

"Lets go."

“Are you sure? We can wait until you’ve drunk your drink if you like?” Talia offered an apologetic smile.

"Walk talk, its good. Company is good. Especially when its with an attractive woman." He replied taking a drink. "Plus I am meeting someone here for drinks after."

Talia nodded, she couldn’t help but blush at the attractive woman comment. “Thank you for the compliment, and please call me Talia. I’m not one for standing on ceremony.”

"Ok, Talia, you can call me anything you want. Just don't call me late for dinner."

Talia grinned. “Ohh I’m sure I wouldn’t Thomas.” She gave him an appreciative look up and down as the walked. “So tell me what it is that’s bothering you.”

"What makes you think im bothered Lt." He replied, noticing the look. "Like what you see?"

Talia couldn’t help but blush. “You could say that Commander, and I did say to call me Talia. As for bothered, I figured as you wanted to walk and talk that there was something on your mind. It’s not the normal way of conducting a counselling session, or evaluation. Unless of course, you had something else in mind?” She gave him a wry smile.

"Alright Talia." He replied as he stopped and turned "what else do you think I had in mind."

Talia was a little shocked at the sudden confrontation, “I err...I’m sorry Commander, I was just...I was being a flirt, or at least trying to be. I’m sorry if I’ve offended you.”

"I am not offended Talia." Thomas assured her with a smile. "Flirting can get you places. I was genuinely curious. I apologize if I seemed confrontational."

“No need to apologise Sir, I’ll admit I very much like what I see before me.” She smiled warmly. “I’ve spent a long time alone, and I’ve come to the conclusion that when I see someone I like I need to make my interest known.”

Thomas raised an eyebrow. "You and me both Talia. I focused on my career all my life. Worked on one ship all my career, and thought i would make First Officer." He paused thought about a few seconds. "I will admit, I like what I see as well."

Talia smiled a wry smile. “So how’s about we continue that walk, and see where it leads us?”

"I am liking that idea." He smiled as he offered his arm

Taking Thomas’ arm Talia smiled warmly as they walked. “Weren’t we supposed to be conducting a counselling session for you? Though it doesn’t really seem appropriate with me hanging on your arm. I guess we could make it an unofficial counselling session, and who knows if this walk goes that well we can talk in the morning over breakfast!”

"Breakfast seems like a great idea." Thomas replied as he turned the corner. "There are different types of counselling."

“That’s very true” Talia nodded. “So how’s about we take a nice romantic walk in the arboretum, I take it this ship has an arboretum? Then we can see where we go from there.”

"If there isnt any on ship, I’m sure there is on the base."

Talia nodded. “That’s true, but how’s about we head to your quarters? you can tell me all about you over a glass of something sweet, and sparkling?”

"That we can do." He replied as he checked where they were. "oddly enough... its just down the hall."

“Then that’s just perfect” Talia could barely believe that she was doing this, never in her life had she been this bold. Perhaps that why she hadn’t had much luck with men before. “I’m not...coming across as some woman who goes around picking up men all the time am I?”

"Some men like it when women knows what they want, and willing to go after it." Thomas replied as they came to the door.

“Ohh? And are you one of those men Thomas?” She smiled a wry smile.

"It's admirable. When a woman takes charge."

“Is that so?” Talia smiled the biggest smile yet. “Then let’s see where this evening leads us.”

"Seems like someone's happy about that."

“Naturally” Talia nodded. “I like you.” She smiled as she waited for him to open the door.

Thomas grinned as he opened the door, and gestured for her to enter. Taking off his uniform jacket as he entered he placed it on the chair.

Walking inside Talia looked around. “Nice” She smiled as she turned to look at Thomas. “Could use a woman’s touch to make it more homely.” She sat down on the sofa making herself comfortable in an inviting pose.

"Well Ive never had the need to give it a womans touch. If you want you can add what you like. Make yourself at home."

Talia grinned. “I already have. So... why hasn’t a man like you already got a woman in his life?”

"I could say, the right woman hasn't come into my life yet." Thomas replied as he sat next to her. "Or that I have decided to focus on my career all my life."

Talia nodded as she moved a little closer. “So as you’re here with me, does that mean that you’re ready to focus more on yourself right now?”

"Considering what happened, I think its time that I focus on personal life as well as career." Thomas replied as he reached over, and taking her hand.

Talia smiled as she let Thomas hold her hand, she gently reached her other hand to his cheek brushing it lightly with her fingers. “Concentrating on you is important, I’m happy to give you all the attention you need.”

"I am liking that." Thomas replied as he brought her closer. "I obviously will be concentrating on something... someone else as well." He brought her on his lap with her facing him. "I do have to warn you though. I don't do anything slow."

Talia grinned. “Hmm I like that, because neither do I” she wrapped her arms around Thomas’ neck and leant in for a passionate kiss.

Kissing her back, he smiled.

“You know there’s one room you haven’t shown me” Talia smiled a wry smile as she looked towards the bedroom door, then back at Thomas.

Thomas raised an eyebrow, and smiled. "Time to change that shall we." He replied standing, but still holding onto her.

“I can’t wait” Talia grinned as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and her legs around his waist to help him hold onto her.

Smiling. "You don't have to anymore."

Talia couldn’t help but giggle as she was carried into Thomas’ bedroom, she wasn’t taking any notice of the decor of the room now it was all Thomas.

He laid her on the bed, and slowly climbed on top. "Now this is decor I want to see." He replied kissing her neck.

Talia smiled as her hands worked on his clothing. “There’s plenty for you to see, and enjoy. I’m not planning on going anywhere else tonight.”

"Good to know," He replied as ge started helping her with her own clothes.

It didn’t take long for Talia to help Thomas out of his clothing, her fingers gently running over his skin. “I wasn’t planning this when we initially met, but there was just something about you..” She gently pulled him down for a passionate kiss.

Returning the kiss, "This is one hell of a hello, nice to meet you I will admit." Thomas replied as he rolled over, bringing her ontop of him.

(Fades to black)

A Posting by:

Commander Thomas Johnson
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Talia Jansen
Chief Counsellor


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