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Counselling - Part 2

Posted on Tue Nov 29th, 2022 @ 11:50pm by Lieutenant Talia Johnson & Commander Thomas Johnson

891 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Johnson’s Quarters
Timeline: Prior to Risa shuttle departure

Talia lay entwined with Thomas, the smile on her face said just how much she had, and still was, enjoying her time with him. They’d spent what seemed like hours making love, taking the time to enjoy each other.

“If there’s ever a time you wish something would never end, this is most definitely it!” She smiled as her fingers trailed gently across his chest.

"Well, you can come over, anytime you want." he replied running a hand down her back.

Talia grinned. “Be careful or this might just become a regular thing!” She paused before lifting her head so she could look at him. “I’d like to get to know you a lot better Thomas, and not just as ship’s Counsellor. That’s if you’d like to?”

“Keep talking like that and I'll want you to move in."

Talia gave Thomas a surprised look. “Are you serious!? ... stupid question, of course your serious! You weren’t kidding when you said you don’t take things slow.”

"Of course it wouldn't make sense..."

Talia was more than a little astounded, yet funnily enough it felt right. “I don’t know if you believe in soul mates, but this feels right to me.” She leant closer for a romantic kiss. “If you want me to move in, I’ll do it.”

"Well I dont think either of us have unpacked yet... there may be questions, opinions, but the only opinions that matter are our own."

Talia nodded and cuddled up again laying her head on Thomas’ shoulder as she enjoyed the closeness they were sharing. “People are entitled to their opinions Tom, but I don’t care. I’m enjoying this, and what we don’t know about each other now we’ll soon learn from each other.”

"What better way to get to know each other... skip the whole getting to know each other the old fashioned way."

Talia grinned as she moved to straddle Thomas’ lap so she could look into his eyes. “You know I like this way of getting to know you. The whole skin to skin part is so much more satisfying.”

"I do agree." Thomas replied as he shifted slightly. As he placed his hands on her hips. Gently squeezing them. "Your shuttle to risa will probably soon be boarding."

“I know, but I’m having so much fun here” she ran her fingers over his chest. “There’s nothing stopping me going down to Risa on the following shuttle, I don’t mind waiting here for you to return while you finish what you have to do. I can arrange for my things to be moved here, I only have a handful of boxes as I travel light.”

Thomas smiled. "I ain't going anywhere, I’ll get your stuff... one more round, and I’ll walk you to the shuttle?"

Talia smiled and nodded. “Okay Commander” she offered a mock salute before leaning down for a very passionate kiss, one she let linger. “I’m all yours...”

He kissed her back, lifted her and set her back down onto him...

Thomas walked out of the shower. "Well so much for breakfast. If we don't leave now, you will miss your shuttle."

“We can make up for it when I get back” Talia grinned. “Want me to bring you anything back from Risa?”

"Possibly one of those small totems they have."

Talia nodded. “A totem it is! I like souvenirs.” She gently took hold of his hand. “I’m going to miss not being cuddled up to you tonight.”

"Shore leave will end soon, and you will be yearning for it... take this time to enjoy it." He smiled giving her a kiss. "Besides, there wasn't much cuddling last night and more action."

Talia nodded. “That’s very true! I rather enjoyed it myself. I’m looking forward to living together, I promise not to overrun your ... our quarters with my things. It's a shared space.”

"Don't you worry about overrunning these quarters."

“Well I would rather it be a homely space for both of us.” She headed out of the door to head for the shuttle. “You know where I’ll be if you want to join me.”

"Its tempting, however I have no leave left as I used all of it a month ago... I only put in for transfer from my old posting... a week ago... after I was overlooked for XO of my old ship, in favour of a flirtatious newcomer."

“Oh? I’m sorry. Their loss, and my gain” Talia offered an understanding smile. “I don’t have plans to spend too long on Risa, I’ll be hankering to get back to you. When I get back I want to know all there is to know about you.”

"You will... take as long as you can... it will be a while before we get to have another leave."

Talia nodded. “If I must, I’d much rather be here with you. Still you know what they say ... absence makes the heart grow fonder.”

"Trust me, when you get back.. you will want to see less of me."

“No way!” Talia grinned. “I’m not that kind of woman.”

"We will see." He smiled kissing her as they walked out the door.



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