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Meet and Greet (Part 1)

Posted on Fri Mar 10th, 2017 @ 5:19pm by Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Lieutenant K'Eltora

1,437 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Pilots Lounge

Silica was rather tired from her time flying in the battle with the Romulan ships. Yesterday had been a long day for the pilots and they had made a lot of air time throughout the entire mission. The pilots lounge was quiet, mainly because they had lost three of their main pilots in the battle. Luckily however Silica was fine, she escape with only a few bumps and bruises.

She walked across the lounge and sat down next to Fubuki.
"I heard we're getting a new Starfighter Commander" She said. Fubuki nodded in response.
"Yeah, I can't believe we lost Commander Thompson" Fubuki replied. She had been in formation next to Thompson when his fighter was hit by Romulan disruptor fire and destroyed.
"There wasn't anything you could do" Silica said. "He was a good man, even if we didn't know him that long". She bowed her head, their previous Commander had commanded them well. The fact that only three fighters and pilots were lost was a tribute to him out of a full wing of forty.

"Have you seen K'Eltora?" Silica asked curiously. Her fighter had been one of those that had gotten hit and she had been grounded on the last flight. Silica had heard she had manned the tactical console on the bridge during the last battle.
"No, but I heard that her partner got severly injured. She might be with her in sickbay" Fubuki said. "Unless the doctor has closed visiting hours already".[

Trigman was in his uniform; Lily had made sure it was pressed and ready as well as the unique 'jacket' that was a flight jacket in the colors of the standard uniform rather than the regular jacket worn over the tunic. On the sleeve was the patch of the Tokyo Air Group. He had been preparing this speech if needed but hoped to be more casual as he did not like Publc Speaking.

Walking into the Pilot's Lounge he had taken a breath and then strode through the doors with measured strides and an expression of a friendly sort.

"SO this is where all teh hot Pilots congregate?" He said with a smile. "Hope I am worthy enough to be around?" He mused as he head for the bar.

K'Eltora walked in after a couple minutes. She was in her Klingon uniform without some of the extra spikes. She looked around and found a place to sit. She looked unhappy.

Silica looked up at the guy. "Well that depends" Silica responded as she pulled herself out of the chair. "Are you our new Starfighter Commander?" she asked.

"Guilty as charged." Trigman said with a smile. "Lt. Commander Nicolas Trigman, Starfighter Commander at your service." He offered a handshake.

K'Eltora stared at Trigman then moved to get herself something to drink.

Silica took the mans hand and nodded over towards K'Eltora. "Her partner was injured in the last battle" she explained. "You should try talking to her maybe? She doesn't seem interested in us young pilots" Silica told him. She knew that K'Eltora was having a bad time.

"Guess my first real duty." He looked at teh woman talking to him. "Want to give me the low-down so i might have a good foot forward in the impression I make?"

"Well as you can see she's a Klingon" Silica said. "Good pilot, but more of a security officer at heart from what I can tell" Silica explained. "You'd have to talk to her about it of course, I'm just a simple fighter pilot"

K'Eltora growled. "Tactical not security."

"That is a very useful difference." Trigman said aloud. "How much did my predessor utilize that vantage point when laying out the Flight OPerations?" He asked. "HAving a pilot with tactical training to have some added input is a welcome change t me being the sole and only one to decide to charge the enemy in what fashion while planning a flight?" HE grinned. "How good are you at tactics by the way?"

K'Eltora looked at him confused. "I was Chief Tactical Officer aboard my ship, sir. The last posting T'Shenn and I were on I took up tactical while she did Security."

"I could use a good tactical Officer, my last command te Tactical Officer thought himself too good to help do planning of patrols for the 'Fly boys' and concentrated on the ship's movements. I really need the vantage of a skilled tactician so that my birdws and the ship move as one." He grinned. "I think you can surmise some good planning for that kind of a tactical relationship?"

K'Eltora looked at him surprised. She was about ready to request a transfer to Tactical only, but this had piqued her interest. She looked at him and said, "Sir, my primary position is the Tactical station. If that can continue to be the case, I can be very helpful in your tactical planning. If you understand my meaning correctly."

"Depends on how much you want to fly?" Trigman asked. "If you want your primary position to be thew tactical station I would not hinder that, but if you want to man it in accordance with planning our flight OPS and then fly them I would welcome the vantage point. I need a tacdtical Pilot not a Tactical Officer who also flies."

K'Eltora looked at him. "Are you sure you are not just trying to flatter me?"

"I think he's being nice" Silica said as she jumped up out of the chair and grabbed his arm. "Plus, we're all pilots in here are we not? Just you have tactical training and fighter pilot training" Silica said with a grin. "That makes you a superior officer in the field, so I should call you K'Eltora Senpai!"

K'Eltora shook her head. "Don't. I'm a Tactical Officer with some pilot training."

Silica let out a smile as she let go of Trigman. "But you are also higher ranked, so Senpai is right. For me anyways" she said. "I'm fresh out of the academy, you can teach me things I need to know right?" she asked hoping that K'Eltora would help her become a better officer.

Trigman looked at the pilots. "So how much combat have you seen, how many Sortie Flights into combat have you flown?" He smiled. "I like to hear what you have done?" He looked around the room. "I have one definition that I pass along and if you listen to it you will be far better off." He waited a second or two for all ears. "The definition of Wisdom;, 'to take other people's experiences and knowledge and utilize it for your own benefit." He ended. "We all have some wisdom to impart we just have o be willing to share it to help all of us. So I might even be known to pass along 'war stories' to help make it more interesting." He chuckled. "My wief tends to be a little less enthusiastic as she was around for many of them from another vantage point."

K'Eltora just nods to Silica. She looked at Trigman than said, "Well, let's see... hmmm... one."

Silica smiled. "Two battles" she said rubbing the back of her head whilst blushing. "I'm kind of a newbie".

That answer leads me to the next question?" Trigman stated calmly. "How many Flight Simulators do we have?" Trigman smiled ear to ear.

"None" Fubuki said. "However we have a private holodeck for training purposes just across from the equipment room" she explained.

"I suppose that means that we should be getting a few more holodecks for those other people that could be in a training to bring the reflexes up to a better understanding of combat." Trigman smiled. "A few flights in those conditions your reflexes will hone well and quickly become second nature."

"We can fly you know..." Silica said with a more innocent look. "We're trained. But do you want to make us better?"

"I still hit the simulators on a regular basis." Trigman assured. "It is a way to hone your skills under the worst possible conditions like going to a gymn to work your muscles, training can make your body so adept at something it truly becomes second nature." HE smiled. "I am just trying to just continue the training until we prove we are the best fighter pilots in the fleet." HE said almost casually. "All your trainings are impressive, just a little getting unsed to one another as a team is an on going task."

K'Eltora nodded. "I am... unsure if this is the right place for me, Commander."

To be continued....


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