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Meet and Greet (Part 2)

Posted on Fri Mar 10th, 2017 @ 5:20pm by Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Lieutenant K'Eltora
Edited on on Fri Mar 10th, 2017 @ 5:20pm

1,007 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Caught in the Cracks
Location: Pilots Lounge


"Let us try flying together before anyone decides to go from one department to another." Trigman suggested. "I have only just arrived and already people question if they are in the right place?" He chuckled. "I am not here to take names and stir things up but to just make the working more cohesive. Improve upon what is here and make it to where we are feared by those who might oppose us. Fighters are important in protecting the ship and those aboard it. I admit I will need all the help I can get for that purpose."

"Yeah lets do that!" Silica said throwing a punch in the air and smiling.

K'Eltora looked at him. "Commander... I can only say I will try. I am a tactical officer who knows how to fly."

"I grew up on a farm and I know how to fly as well." Trigman joked. "You can fly and if you want to defend those we protect then that is all we can ask of a pilot." Trigman shrugged. "I also know how to dance fairly well and enjoy my wife's company, what is important is 'Do you want to fly?" He asked seriously. "Tactical knowledge will just improve your reading of combat, so do not separate them as two diffrent things. Everyone has tactical training in combat, you just have expanded skills to offer the flight."

She nodded. "It is hard for me to say, Commander. I am a Klingon. Battle is in my blood. The last time I went out in one of the ships, the first time you could say, I did not feel at home. Up on the bridge, manning the weapons console I did. Perhaps I need time, I do not know."

"To thine own self be true." Trigman winked to the person. "That is the honorable thing to do?"

She said, "Be true to yourself, die in battle for ship and captain, yes. But... I have been questioning many things lately. Not my honor, but how I live my life. Klingon Children 'grow up' very quickly. I have a Bajoran daughter and I find myself wanting to be there for her. When it was T'Shenn and myself, I knew we would die together in battle."

"If one goes into battle thinking one is ready to die or is trying to question what will happen when one dies?" Trigman said after taking a drink. "Well, I prefer to think I am going to live and one day I might be proven wrong. Until such time I enjoy my wife and do not plan to die but here are preparations made should I die. I do not want to taint my living my life dreading that I will die, it is more fun to live and then ... se what happens?"

K'Elotra shrugged. "That is where we differ. You dread dying. In many ways, I look forward to it."

"This an "agree to disagree' thing where our views slightly differ. I think that if you want to fly ; then you fly, but if you want tactical se if they will take you?" He shrugged. "I need all my pilots to be in the game, if you worry about those on teh ship you could get wound too tightand then be in danger. I can get pilots who want to defend the ship so if you wish to be elsewhere you have the autonmy to do so; if you want stay same thing, just make sure you do what 'You' need do to survive." Trigman said. "Having a pilot at the guns might help as gunners tend to forget we are out there, might be good to know someone who has been in the fighter seat is watching our backs."

Silica sat there watching the conversation going back and forth. "I'm not sure how good of a pilot I am... People say I'm good at it" she smiled.

Trigman gave the Female pilot a nod. "I have heard good things about your flying, I am glad to have you in the Fighter Wing." He nod. "If you ever need additiona practice or just to run some ideas past me don't hesitate." He grinned. "You don't have to hold it against me that I am the Wing Commander; pilot first, Officer second so we can talk flying anytime."

"I best get off" Fubuki said. "I'll be heading out in about twenty minutes on my flight watch" she explained. "I'll see you around Commander" she then turned to Silica. "Meet you for lunch between flight runs?" she asked.

"Sure. If not I'll see you back in our bunk. Neither of us are on night shift tonight" Silica replied with a smile.

Fubuki gave Silica a smile. "Cool" she replied as she turned on a heel and left the lounge to prepare for her flight patrol in her starfighter.

"I best get going too Commander" Silica said as she turned to Trigman. "I have several reports I've yet to file" she explained with a slightly nervous tone of voice. "Although, I'm not that good at paperwork"

"You should see the work pile for a CAG." Trigman chuckled. "It helps to have a wife who is a yeoman and speaks 7 languages." He nod to her. "Though I have often wondered why eletronic documents are still called 'paperwork?" He joked.

Silica smiled in response. "Why do they always want us out in the 'air' when we're actually flying in space?" she counter attacked.

"Because that one was in all the movies and holos that sound cool." Trigman replied.

Silica laughed. "Well you've got me on that one" she said in response. "I'll see you around Commander.... maybe we can take the birds out sometime..." she added.

"Any time would be a pleasure Ensign Tetsuhiko." Trigman said with a grin. "I look forward to it."

Silica simply smiled before heading out.

Posting by

Lieutenant Commander Nicolas Trigman
Squadron Commander

Ensign Silica Tetsuhiko
Fighter Pilot

Ensign Fubuki Kuchikukan
Fighter Pilot

Lieutenant K'Eltora
Tactical Officer / Ex-Fighter Pilot


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