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No More Running

Posted on Mon Oct 24th, 2022 @ 1:12am by Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket' & Ensign Mikko Ishigami

830 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf

Mika walked into the Tokyo's main mess hall during the dinner rush. She knew this would be one of her last nights aboard before her shore leave and her trip to Risa. Mika had an especially good reason to be celebrating going to Risa, and that reason was proudly displayed on her uniform in the form of an extra half pip. Mika was hoping to spend her shore leave with someone who meant a lot to her, however Mika was unsure if the significance went both ways, as it seemed to Mika like this officer was constantly avoiding her.

After scanning the room, Mika found who she was looking for; a pair of red pigtails she could easily spot in a crowded room, and she made her way over to the table she had spotted them at.

"Mikko!" Mika called out as she approached, noticing to her dismay that the other woman was almost done eating. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything." She said as she slid into the vacant seat across the table from Mikko.

Mikko looked up. "Not really" she replied with a small smile. "I haven't really had the chance to catch up with you, with all thats been going on."

Mika seemed surprised by Mikko's remark, but that surprise quickly turned into a smile.

"It does seem like the winds have been blowing lately in a manner to keep us apart." She surmised. "But, now that the gales have died down, I was hoping to change that."

"What you got in mind Mika?" Mikko asked with a smile. True things had been hectic and a lot had happened since Mika had come aboard ship.

"Well, seeing as I'm moving up in the galaxy," Mika said, indicating her extra half pip. "I figured it's only appropriate that we celebrate. I hear that Club 47 on Risa is a pretty hot place, so I booked a reservation for two, if you're interested in coming along?"

Mikko smirked. "That almost sounds like you're asking me out on a date you know that?"

"I can see your sense of humor hasn't changed much." Mika commented. "If you don't want to go, I can always cancel the reservation I made with you in mind, but once I do, it'll be very hard to get it back: Hell, I was only able to get the reservations because there were some cancellations."

"I didn't say we can't go." Mikko replied with a smirk.

"Now, that's the spirit." Mika smiled. "I mean, I wouldn't have actually cancelled the extra reservation, I probably would have offered it to Riverside first, and cancelled only if she didn't want to go. It'll be fun, just like old times."

"Should be" Mikko smiled. "Plus, we will have nearly three weeks of shorelave to kill. Plus it'll be nice to get off ship for a while," she added.

"Indeed." Mika said. "It'll be like our 20th birthday parties, but it'll go on for three whole weeks." Mika began to laugh. "Remember what we did for your 20th birthday, and you got absolutely plastered? I still don't think I've seen anyone that many sheets to the wind since."

Mikko smiled nervously. "I can't say I remember to be honest. Although I do know that you were responsible for that, feeding me that Tequila" she replied.

"Hey, it's not a 20th birthday if you don't wake up the next day face down in a puddle of your own vomit with no memory of how you got there." Mika smirked, remembering how her own 20th birthday party went. "Besides, I hear that getting plastered to celebrate a promotion is something of a tradition down in pilot country."

"Well I'm not twenty anymore" Mikko replied. "But, I heard that most of the crew is heading to Risa. So it does make sense to go too right?"

"Indeed it does," Mika smiled. "I'm sure there's a lot more to do on Risa than just barhopping, and it'll be nice to not have "Nose-omi" prying at my secrets for a change."

"Unless she goes too" Mikko pointed out with a wry smile. "She might follow us you know..."

"Well, I'd like to see her try and get past the bouncer at Club 47 without a reservation." Mika replied with a smirk.

Suddenly, Mika's stomach rumbled, reminding her that she had sought out Mikko without grabbing herself anything to eat.

"My goodness, seems I need to go get myself something to eat." She remarked. "Promise me you won't dash off while my back is turned?"

Mikko simply smirked. "Why would I dash off if I didn't have anywhere to go?" She asked. "Go get something to eat, thats what most people do in the mess..."

Mika got up and headed in the direction of the replicators, strumming her Kantele. Perhaps she had been wrong about Mikko avoiding her after all...

Posting by

Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto
Squadron Leader

Ensign Mikko Ishigami
Flight Control Officer


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