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The One Where He Meets The Captain

Posted on Tue Oct 25th, 2022 @ 8:10am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin
Edited on on Tue Oct 25th, 2022 @ 8:21am

1,070 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Sand Sea Fun and Surf
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Current

Trennek made his way to the captain's ready room. He'd managed to get his few belongings into a cabin, next on the list was to meet his new commanding officer.

He walked across the bridge surprisingly quietly for someone of his size and touched the door chime carefully...

Taiga had been taking a nap on the ready room sofa bed. Since returning to the shipyards, she had been exhausted from all the work she had been doing. Upon hearing the chime, she sat up rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah?... come in..." she said with a yawn.

Trennek lumbered in carefully in case there were breakables about. He was always aware of his size on a starship. Once fully inside the room he stood his full height, "Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin, reporting for duty, Sir."

The first thing Taiga noticed was the sheer size of the officer in front of her. He dwarfed her in size and build. "Lieutenant Zarkin... Zarkin... Oh yeah, new chief of Security right?"

Trennek blinked at the mispronunciation of his name. "Zakrin," he said plainly in his gravelly voice, "and yes sir, I'm to be your new security chief." He was used to working with people much smaller in stature and also made it a point to not talk down to anyone regardless of rank or position.

"Sorry" Taiga said. "There's a lot of new people coming aboard," she rose from the crouch stretching. "Would you like a drink? I'm going to need coffee..." she asked as she approached the replicator.

Coffee, and the caffeine therin, had no effect on Trennek's physiology but he had gotten used to it and often partook with his shipmates to be polite and fit in. "Sure. That would be great," he replied.

The Captain replicated two cups, passed one to Trennek and sat back down on the couch. "Feel free to sit down." She offered. "Is this your first posting as Chief of Security?"

Trennek held the miniscule (to him) mug gently between two of his fingers and thumb while he answered, "It is. I was a shift leader on Prospero before being transferred here. I started on Prospero right after graduating from the academy. I served on her five years." He didn't like to talk about himself as he wasn't one to toot his own horn but, this was his new commanding officer. She deserved to know something about him.

"I see," Taiga replied. "Well, I'm not going to sit and quiz you over yourself. However, I trust that you're familiar and comfortable with this ships primary purpose?"

"I am sir," he had not sat down yet. He didn't want to risk breaking her couch. "My former Captain, Jaxom, told me all about it. He had served on a similar vessel in operations earlier in his career."

"Good. I understand that you requested to stay aboard to oversee the repairs to our tactical systems" she replied. "I would also use the rest of the day to have your medical records and physical updated. Doctor Hinamori is filling in as we currently have no Chief Medical Officer aboard."

Taiga took a sip of her coffee pausing for a few seconds. "I warn you, we may find ourselves in some volatile situations, I gather your phaser and self-defense certifications are all up to date?"

"Of course, Captain," Trennek almost sounded offended. "I also have training in operations and engineering that is also up to date." It was known as the 'trifecta' at Starfleet Academy. An earned degree to perform any job wearing the dark mustard colored uniform.

"Ah, the good old trifecta I see" Taiga replied with a small smile. "I will admit, you're the first officer I've had on board who has one. So being multi-skilled will become an advantage for you, and the crew" she paused for a moment.

"I should make you aware, we do have marines on board this ship. However, in the case of a hostile boarding or security matters they will report to you through their CO. Otherwise, you will handle all of the ships security and tactical needs. They are trained more for ground combat on planets and such, I would suggest you meet with Captain Shimada to talk over the details with her," Taiga told him simply before taking another sip of her coffee.

"I'm familiar with Marines' duties and capabilities with their shipboard operations," Trennek replied with a nod. "And I'll make sure to speak to Captain Shimada." He took a small sip of his coffee. He was glad he'd done his homework before coming aboard.

"Good" Taiga responded. "Make sure to check in with both officer's I've mentioned before tomorrow. Both Doctor Hinamori and Captain Shimada will be leaving for Risa in the afternoon. Also, whilst you are here for the next three weeks; I want you to familiarise yourself with all of Tokyo's tactical, security and defense systems. We will have over a thousand people aboard, including civilians, so you'll need to know every inch of this ship."

"I understand there are to be upgrades to several systems while the ship is in drydock here and the crew is on vacation. I was hoping to get involved so I can be familiar with the ship from the ground up, as they say. I'll find Doctor Hinamori and Captain Shimada as soon as I can." There seemed to be a lot on his plate sooner than expected but Trennek knew he could handle it.

Taiga nodded. "Good to know. Is there anything you wish to know while you have my attention?"

If Trennek's facial features allowed, here's where he'd purse his lips in thought. He couldn't so instead he took another sip of his coffee while pondering the captain's question. "Not at the moment, sir. If something comes up, I'll be sure to let you know."

"Understood Lieutenant." She stood up once again from the couch and stretched again before placing her empty coffee cup back into the replicator. "Well in thet case, I'll be leaving tomorrow afternoon with the majority of the crew on shoreleave. You'll be reporting to Commander Johnson until I return. If there's nothing else you need, then I'll let you go and do what you need to do."

Trennek nodded, "I'll see Commander Johnson next then. Have a good vacation Captain."

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Trennek Zakrin
Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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