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Cargo Bay Resistance (Part 2)

Posted on Thu Mar 3rd, 2022 @ 1:43am by Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini'
Edited on on Thu Mar 3rd, 2022 @ 1:46am

1,652 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Cargo Bay 6 - Deck 15

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"You left them in a room that could potentially full of weapons?" The Reman questioned before backhanding the Romulan officer. His attention seemed to focus on the other that was here. "Do you have any explanation as to why either of you would do something this idiotic?"

"We... we..." One of the other Romulans shoved the him with his plasma rifle, prompting the Romulan to finish his sentence. "We thought it was secured... S-s-s-sir."

The Reman shook his head, letting out a frustrated groan, before nodding to the Romulan Officer behind him. The Romulan than removed the scared Romulan Officers weapons and forced him onto his knees by the other who was knocked down prior.

And now the continuation...

The Reman soon turned to face the Cargo Bay, weapon still holstered at his hip, before shouting allowed. "Starfleet Officers!" He paused for a moment before continuing. "I know you are here, so there is no need to pretend you are not. My name is Ravek of the Tal Shiar. If you come out now there will be no trouble, but if you persist I will harm you." He seemed to paused slightly before adding. "Not you personally, but something more... perminant. I will proceed to order a group, I care not which, to begin firing upon a group of civilians. All because you decided to remain in the shadows because you feel you have the upper hand. Do yourselves a favor... don't have their lives on your conscience. Come out now while they still live."

Amu looked up at the Reman. "We're not exactly hiding" she told him. "You threw us all in here! I'm Doctor Hinamori, by the looks of it, the highest ranked officer on deck. What exactly do you want with us?"

"Are you sure?" Ravek seemed to question as he stepped quickly towards the Doctor, stopping inches from her. He looked into her eyes, a slight growl in his throat, as his hands slowly feel rest on the handle of his plasma pistol. "Because, to my understanding, the count in this cargo bay is... short."

A few officers began to step out slowly, holding their hands up. They had begun to search the cargo bay for whatever could be useful, hiding whenever they heard the cargo bay doors open. Once they heard the doors open, accompanied by commotion, they remained hidden.

Ravek looked up, observing the officers come into view, before looking back down to the Doctor. "Perhaps, as the highest ranked officer on the deck, you should take better care of your people."

"We're only doing our duty" Amu replied simply. "I'm a doctor, I'm not interested in your little war. All I want is to end the suffering and pointless bloodshed. But in the end, we're all reacting to orders and the oath we took." She told him. "Did you think we were going to not resist, would you in our situation?'

"All bloodshed or... just your own?" Ravek replied with an odd look before looking up at the rest of the group. "I... am your keeper. I know everyone who has been detained whereabouts." He held out his hand as a Romulan officer walked over and handed him a Romulan PADD. "So make no attempt to hide your numbers from me. I will know and someone will suffer in your place." He walked away from Amu, his eyes slightly focused on the two Romulan Officers on the ground, before turning back around. "You can save yourselves the trouble, and a lot of lives, if you tell me what I want to know." He looked to his PADD briefly before handing it back to the Romulan Officer who gave it to him. "Where is the SWORD Team, their vessel, and their leaders. The Knights?"

"I don't know" Amu responded simply. "They could be anywhere on this ship. Your soldiers can tell you that I was in the Flight Deck Sickbay when they captured me. I don't keep tracks on every crewman" she told him. Even if she did know, she wouldn't have told him that, not that she would say that outloud.

"Likewise, your soldiers can tell you that they captured me and my men on Deck 3." Chiyo added. "It's my job to keep tabs on my men, not this SWORD Team and these Knights you speak of."

Ravek seemed to smile at the responses as he looked around at the other officers gathered. "At least I tried." He looked over to the Romulan Officers before nodding.

The group scattered throughout the cargo bay, going through the crates, locating anything that could be used against them. Food. Weapons. Supplies. It didn't matter. If it was useful, it was marked, and soon transported out.

"You said before, Doctor, you wanted to stop the pointless bloodshed." Ravek's hand moved back toward his Plasma Pistol again. "Are you a Doctor that believes in all life should be saved?"

"I'm a Starfleet Doctor. All life is precious" Amu responded.

"Good." Ravek replied. "Good." He repeated, this time in a softer and almost whisper-like tone. He walked over to one of the Romulan Officers that remained, removing their plasma pistol from their holster. He adjusted the settings before tucking it under his arm and removing his own, repeating the process. "Chiyo Shimada... step forward."

"Are you challenging me to a dual in exchange for our freedom?" Chiyo asked, stepping forward. "I must admit, that sounds very Klingon for a Reman..."

Ravek laughed slightly. "You think very highly of yourself. That's good... for what comes next." He looked to Amu, briefly, before looking back to Chiyo. "I am told, by our records, you have a daughter. At the moment, her location, is known only to me. As well as her status." He looked over to Amu again, a slight smile forming, before looking back to Chiyo. "What would you do for her?"

Chiyo's eye narrowed: They wouldn't dare...

"If you even think of harming her, I will kill you where you stand..." She warned, her tone low and threatening.

"That all depends... on your Doctor." Ravek replied, taking a plasma pistol in hand before aiming one at Chiyo and the other at the Romulan on the ground. "Time is a factor, Doctor. Treating first one will cause the second to suffer greatly, and may lead to long term damage." He looked to Amu and smiled. "Choose wisely. You're decision will affect future events." He fired at both at the same time. Hitting the Romulan and Chiyo sending them both to the ground in pain. "Decide!"

"Aaargh!" Chiyo shouted as she gripped her stomach, where she had been hit. "You'll pay for that, you piece of shit!" She shouted at Ravek.

"You're making me decide!" She said glancing over to Yoshika. She would try to save both if she could. She knelt down next to Chiyo and quickly checked her pulse. She quickly ripped he Captains uniform to access the wound and began to apply pressure to stop any bleeding. "This will hurt!" She warned.

As Amu applied the pressure, Chiyo screamed in pain as she felt her insides burning from the hit from the plasma pistol.

With her other arm she ripped her own uniform to form a bandage before looking at the other Romulan who was still on the floor in pain. She looked up at Ravek. "Let me save both of them. There are other medical staff who can help!" She pleaded. As much as she hated to say so, one less Romulan on the ship wasn't a bad thing, but she had no idea what his life was like. She knew that Chiyo had a daughter who was reliant on her, she knew she could save both of them with help. "Please. Allow Miyafuji to help your man! There's no need for this!"

"This test is for you, Doctor." Ravek replied calmly, whispering slightly, as he leaned down towards her. "Yours and yours alone. You can't treat them both, they are too far apart, and one deserves your complete focus to survive. The other may not. Both have a family. Both have children. And Both are here because they have a duty to perform. You decide who will survive. Prove to me that all your talk about all life is precious isn't just something you feed people to rationalize who to prioritize."

"Don't listen to that sadistic piece of shit!" Chiyo begged. "I'm all Alice has in this galaxy; there's a chance Rommie boy over there has someone back home who can take care of his kids..."

"Not if I've got anything to say about it!"

Before anyone had the chance to speak up, Nozomi was already kneeling in front of the Romulan, potentially risking her own life to save his.

"Are you deaf, Federation scum?!" One of the guards shouted, pointing his disruptor at Nozomi's head. "Keep your nose out of matters that don't concern you!"

"But that's where you're wrong, Pointy-Ears," Nozomi challenged. "When we put on this uniform, we take an oath- each and every one of us- that we will do everything in our god-given power to protect those who can't protect themselves. It's not simply a matter of choosing to save one over the other; that's not an option- never an option. And if you cowards have any objections to that, then pull the trigger and finish the job! I will die a far more honorable death than any of you ever hope to have!"

Ravek shook his head. "Kill her."

To be continued...


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