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Cargo Bay Resistance (Part 1)

Posted on Thu Mar 3rd, 2022 @ 1:42am by Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Petty Officer 1st Class Yoshika Miyafuji & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Major Chiyo Shimada & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini'
Edited on on Thu Mar 3rd, 2022 @ 1:46am

1,147 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Cargo Bay 6 - Deck 15

(Cargo Bay 6 - Deck 15)

Cargo Bay 6 on deck 15 was one of the largest Cargo bays on he Tokyo. Therefore the Tal Shiar had been gathering the crew they had captured. It was easier to guard them in one location whilst their search of the ship was being conducted.

The Bay had mostly being cleared, with the Cargo pods and crates stacked by the walks, covering hatches where guards stood with disruptor rifles. Many crew had already been taken there, some with minor wounds and injuries from the fighting.

Doctor Hinamori was escorted in with the rest of her medical staff from the Flight Deck Sickbay. She took one look around and rushed to a nearby crewman with a head injury. "I need some sort of bandage" she said turning to a nearby guard. The guard simply shook his head. "No equipment, those are what we've been ordered"

"But he's bleeding! He needs medical attention!" Amu argued back. She couldn't just let him sit there with a bad head wound.

"Not my problem Starfleet!" The guard said simply as his grip tightened on his rifle. Amu stared at him for a few seconds, she wasn't going to win this fight.

"Fine" she said. She tugged on the seam at the top of her tunics sleeve and pulled off the teal fabric. "Don't worry, I'll try and keep you all patched up" she told the crewman as she wrapped the torn fabric around his head, tying it securely.

"Yoshika. Do a head count, let's see how many are here, how many need our attention and how many can help" she told her simply.

Yoshika nodded as she trotted off into the crowd.

"I'm going to have quite the story to tell my old man if I ever make it back home," Nozomi joked, attempting to lighten the otherwise dreary mood that was hanging in the air. "First deployment, and I'm already a political prisoner."

The next bunch of prisoners to be brought in were Chiyo and the marines which had been captured on deck 3, with Chiyo being physically restrained by two Tal Shiar officers as they brought her in.

"Unhand me, you fiends!" Chiyo shouted before the two Tal Shiar officers restraining her thrust her to the deck. "You Tal Shiar bastards think this is over? You might have won the battle, but the war drags on."

"Quiet, Starfleet:" One of the Romulans responded, turning his rifle around and thrusting the butt towards Chiyo as a threat to hit her with it if she didn't quiet down.

"You wouldn't dare hit a woman..." Chiyo leered.

"Gender does not play a role in our actions; only the uniform you wear." The Romulan responded.

"Easy..." The other Romulan responded, motioning for his colleague to lower the disruptor rifle "We don't have time to waste on a single prisoner; not when there are more important things to do; like figuring out where the music in the walls is coming from..."

The first Romulan reluctantly withdrew the rifle, returning it to a normal holding position.

"Fine..." He grumbled.

The two Romulans turned and left the bay, nodding to the guards at the doors as they passed.

"You alright there, Captain?" Nozomi asked as she moved over to tend to the Marine CO. "It looks like they roughed you up real bad."

"I'm fine;" Chiyo responded, declining Nozomi's assistance and getting to her feet. "I just hope the pointy eared bastards don't hurt Alice. Because if they do, I'll really make those fuckers pay..."

"My God," Nozomi muttered under her breath. "In all this commotion, I completely forgot about Alice..."

Amu overheard Nozomi and Chiyo. "I think they're holding the children elsewhere. They're not here, they're only bringing the adults here" she explained as she ripped her uniform to use its fabric to form another bandage. "I'm going to run out of uniform at this rate..." she muttered.

"I've got plenty of fabric to spare over here," Nozomi offered as she started unbuttoning her tunic.

"Same here;" Chiyo said, offering her uniform, but not rushing to undo her tunic like Nozomi. "Might not be the most sanitary, but it's better than nothing."

Amu nodded. "Well, we don't have any medical equipment down here. So we'll have to use old fashioned first aid"

Nozomi scratched her chin and pondered their predicament. "Hmm... you don't suppose they have a first-aid kit lying around here somewhere?" she suggested. "I mean, granted, it's not a perfect solution, but it ought to stabilize some of the wounded until we can gain access to sickbay."

"Have a look. There must be something amongst the cargo crates" Amu said simply. She lowered her voice so that the guards couldn't hear her. "Also, we need to think of if there any ways we can sabotage systems from here if we're going to have any chance of taking back the ship"

"Got it," Nozomi nodded, before turning to face Chiyo. "Captain, what's say we locate a breaker panel and start pulling wires?"

"I like your thinking, but if we just start pulling random wires, we might unwittingly pull the plug on the life support systems in here and suffocate us all." Chiyo responded, taking a look around. "Though, if this is cargo bay 6, if memory serves me, I had several crates of marine supplies sent down here for storage, including flash bangs and smoke grenades. It looks like all the Rommies have done is move crates around. If we can find those crates, we might be able to begin a counter-offensive."

"Ooh! I like your thinking!" Nozomi grinned.

The Cargo Bay doors opened the two Romulans from before returned, this time with a group storming in behind this. The last to enter was a Reman, dressed in a Tal Shiar uniform, a bit of an intimidating site. He looked to one of the Romulans who was here before and grabbed him, pulling him close. "Where... are they?!!" He grunted.

"They should be here, Sir. It's where we left them." He replied in a shaking tone.

"You left them in a room that could potentially full of weapons?" The Reman questioned before backhanding the Romulan officer. His attention seemed to focus on the other that was here. "Do you have any explanation as to why either of you would do something this idiotic?"

"We... we..." One of the other Romulans shoved the him with his plasma rifle, prompting the Romulan to finish his sentence. "We thought it was secured... S-s-s-sir."

The Reman shook his head, letting out a frustrated groan, before nodding to the Romulan Officer behind him. The Romulan than removed the scared Romulan Officers weapons and forced him onto his knees by the other who was knocked down prior.

To be continued...


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