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Even better news [18+]

Posted on Thu Mar 2nd, 2017 @ 8:14am by Lieutenant Mimi
Edited on on Tue Oct 16th, 2018 @ 5:54am

3,701 words; about a 19 minute read

Mission: Behind Closed Doors


[[USS Tokyo]]
[[Holodeck 2]]

A few weeks had passed since Robert & Mimi first started dating each other. They’d been seeing each other almost constantly since then but aside from sharing coffee or a bite to eat in the lounge, hadn’t really gotten out together. Knowing Mimi had the afternoon off, Robert had requested some holodeck time and setup a small program to surprise Mimi.

Standing in the program, clad in nothing but his trunks, Robert went over the final parameters of the program. A typical tropical beach, Robert had added a few small touches including a shallow little fresh water pool a little ways inland from the shore. He’s never asked Mimi if she could swim so the pool was a safe place for the two to play if Mimi couldn’t. Of course, he’d also completely forgotten to see if she even liked water, Terran cats hated the stuff as did most Caitians.

Smiling as Mimi stepped in under the arch, Robert went over to Mimi, taking her hand before kissing her on the cheek. “How was your day?”

Mimi slowly looked around at the holo landscape in front of her. She’d got the message to meet Robert on the holodeck and to come dressed for warm weather so she wore a fairly thin just below the knee length jade green dress. “Fairly quiet.” She replied after Robert kissed her, she looked down at his bare chest, arms and legs and she smirked.

“You look wonderful.” Robert remarked as he pulled his lips away, glancing Mimi over. He’d seen her a few times in dresses when they were on dinner dates but this was the first he’d seen her in this dress and she looked gorgeous.

Mimi explored Roberts fairly toned and pretty much hairless body with her eyes “You too, I’ve never seen a human male in so little clothing before.”

Robert blushed a little at Mimi’s remark. Even now she could still get one out of him. “It’s normal beachwear on earth.” He paused. “Speaking of which, I hope you like the program. It’s modelled after a small tropical island on Earth. Quiet little place for us to unwind.”

“It looks nice and peaceful.” Mimi said and started slowly walking, her natural tendency to explore things leading her out of the shady spot she had walked onto from the ship and down the shoreline.

Taking her hand, Robert followed Mimi down the shoreline. As they walked through the sand, enjoying the sea breeze coming in off the ocean, Robert glanced at Mimi. “I forgot to ask if you swim? Or even enjoy water for that matter?”

“I don’t know how to swim.” Mimi told Robert “It’s not something we get taught as children like humans usually do.”

Robert nodded. “If you wanted me to teach you, or even just splash around, there’s a nice little warm fresh water pool just inland which would be perfect. It’s waist deep in most places so we can enjoy ourselves.” Giving Mimi’s hand a reassuring squeeze. “Wanna go?”

Mimi was uncertain, she’d never considered attempting to learn how to swim and the first time Maria had got her to try a water shower instead of the sonic shower it had taken her all day to get her fur dry and looking right again. “I’m not sure.”

“We can take this in baby steps if you want Mimi. You don’t have to swim if you don’t want to, maybe for today just get used to being in the water.” Robert gave her a peck on the cheek. “And if you do want to swim, I’ll be beside you the entire time. Promise.”

“Ok, lets try it.” Mimi said with a slightly uncertain smile. She turned with him and they started walking over to where the pool was.

Taking a gently winding path, they soon came to the pool Robert was referring to. Nestled in a clearing, the pool was crystal clear with sand around the shallow end, the bottom sloping into a wide wading pool with a smallish deep end near a small rocky spot.

“This is it.” Smiling at her he gave her another kiss. “I’m going to dive in. You may want to change into something a bit better for swimming, a bikini or a swimsuit would be best.” He grinned. “Promise I won’t peek while you're changing.”

“Ok.” Mimi said, she was a little nervous about showing as much skin as wearing a bikini would make her but from the swimsuits she had seen people wear they didn’t really suit a species with a tail.

While Mimi went to go get changed, Robert ran into the water, diving underneath as soon as it was deep enough. For him, having swam since he was a baby, the feeling was second nature. The water was a little warmer then he was used to in a real pool but just as refreshing.

Mimi watched Robert go into the water and then walked a little further away. “Computer give me something appropriate for swimming in.” The computer beeped and in a flash Mimi’s dress was replaced with a bikini in the same jade green as her dress was.

“Hows this?” Mimi said walking back over to the pool.

Hearing Mimi’s voice, Robert stood up in the water, looking her direction. He blinked as he stared at Mimi a second. He knew she was beautiful women but watching her standing there in that jade green bikini, her femininity in full display, Robert was stunned by just how beautiful. Slowly going over to Mimi, wondering if at any moment she’d vanish, he smiled, blushing a little.

He was also glad in this moment he was wearing relatively loose shorts as his manhood sprung to attention at the sight of such a beautiful creature. Her body was stunning, her skin a bronzy sandy colour, minimal hair across most of her body except her ears and tail. Lithe & toned, curves in all the right places but not curvy. Robert found himself wondering for a second what she’d be like fully naked, and lying in his bed while they made love.

“That is perfect,” Robert remarked. “You look absolutely stunning Mimi.”

“Thank you Robert.” Mimi said slowly walking around the pool and stood close to the shallow end. She could tell by his reactions that he definitely liked the look of her in her bikini, the bulge in his shorts showing her how much he liked it.

“Water is nice and warm.” Taking Mimi’s hand, Robert led her to the edge of the water, letting her dabble her toes in the water before they went much further. As he felt her hand relax, her getting comfortable, he led her out a bit further till the water was up to her knees. Stopping he smiled at her. “So far so good?”

Mimi wriggled her feet around in the water, it was warm just like Robert said it would be and it felt good on her skin but she knew things would change as soon as her fur made contact with the water. “Yep.” Mimi said and smiled back.

“Little bit different eh? Did you want to go in a bit deeper? Or stay here for now?”

“Lets go a bit deeper.” Mimi said, keeping her tail up out of the water as best she could she slowly started going forward.

“Okay. Just tell me when is enough.” Leading her out a bit deeper, soon they were in water up to Mimi’s waist, the water lapping at her bikini bottoms, the base of her tail getting wetter with each gentle ripple in the pond. “One sec.” Robert remarked, letting go up Mimi’s hand as he sunk under the water for a second, getting himself wet again.

Surfacing again, he smiled. “Just enjoying the water. If you want Mimi we can try floating? I’ll support your back as you lie on the surface of the water. It’s shallow enough all you have to do is stand up if you feel uncomfortable. And I’ll be beside you the entire time.”

Feeling the base of her tail getting wet and knowing it’d only get worse Mimi relented and dropped her tail down into the water, she didn’t like the sound of almost fully submerging herself into the water just yet “I think thats a little much for me, I’ve never been in even this much water before.”

Robert nodded. “That’s okay Mimi. Don’t want to push you.” Giving her hand a squeeze, Robert gave her a peck on the cheek. “We can go sit in shallower water if you want, or even just right here. I’ll be right beside you anyways.”

“That sounds a little easier.”

Robert moved so he was standing behind Mim, his hands just touching her back. “I’m right here so don’t worry about falling as you sit down. Just enjoy the feeling of the water as you sit down in it.”

Guiding Mimi down, his hands just hovering in case she slipped, Robert watched as Mimi experienced as she immersed herself in it. He could feel her tail wrap around her ankle, most likely a nervous reaction as she came to rest neck deep, her bum resting on the sandy bottom. Sitting down behind her, Robert gently wrapped his arms around Mimi, hugging her and enjoying the closeness of their bodies as they sat together in the pool.
Mimi felt nervous as she slowly dropped into the water but she also felt safe with Robert being right next to her, as he sat down behind her she felt something pressing gently against her bum and she slowly realised what it was. Leaning back slightly she started to purr gently.

Robert held Mimi as she began to purr. Gently nuzzling her neck, seeing the swell of her breasts for the first time, Robert kissed her on the cheek. His hands roamed her body, enjoying the touch of her skin now uncovered thanks to the clothing she wore. Robert gently ran one hand along the hem of her bikini bottoms, slipping his hands in just underneath, his manhood now fully erect and pushing against Mimi’s bum.

Feeling Roberts hands slide under the hem of her bikini and across the flesh of her hips Mimi purred a little more, she slowly ran her hands across his legs getting a feel of his bare flesh.

Emboldened by Mimi not shooting him down this time, and still Kissing Mimi on the nape of her neck, Robert tugged at the strings holding Mimi’s bikini top on. As the top slipped off into the water, his hands moved to gently cup her breasts, feeling the wonderfully pert orbs for the first time.

Mimi gasped as she felt her bikini top get undone and discarded then Roberts hands take gentle hold of her breasts, she quickly moved her hands from his legs and held onto his hands. “Robert.” She said, there was a hint of nervousness in her voice.

“Mimi?” Robert asked, the nervousness in Mimi’s voice betraying her. “Am I doing something wrong?”

Mimi slowly let go of Roberts hands. “No.” She told him. “It was just a little unexpected.”

Robert gently kissed Mimi on the lips as she tilted her head to his. “I may not be able to stop if we go much further Mimi.” he said as their lips parted. “Are you okay with that?”

“I got the results back from the doctor.” Mimi said and slowly turned herself around so she straddled his legs letting him see her breasts properly for the first time.

Robert let go of Mimi’s breasts as she turned to straddle him. Grinning, trying not to gawk, Robert admired them with his eyes. Gently touching one with his hand, Robert reveled in the feel of her breasts. “And?”

Mimi smiled when Robert put a hand to her breast again. “We are compatible.” there was still a little hint of uncertainty in her voice though.

Sensing Mimi’s uncertainty, Robert paused. “But what?” Robert gently let go of Mimi’s breast to stroke her cheek. “What else?”

“He’s still running tests to see if the contraceptive shots work with me.” Mimi said holding onto Robert’s hand.

Robert nodded. He knew what she was worried about. “I’m current Mimi so we’ll be okay.” He paused. “If you’d rather wait till the doctor knows for sure, then lets. I want you to enjoy our first time together, not worrying about a possible pregnancy.”

“It’s ok. You want this, I want this.” Mimi leaned in and kissed Robert

Robert returned the kiss, his hands returning back to Mimi’s breasts. “Perhaps someplace a little drier would be best then.”

“Probably.” Mimi said and stood up making Robert’s hands slide off her breasts and down her chest and belly, the water cascading down her body made it glisten as she walked out of the pool.

Robert followed, watching Mimi as she walked out of the water. She was graceful in everything, her beautiful form flowing out of the water as rivulets cascaded from it. Anticipating the need, the program had produced, while they were in the water, several towels for them to dry off with and a comfortable blanket to lay down upon afterwards.

Reaching the spot, a nice warm spot that’d aid Mimi’s drying, Robert took a towel, wrapping it around Mimi’s shoulders. Kissing her, Robert pulled her close to him. “Are you sure Mimi? You know I’d never push you.”

“I’m sure.” Mimi said taking the towel and starting to dry herself off.

Letting Mimi dry herself off, all Robert could think about as he dried himself was the beautiful women who stood beside him and the act they were going to share. It was a gift a girl gave only once and he was her first. The thought of what came next was by now arousing Robert and he could feel his erection straining for release from his shorts.

Shedding his towel on the ground, his shorts drying off quickly, Robert went back to Mimi, this time taking her in an embrace from behind, his arousal pressing against her bum. Kissing her neck he held her, his hands on her flat & toned tummy enjoying the feel of her body.

Mimi wrapped her tail around Roberts leg when he embraced her from behind. She could feel his embrace, his arousal at the sight of her in her bikini pressed against her body, his arms around her tummy. The slightest concern passed her mind about accidently conceiving a child together but she pushed that thought aside as quickly as it came.

Slowly undoing the three strings holding Mimi’s bikini bottoms on, Robert gently slipped the small piece of cloth from between her legs with one hand. Mimi must have been enjoying his touch down there because her purr deepened as his fingers brushed over her privates. Not lingering too long, Robert held Mimi for a bit, enjoying the feeling of her bare skin pressed against his. As the ache inside deepened, Robert turned Mimi around, guiding her hands to his waistband. “Your turn.” He whispered.

“Ok.” Mimi said as she got turned around, her whole sandy bronze body on show to Robert’s eyes. She slowly ran her hands down his belly before they settled onto the waistband of his shorts, she tentatively untied the knot that held them tight and slid them down past his hips freeing the erection that hid underneath them, her fingers brushed over it as she wriggled them further down.

Robert let out an involuntary groan when Mimi’s fingers brushed over his erection. As his shorts fell to his ankles, Robert took her paw in his hand and gently guided it down. Kissing her again, their lips locking in a deep kiss, a gentle moan of satisfaction erupted as Mimi touched him again down there.

As they kissed, Mimi could tell that Robert enjoyed being handled. The sensations coursing through her body were nothing she’d ever felt before and from the sounds of Robert he was enjoying it as well. Running her hand along his erection she could tell he found this extremely pleasurable.

Feeling the need by now to take Mimi, Robert scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the blanket. Kneeling, he gently placed Mimi down on her back on the blanket before laying down beside her on her left. His one hand rested on her tummy as he supported his head with his other. Gently running his hand over her tummy he grinned at Mimi. All he needed was a nod from the beautiful creature laying before him.

Mimi looked across at Robert with a big smile, she’d of preferred to not be on her back but from what Maria had told her about sex she’d be enjoying it too much to care about the little bit of discomfort. “Lets go.” she told him.

Nodding, Robert gently pulled one of Mimi’s legs towards him as he moved to a kneeling position. Spreading the other, Robert knelt in front of Mimi’s now spread legs. He could feel his heart beating a mile a minute in anticipation of what was coming. Lowering himself down over Mimi, Robert positioned himself on top, supporting his weight on his hands and knees. Pressing himself against Mimi’s body, Robert gave a tentative push, just the head sinking into her.

Something between a groan and a whimper escaped Mimi’s lips as Robert pushed himself slowly into her body, the feeling was weird but good at the same time and it sent a tingle across her whole body.

Robert could feel Mimi’s body stretching to accommodate him for the first time. Pressing further into Mimi, Robert enjoyed the sensations as each inch of him sunk into Mimi, her body accepting him. Sinking all the way in so their hips pressed against each other’s, Robert tenderly kissed Mimi. He wasn’t sure if her whimper was from pain or pleasure so he paused, letting her adjust to the new sensations before he went any further.

Mimi held onto Robert’s neck as he kissed her and she groaned when he slid further in before holding himself still inside her. The feeling wasn’t like anything she’d felt before.

Robert slowly pulled part way out before thrusting back in. He wasn’t going to last very long at this rate with how Mimi’s insides tugged and pulled at him. Taking it slow, Robert began a gentle thrusting motion, keeping his lips on Mimi’s while he let his hands explore her naked body.

Arching her back Mimi let out a fairly heavy moan as Robert began to thrust into her, the little bit of discomfort she had been feeling was steadily overwhelmed by the pleasure she was feeling all across her body.

Being in Mimi, any women for that matter, for the first time, Robert found the stimulation to be almost overwhelming; and after a little bit stopped at the bottom of his thrust otherwise he’d have emptied himself into Mimi, abruptly ending the lovemaking they were both enjoying. The kisses however kept coming, fast & furious as the pair enjoyed the sensations of being intimate for the first time.

Mimi felt Robert stop his thrusts and just hold himself deep inside her. She pulled him closer in so his chest rest against hers, running her hands across his back and down to his hips. “Don’t stop.” She told him, she was enjoying herself too much and didn’t want it to stop.

Gently stroking her ear he kissed her. “I can’t hold out much longer Mimi. Gonna come inside you pretty quickly if I don’t pull out.”

Mimi kissed Robert back, she could feel small waves of pleasure reverberating all around her body, the sensation new to her and yet very satisfying. “Then do it Robert. I want to feel everything about you.”

Robert nodded. “Okay.” Pulling out a bit, Robert began thrusting again. He was extremely close to the edge and very soon he felt a strange tickle in the pit of his belly. Groaning, his body stiffening, Robert felt the beginning of his orgasm building. Recognizing what was about to happen, he kissed Mimi before whispering in her ear. “Here it comes Mimi.”

Feeling the small waves develop into a tidal wave of pleasure as Robert made love to her, him sliding in and out, tugging at her insides, Mimi held tightly onto Robert as her first ever orgasm started and she moaned heavily.

Robert felt waves of pleasure wash over him pushing him over the edge. Groaning, he thrust deep into Mimi, his release coming in several waves as he emptied himself into her body. Panting, his passion spent, Robert held Mimi as the waves of pleasure ebbed from his body. The two of them having just shared a most intimate and trusting act, he kissed Mimi as they held each other, Robert gave Mimi a contented smile. “Thank you Mimi. That was amazing.”

Mimi purred looking up her Robert her body was still tingling with pleasure “mmh yes it was.”

Holding himself inside her, not wanting to lose the moment, Robert gently stroked the furr around Mimi’s face. He sincerely hoped this was the first of many moments they would share, perhaps in time they would be bonded as mates. Tenderly kissing her he whispered. “Hopefully this is the first of many. I love you Mimi.”

“I love you too Robert.” Mimi said after he kissed her.

Feeling himself wilting inside Mimi, Robert gently pulled himself out of Mimi before rolling onto his back beside her. He held her close as the two basked in the afterglow of their first time together.


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