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Unravelling the Past (Part 2)

Posted on Mon Sep 13th, 2021 @ 10:57am by Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket'
Edited on on Wed Sep 15th, 2021 @ 9:11am

1,109 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Holodeck, Deck 3 - Program 'Mount Haruna, Early Morning'
Timeline: After 'Unravelling the Past (Part 1)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Tokyo:

Liz blew out a puff of smoke.

"I'm not the one you need to apologize to." She responded. "It sounds to me like the only person you need to apologize to is yourself. But, I suppose since we're aboard the same vessel once again, I'll be seeing you around. Ciao."

And without further word, Liz turned and strode off the holodeck through the exit.

"What the hell was that all about?" Iowa asked once the doors had swooshed shut, leaving the three pilots alone on the holodeck.

"Just something that happened while I was still in the Academy," Kusuda dismissed as if it were nothing. "It's all water under the bridge anyways..."

She turned to face the other two, her features brightening once again. "But in all honesty, I didn't come up here for a pity party; what's say we save this discussion for another time and follow through on our little bet?"

Iowa and Mika exchanged a look: It had been evident in Kusuda's exchange with the Marine XO that there was something the other pilot wasn't going off about, and she seemed equally suspicious to shrug it off. Mika turned back to Kusuda and made a confident smirk.

"Sure, I don't mind settling some unfinished business:" She responded. "We'll knock this out of the park right now. Computer, load program 'Mount Haruna, early morning'. Spawn in 'Toyota AE86, Fujimoto Tempura Store spec'."

And now, the continuation:

Mika's 86 rolled down Mount Haruna, heading towards the first corner. Mika was driving, the Kantele perched on her lap, whilst the other pilot, Kusuda, sat in the passenger seat. Iowa had once again elected not to go along, so it was just the two of them in the car.

"Okay, which move do you want to see first?" Mika asked.

"Move?" Kusuda remarked, evidently confused with Mika's question.

"Braking drift? Scandinavian flick?" Mika threw out suggestions for her. "Maybe start with a simple e-brake drift?"

Kusuda just stared at Mika like she was a few crayons short of a full box. "What does this look like to you? The WRC tryouts?"

"Okay, seems like the onus falls on me to pick, then;" Mika responded.

After speaking Mika stepped on the gas, and the 86 quickly gathered speed as it barreled towards the first corner.

"is this what you consider acceptable?" Nozomi commented, evidently unimpressed with Mika's idea of driving. "Because if I was a cop, I'd be pulling you over right now."

However, Mika paid Nozomi's comment little heed, for she was in the zone now, and as they reached the corner, Mika threw the 86 into a full speed drift.

"...If that's your idea of taking a corner," Kusuda muttered once everything had stopped spinning, "Then I pity the crackpot who gave you a driver's license."

"That felt pretty good." Mika said, disregarding Nozomi's comment. "I'm ready for a drift... Are you?"

"Good? Who are you even trying to kid?"

Mika glanced over at Nozomi, but then back to the road.

At the next corner, Mika once again threw the 86 into a drift. However, this time, Mika took her hands off the wheel in the middle of the drift, plucking a few strings on her kantele to make sure it was still in tune.

"Okay, now you're just getting cocky," Kusuda remarked. "I don't know who schooled you, but where I come from, this would be considered reckless endangerment."

"Perhaps you could learn a thing or two from my dad." Mika responded. "With your idea of running up Mount Haruna; halfway up, the people at the hotels would be flooding him with calls, wondering where the hell their tempura is."

As Mika was speaking, the 86 straightened out and left the corner just inches from striking the guardrail.

"Hmm... Not bad..." Mika muttered in regards to the car's tuning. "Okay, time to get serious..." She said, shifting into a higher gear.

"But this isn't a time trial!" Kusuda objected As Mika powered through another turn. "Could you please not drive the car like you stole it?!"

Iowa loitered around at the top of Haruna pass when the sound of an approaching engine caught her attention. She watched as the 86 pulled into the pullout Iowa was standing in before shutting off as Mika and Nozomi exited the car.

"She didn't even flinch..." Mika muttered. "Computer, end program."

"Damn, new girl; you're ice cold!" Iowa commented as the simulation faded, leaving the trio once again standing in the now-inactive holodeck. "Most everyone who's ever ridden with Fujimoto has required a new pair of pants afterwards."

Kusuda threw her head back and laughed. "It's a simulation; I'd be concerned if the safety was off, but it wasn't, so it's hardly anything worth soiling yourself over."

"But surely, something's gotta scare you!" Iowa noted. "Maybe the new Marine Vice Commander? When she brought up the Las Vegas, you turned white as a ghost."

Kusuda's smile faltered for a second, but she just as quickly regained her composure.

"Well, you'll have to try little harder than that if you want to actually scare me, Lieutenant," she stated plainly, before shifting her attention to Mika. "As for you... I believe you owe me a little something."

"Deal's voided, sweet cheeks." Mika responded, sticking her nose up in the air. "It was voided as soon as a misunderstanding arose as to what exactly was going to be showcased. Besides, what could you possibly need with a few useless trinkets, other than selling me out to the authorities like a spineless rat?"

"Well, let's look at this way," Kusuda elaborated. "If I'd wanted to sell you out to Security, don't you think I would've done that by now?"

"Well, some traitors patiently sit in the wings; waiting to strike;" Mika responded. "Case in point; the old Air Boss. If the rumors I've heard are true, than Riverside and I were brought aboard by one truly despicable scumbag. So, what's to say you're not like him; patiently biding your time to ultimately betray me in the end?"

"Well, if it's answers you're looking for..." Nozomi finally conceded. "Computer, spawn in 3 chairs; it looks as if we're going to be here for a while..."

To be continued...


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