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Precious Cargo

Posted on Sat Sep 11th, 2021 @ 9:54am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Nicolas Trigman 'Trigger' & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight

2,094 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Transporter Room

The doors of the transporter room swished open and Taiga led the way into the room. With the Tokyo now in position, the Romulan Ambassaor T'Rei was due to beam aboard.

She looked over at the transporter operator. "Ensign, is the Ambassador ready to beam aboard?" she asked simply.

"Aye Captain. Along with two others" the ensign replied simply.

"Gentlemen. Lets make a good first impression" Taiga said as she straightened her uniform and took center position in the middle of the room.

Trigman had enough 'Inspections' sprung on him on past commands to 'always' have his uniform presentable and Lily was taking a little more care with his uniforms as he was 'Command' now and thus she had made sure he looked his best in uniform.

"No worries Captain, just another Snap Inspection, Right?" Trigman remarked.

Alex said nothing. He only crossed his arms over his chest, keeping an eye on the transporter pod, prepared for everything to go off the rails as soon as the Ambassador was onboard.

"Energize" Taiga said simply referring to the transporter operator. The transporter sprung into life. On its pad blue and white dots and lines danced and swirled together until three different forms took shape. After a few seconds they emerged from the light dance and there stood three Romulans.

"Ambassador T'Rei" Taiga said. "Welcome aboard the Tokyo. As you know I am Captain Taiga Aisaka. May I introduce Commander Trigman my executive officer and Commander Knight, head of ships security" she said indicating to both of them in turn with her hands. "Welcome aboard the Tokyo Ambassador"

"Indeed" T'Rei said as she stepped forward. "I am familiar with your crew Captain. I trust you will escort me to the border with no incident?"

"Thats what we're here for" Taiga replied. "We have prepared quarters for you"

Trigman had given an acknowledging bow of the head when introduced with the customary looking the Ambassador in the eye.

"It is this way Ambassador." Trigman gesture to the door enough to trip the sensor and open the doors for the Captain and guest to pass first naturally.

T'Rei held her head high as she walked towards the door. "I trust that all security preparations have been completed to my expectations?" she asked simply as she headed through the door, closely followed by Taiga.

"Yes Ambassador" Taiga replied. "Commander Knight has ensured that you will be well looked after" she told her indicating to the commander. "I trust him with my life and everyone's life on this ship" she added.

"I see" the Ambassador stopped and turned to look at the Commander. "Commander Knight, will you have security guards outside my door at all times? I wish to ensure that no Tal Shiar enter my quarters" she asked simply. "Also, on the journey I wish to see this vessel. Will you be able to organize a tour?" she asked.

Alex nodded his head. "That's my job, Ambassador. I intend to see it done." He replied, his gaze shifted to the transporter chief who was trying to get his attention. "If you'll excuse me."

Taiga simply nodded, she had also noticed the chief who seemed to be wanting the commanders attention.

He walked over to the transporter console as the officer whispered something in his ears before gesturing to the display. Alex tapped on it, reviewing it for a moment, before looking over to the Ambassador and her company. With a slight nod, he walked back over to the group, as he raised his voice a bit. "Ambassador? Are you entrusting me with your protection while onboard the Tokyo?"

"That is the idea was it not?" The Ambassador asked. "Is there a problem?" she asked.

"Yes." Alex said firmly as he crossed his arms slightly over his chest. "So, I'm only going to ask this one. A second time will lead to there being a problem." He took a second to looked between the two Romulan's accompanying the Ambassador before saying. "Remove your weapons. The only authorized personnel that should be armed is my security officers. As you heard your Ambassador, she is entrusting me with her safety. So, your weapons will not be needed unless we are in an emergency."

T'Rei turned and looked at her two aides. She knew that they were both armed for her own protection, only with small Romulan disruptors however. "Do as he says" she ordered simply. "We are their guests, we should follow their rules"

Alex stood there and watched as they disarmed themselves, handing off to their weapons to the security officers present, his hand slowly eased down to his new weapon. He slowly released it from the lock in his holster and watched carefully when the officers walked away from the Ambassadors aides. The moment the weapons were far enough, Alex looked to the Ambassador. "Ambassador, please step aside." before removing his weapon and aiming to one of the aides. "Don't move. Don't even twitch. This weapon is set to stun... then again... maybe it isn't. It's still pretty new to me so I might have mixed them both up."

T'Rei simply stepped aside and stood next to Taiga. Her eyes met with the aide who was now being held at gunpoint. "I'm sorry Teleb. I am placing you under arrest" she said simply before she looked over at Taiga.

"Commander" Taiga said. "I believe that you should escort Mister Teleb to the brig. I'm sure we'll have some questions for him later"

"I can assure you there will be many questions." Alex replied as his eyes, and weapon, was training on the aide. "I am going to ask you to place your hands on your head, Mister Teleb." He took a step forward before adding. "My friends are waiting for you outside the door. We want to ask you all about your service with the Tal Shiar and what you've told them already." He motioned to the door before ending. "Right this way, Mister Teleb. If you're lucky you can make it to the brig in time for lunch. I hear they are serving salisbury steak."

Teleb simply frowned. "What is Salisbury Steak?" he asked curiously. "Why would you accuse me of working with the Tal Shiar? I am here to serve the Ambassador" he claimed as he looked over towards the Ambassador and then to Taiga. "You need evidence in order to prove anything..."

Alex looked to Teleb and smiled, looking over to Taiga, before walking over to one of the monitors on the wall. He kept his weapon trained on the aide as he said. "Computer: Display SWORD Intelligence file pertaining to Mister Teleb sent to us by Starfleet Intelligence and the Tal Diann. Authorization: White Night Two Two Seven Alpha Three Nine One Omega."

The monitor on the wall showed a quick image of the Tal Diann emblem before jumping to several files showing communications between Teleb and known Tal Shiar agents. Another section began to run through several photos of Teleb working at a terminal, then several of Teleb meeting with another Romulan marked as a Tal Shiar Agent.

"I got to hand it to you, Teleb. Not bad. Weaseling your way to the top as the Ambassadors aide so you can get all the second hand intel and no one would bat an eye at encrypted communications from terminals you accessed." Alex replied as he slowly began to walk back to Teleb, his weapon still trained. "You had the Tal Diann chasing their tails for a while, but when we were able to share what we found from the Elachi ship with them, they began to connect the dots. Those dots led all the way to you. You and several others are being apprehended as we speak. You, however, have a chance to make the rest of your existence a little easier. You tell us what we want to know and the Ambassador will put in a good word in for you. Apparently, as an aide, you weren't half bad."

A small smile spread across Teleb's face. "Well, you've done your homework it seems. I can't exactly fight against that now can I?" he paused for a few seconds. "If this was a Romulan ship and I was deemed a traitor, I'd be shot on the spot. The fact I'm still alive means that the information I may; or may not have is important in some way. What makes you believe I'll just give it up to you. Lets face it Commander; once I get to Romulus; if we get to Romulus. I'll be trialed and executed as a traitor. So whats the point? If you or the Senate doesn't kill me, then the Tal Shiar will"

"Because, Teleb, if you agree to reveal what you know then you'll be helping the Federation and Romulan Star Empire. As a thank you, I am told, they will be willing to allow you to stay at a Federation penal colony that's designed for special informants like you. One kept by Starfleet Intelligence." Alex walked slowly back towards the aide as he continued. "One well hidden where no one will ever find you. While onboard, we will protect you, as long as you keep to your word. You help us. We help you. Would you rather be in our hands or theirs?"

Teleb pondered for a few moments. "So I rat out the Tal Shiar and get put under Federation safety, no death sentence. Seems like a fair deal to me" he replied with a sly grin.

"Pathetic..." muttered Taiga causing the room to become deathly silent. "I would rather die than commit treason against The Federation" she explained her eyes narrowing as she stared down Teleb. "I guess some Romulans don't have honour these days... Take him to the Brig Commander. I'll show the Ambassador to her quarters".

"This isn't about you!" Alex raised his voice, looking to Taiga. He stood there for a moment, staring at her intently, before walking over to the door. He tapped the tip of his weapon on the door, signaling the security officers outside to enter and taking Teleb away and to the brig. As Alex eased his weapon back into its holster, locking it in place, he looked back at Taiga. "The Romulan's decision has nothing to do with your duty to the Federation, nor is it a challenge. We want him to talk because he has information we need. Information that could help protect the Federation you would rather die than commit treason to. Ours isn't to judge the nobility of other species only to protect the our own and the ones under that same umbrella." He let out a sigh, aware he stepped over the line, but he felt he had already gone too far to stop. "I get you have issues with the Romulans, a lot of people do, but if the Federation wants us to work together on this then you should put those aside or learn to say no when it comes take jobs involving them. Right now, this alliance with the Tal Shiar and Elachi are putting everyone endanger. The priority is dealing with that not your feelings for them." Alex finally looked over to the Romulan Ambassador, than back to the Captain, before walking to the door.

Taiga didn't say anything in response to Alex, simply scowled at him. "Come with me Ambassador. The guests quarters are this way" she said simply before turning and leaving the room.

T'Rei nodded politely at Knight before following Taiga out of the door without word or additional comment.

Alex made his way down the corridor, catching up to the two officers bringing Teleb to the bring. As he walked he began to think to himself. He was beginning to see why his wife said the Captain was so hard to deal with. He wasn't sure whether this was how she handled her anger, by not holding it back, or if the Captain was just bipolar and couldn't help it. As he stepped into the turbolift, his eyes met Teleb, as he stared intently into his eyes. Showing he wasn't intimidated or fear. Just a cool and calculating smirk across his face.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Commander Nicolas Trigman
Executive Officer
USS Tokyo

Commander Alexander 'Alex' Knight
Chief of Security/Tactical
USS Tokyo

Ambassador T'Rei
Romulan Ambassador

Tal Shiar Undercover Agent


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