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She's Baa-aack! (Part 2)

Posted on Sat Jul 31st, 2021 @ 1:10pm by Lieutenant Iowa Riverside 'Grey Ghost' & Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket' & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini'

1,135 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Pilots' lounge
Timeline: After 'She's Baa-aack! (Part 1)'

Previously, on Star Trek: Tokyo...

"No, but I figured that offering her an autographed copy was at least a better alternative than having her steal mine," the ensign clarified.

"Hey, I was just tryin' to tell you what a bad motherfucker Fujimoto is, and how it's not the smartest idea to sit close to her." Iowa responded. "Just sit across from her like I'm doing, and that won't be an issue. She ain't figured out how the reach under tables yet."

"Sometimes, it's best to relocate to someplace out of the wind..." Mika said.

"Well, if you both insist..." the ensign shrugged as she got up and moved over to where Iowa was sitting.

And now, the continuation:

"Well, new girl; even before Riverside here showed up, I noticed that you were interested in my folk music." Mika said, attempting to strike up a different direction to take the conversation in. "Now that you've told me you were part of one of the most ear-grating pop groups back in the day, it all makes sense."

The new girl didn't seem the slightest bit phased by Mika's blatant insult; if anything, she threw her head back and laughed.

"Well, I can't say I disagree with you," she explained. "Back when we were first starting out, I recall our music was rather unpolished; we were kind of just doing what all the other J-Pop groups were doing at the time and hoping that we charted."

Come to think of it, Honoka and Nico were really into that conventional J-Pop sound... no wonder Nico and Maki were always butting heads on Astral's musical direction...

"Then we got picked up by a record label, and we had to churn out an album every year to stay relevant, so we gradually had to get a feel for things to meet our deadlines," the pilot continued. "We only had a few rules as to what we were allowed to say and do with our music, so we kind of started branching out and dabbling in new genres; some of our later music is actually rather impressive, if you're ever interested."

"No thanks." Mika declined sharply. "If I couldn't get behind your music when I was the age of your target demographic, I certainly won't be able to now. Besides, pop music doesn't really work for tackling the mountain pass."

"Well, I'd say it was a little closer to electronic by the end, but that's enough about me," the new girl chuckled, gently taking Mika's hands in her own. "Fujimoto, was it? I'm not certain if anyone's told you this, but you're simply amazing with that Kantele! By chance-- have you ever considered recording for a folk label? I knew a few from my day who would kill for your level of expertise!"

"Everyone does seem fascinated with the Kantele." Mika admitted. "Probably because you don't see too many of them out in the wild outside of Finland. But, in regards to your question, I have not, because my name happens to be an antonym for 'sellout'"

The new girl raised a brow in mild complexion. "You haven't even considered going full-on indie? It's doable, of course, if a little cost-prohibitive..."

"Uh, new girl; Miss Fujimoto here loves to speak in metaphors, largely wind-related ones." Iowa clarified. "I believe what she's tryin' to say is she ain't interested. Period."

"My passions are flying and drifting." Mika added. "Music is just something I do to kill the time between them."

"Ya know, I've heard through the grapevine that drifting is something the new Marine XO is into:" Iowa interjected. "I wonder if she could give you a real run for your money."

"Doubtful..." Mika responded with a smirk.

"Oh, so you're a gear-head, then?" the ensign remarked.

"Ha, ha!" Iowa said. "Now, you speakin' her language! Though, if you ever decide to ride along with her, good luck staying awake past the first corner. Seriously; our friend Busujima blacked out on the first corner, and if she was still here, I'd probably still be giving her crap for it!"

"What? No way!" The pilot burst out laughing. "Is she really that bad?"

"How about you put your money where your mouth is, new girl?" Mika proposed. "And sometime in the near future, you and me go for a little spin on the Holodeck? And I'll show you I'm anything but a bad driver?"

"Ooooh!" Iowa remarked. "Sounds like a challenge to me!"

"I'll bite," The pilot accepted with smug look of confidence in her expression. "But what's in it for me if I'm not impressed?"

"Well, I do have a few shiny trinkets carelessly left behind that I've been looking after." Mika said. "I could give you one or two of that used to belong to some dead folks or folks who transferred off. But I digress; since you seem so confident, what's in it for me if I can convince you of my skill?" She asked with a smirk.

The pilot placed a finger to her lips. "Hmmm... How about a week's worth of Luxury Replicator rations? I still have a voucher that I haven't used."

Though maybe she should have; it had been a while since she last had a steaming plate of Horumonyaki...

"Sounds like a fair tradeoff:" Mika said. "Let's say we meet up in the holodeck in a few days' time, and I'll show you what real drifting looks like."

"And here I was thinking she'd heckle me for the album," the Ensign chuckled, reaching forward and shaking Mika's hand.

"Say, pilot; I don't believe I caught your name at all." Mika said as she shook the new girl's hand.

"Oh! Where are my manners?" The pilot apologized. "Nozomi Kusuda, but you can call me Gemini, or Kussun, or Non-Tan... Hmm, now that I think about it, I've got a lot of nicknames..."

"I'll just stick to calling you Kusuda." Mika said. "Last name basis is a lot better than call sign basis. Anyway, name's Mika Fujimoto, and that kettle of energy is Iowa Riverside."

"The one and only..." Iowa said with a smile.

"Iowa, hmm?" The pilot- Kusuda- remarked with mild curiosity. "That's a rather... exotic name; any reason why your parents chose it?"

"Oh, ho; ask and you shall receive, my friend!" Iowa responded, standing up. "I'll be right back! Fujimoto, keep doing your future kid kindness shit and don't rob Kusuda here blind."

"Whatever, man..." Mika responded laconically.

To be continued...


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