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Behind Closed Bookcases (Part 1)

Posted on Wed Jun 30th, 2021 @ 12:01pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Commander Alora Knight

1,586 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Romulan Embassy, Paris Earth.

Ambassador T'Rei entered her office and sat down behind her desk at the Romulan Embassy. The meeting with the Romulan Senate had not gone well. The evidence and information provided by Starfleet were deemed 'Untrustworthy' by several high senators and that any findings needed to be brought directly to them in more solid evidence.

It would seem that the Romulan Senate would not accept the trial recordings and transcripts. Many of the senators apparently never even opened the files she sent incase they 'caused issues' with their delicate files and computers. She sighed as she replicated herself a drink of soothing chamomile tea. An Earth tea, however she had grown quite fond of it.

Resting her head in her hands, she knew she had to do something. However how was she going to prove to the Senate that the Tal Shiar were the ones responsible for attacking the Colony whilst they could now be preparing for war.

The lights in the office began to flicker slightly until finally shutting off. There was a moment of silence, as the Ambassador was shrouded in pitch black. A peculiar grinding sound came from the dark then suddenly, without warning, the lights all turned back on.

Standing in front of a door that was not there originally, were Admiral Hunter and Burke. Max stood there with his hands behind his back while Admiral Burke held a PADD and an old-fashion book.

"You seemed troubled." Max replied as he turned to the bookcase by the door, placing his hand on a book before adding. "Perhaps we can help alleviate some of that stress, Ambassador." He said before pulling out the book until it stopped, midway, and the grinding noise was heard again.

Burke gave the Ambassador a cheerful smile.

As both Admiral's approached the Ambassador the bookcase seemed to slide over to the right, covering the door, until it came to a stop. The noise was heard again as the book pushed itself back into place.

"Let's get the formalities out of the way, shall we?" Max said firmly as he stopped in front of the desk, gesturing to Admiral Burke, as he continued. "Admiral Kathryn Burke and I am Admiral Max Hunter. Ambassador, we are here, to stop a rat."

T'Rei looked up at the imposing figure of the Admiral. "Most people use the front door Admiral. Only real rats approach from behind furniture" she commented in her dry humour. "I should have known that this building being built by The Federation had... unique properties"

"On the contrary, Ambassador," Burke said politely. "Rats can be found anywhere. Even in Foreign Embassies."

"Pushing that aside" she continued. "I trust you have some information that will be accepted by my government. I take it you already know somehow that the Senate did not accept the evidence I provided..."

They did, but Kathryn was going to let Max tell her that.

Max looked over to Burke, a stern look on his face, before focusing back to the Romulan Ambassador. "Allow me to settle a few things for you, Ambassador, so that you understand we are on the same page." He said firmly as he walked over to the desk, placing his palms firmly upon it, as he leaned slowly towards the Romulan. "First, a rat would not enter in plan view. They would skulk in the shadows and wait until your back was turned to stab it firmly before fading into the shadows. Second, this building was built long before it was offered to you and your people to be used as an Embassy. I cannot go into what it was prior to your occupation of it, but I think its odd that a Romulan is offended by someone else hiding their secrets. Third, Ambassador, and certainly last in this small break from the concerning conversation. Our entrance to the Embassy, more importantly to you, required secrecy because the rat we speak of rests in your entourage." He slowly took his hands off the desk, standing back up straight, before concluding with. "In order to keep this traitor of yours unaware that we know who they are, and not ruin our opportunity to capture them by surprise, we must understand that his meeting is not taking place and you are still alone in your office. Unaware of how to proceed with your current dilemma."

A smile spread across the Ambassadors face. "I can respect you for that Admiral" she said as she indicated for them to sit down if they wished. "Of course I did not mean to offend, she leant forward back in her chair. Tell me Admiral, who is this traitor?"

Max placed his hands behind his back again, keeping to his stern look, before saying with a slight smirk. "Before we get to that, Ambassador, you're going to want to answer that."

At that moment, a hail came in through the Ambassadors private line, connected to her desk.

T'Rei's eyebrow raised. Obviously Admiral Hunter had rehearsed or planned this down to every detail. It was almost like it was taken right out of a Dixon Hill holo-novel. Not that she'd ever played one, however she had heard of the programs that Humans seem to be rather fond of.

Placing a finger on the computer control panel she opened up the channel.

"Ambassador. Commander Vavilla of the Tal Diann is requesting a private meeting with you." The voice on the other end said.

"Understood" T'Rei replied. "Tell her I will grant the meeting..." she paused looking up to Max, remembering that he mentioned the traitor might be someone in her own staff. "Have her beam in when she is ready. There is no need for the pleasantries. Speak nothing of this"

Kathryn entered some information onto her PADD. "To keep the transportation off the record," she said. "Although Max is quite thorough."

Vavila beamed in, using the tradition Romulan style transporter beam, appearing a few feet away from the others. Still in her Romulan Uniform, she walked over to the desk, nodding to Burke and Hunter as she walked by. "Admirals." She said softly before looking to the Ambassador. "Ambassador T'Rei. Commander Vavila of the Tal Diann. My ship, the Tan qalanq, has served the Star Empire for quite some time. Perhaps you've heard of it or myself."

T'Rei nodded at the Commander. "Jolan Tru Commander" she said in the traditional greeting. "I expect that you wish to get straight to business. As I would expect of the Tal Diann"

"Yes. Time is of the essence in this," Kathryn said. "We can only ensure privacy for a short time."

Max smirked slightly, amused at the idea they were short on time, when he'd prepared for such an outcome. "Admiral Burke is going to hand you a PADD, Ambassador, which a list of names that have been verified by the Tal Diann as Tal Shiar operatives who have maneuvered their way in various positions to obtain information." He looked to Burke, nodding his head slightly, before saying. "You will note one specifically that we've taken the liberty of highlighting for you."

Kathryn handed the woman the PADD she held. "This should help clear things up," she said.

"It seems that the Tal Shiar have people in several places" T'Rei said simply as she opened up the contents of the PADD. She read through each name and stopped at the highlighted name. She held the PADD firmly in her hands, her grip tightening slightly.

"Are you both sure of this person?" she asked simply her eyes narrowing. "I have known them over thirty years, as long as I have been stationed here on Earth"

"There is a chance, Ambassador, this person was recruited after the fact. They may have not been a spy, from the beginning, but was recruited or threatened once they realized what it would give them." Max replied before adding. "There is also the possibility they were one from the very beginning. Playing you and manipulating their way to the very position they are in now. A confidant. A close friend. Someone who, if placing in a meeting and considered trusted, would be in a position to hear things many would not because you have known them for thirty years and they have gained your trust."

"That does makes sense in its own way" T'Rei replied simply. She placed the PADD down gently on the desk. "However, I hate to be the 'that person'. But I need to know you have enough evidence to warrant me making an arrest"

Kathryn nodded. "In case that wasn't clear, yes, we are certain. This information has been verified."

"I see" T'Rei said as she looked up towards Max. "Is this person responsible for any of the actions that occurred over the last few days?" she asked simply.

"Prior to the trial, and the incident, there were several transmissions that went out. Several of which we have been able to pinpoint to a location close to the Embassy." Vavila said as he placed a Romulan PADD on the table, pointing to a photo in particular. "A location this person has began to frequent."

T'Rei sat back in her chair, pondering for a few moments. "I will have this person arrested. However I need to take them back to Romulus" she explained. "I have a strange feeling that the Tal Shiar will not want us to return without putting up a fight".

To be continued...


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