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Takeshi's Swan Song (God Bless the UFP)

Posted on Mon Jun 28th, 2021 @ 10:36am by Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Mako Nakazato & Sayuki Nakazato & Zack Nakazato Jr. & Captain Maho Takahashi

1,124 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Nakazato family home, Gunma, Japan

If tomorrow, all the things were gone,
I'd worked for all my life.
And I had to start again
with just my children and my wife.
I'd thank my lucky stars
to be living here today.
'Cuz the flag still stands for freedom,
and they can't take that away...

Takeshi Nakazato stood in front of his modest residence in Gunma, his wife Sayuki by his side. The last movers from Starfleet had just left, having helped ensure the beaming of their personal belongings left on the Tokyo arrived at the residence without a hitch.

"Well, so much for turning my life around for you and the kids..." Takeshi sighed.

"Don't say that, dear!" Sayuki responded. "You gave it an honest shot! The divisiveness in the Federation isn't your fault, and you shouldn't beat yourself up over it. There are plenty of other ways for you to turn your life around for me and the kids."

Sayuki smirked.

"Y'know, I know about a whole bunch of open positions in Townsend-Thoresen that need to be filled..."

"I'll give it some thought." Takeshi said before continuing towards the front gate. "But first, there's someone I need to talk to; who needs to know I'm alright."

I'm a proud Federation citizen
where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the ones who died
who gave that right to me.
And I'd gladly stand up next to you
and defend her still today.
'Cuz there ain't no doubt, I love this land.
God Bless the UFP...

After waiting for what seemed like forever, Takeshi's communication finally came through, and a young brunette in a red Starfleet uniform appeared on the other end. Takeshi could make out the familiar walls of the Myogi's ready room behind her. The woman seemed surprised to see him, furthermore in civilian attire rather than an orange prison jumpsuit:

"Takeshi-Kun!" She exclaimed. "You're okay! And you're not..."

"Yep." Takeshi smiled. "Judge decided my dedication to Senpai wasn't worth ruining my life over. That, and I may have given a confession or two..."

The brunette smiled.

"Yeah, that's the disorganized for you;" She said. "Always forcing your hand to make you cut them a deal to protect their status."

Takeshi sheepishly looked away. He hadn't called to go into politics.

"Anyway, how's K.T. and the baby doing?" He asked.

"Oh, he's fine." The brunette explained. "Still mad as hell over what happened at the wedding, but can you really blame the guy? We'll be holding a vow renewal in a few days; the way we should have done the wedding..."

"Well, that's great to hear, Maporin:" Takeshi said. "You and K.T. were always the champions; never compromising in the face of evil."

"Thanks, Zack:" Maporin responded. "It really means a lot..."

"And the baby?" Takeshi asked.

"Ever the troublemaker:" Maporin explained. "I'll be getting the first ultrasound sometime soon, though with the CMO reassigned and nobody else available for the position, this one might have to be a job for the EMH..."

"Wait, Doc got reassigned??" Takeshi gasped. "Aw, man; and he was such a great officer, too!"

"It's not just the CMO, Zack:" Maporin clarified. "The whole crew has been reassigned. They broke Senpai's yardstick and tossed me the shattered pieces, expecting me to put it back together."

"Those bastards..." Takeshi muttered.

From the lakes of Minos Korva
To the hills of Talos III
Across the plains of Trill
From sea to shining sea.
From Earth on down to Vulcan
Andoria to Tellar
Well, there's pride in each Federation heart,
and it's time we stand and say...

Takeshi, Mako, and Zack were playing Mako and Zack's favorite drifting game. Takeshi was using grip techniques while Mako and Zack were playing the game as intended, and Mako managed to finish ahead of her father.

"YES! I WIN AGAIN!" Mako exclaimed as she jumped up and down.

"Come on, that was only bad RNG..." Takeshi responded playfully. "You still can't get me to believe that drifting is better than grip."

"Maybe in another game, it's better; but not this one!" Mako said.

"Whatever..." Takeshi said as he set the controller down. "These games still don't do the real passes justice: Any of you want to go for a drive?"

"Ooh! Ooh! Yes! Yes!" Mako exclaimed excitedly, jumping up and down.

"What about you, Zack?" Takeshi asked.

"Sure, why not... Zack shrugged.

That we're proud Federation citizens
where at least we know we're free.
And we won't forget the ones who died
who gave that right to us.
And we'd gladly stand up next to you
and defend her still today.
'Cuz there ain't no doubt, we love this land.
God Bless the UFP...

The garage door opened, and slowly the dayline shone on the old GT-R. Takeshi first unlocked the doors before proceeding to strap Zack into his car seat in the back before Mako enthusiastically took shotgun.

"Remember, hun; dinner will be ready by 6." Sayuki reminded from the doorway leading into the house.

"Yes, sweetie:" Takeshi responded as he fiddled with Zack's carseat. "I won't be out too late..."

I'm a proud Federation citizen
where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the ones who died
who gave that right to me.
And I'd gladly stand up next to you
and defend her still today.
'Cuz there ain't no doubt, I love this land (love this land)
God Bless the UFP.

"Are you ready to go?" Takeshi asked.

"YES!" Mako said enthusiastically.

Takeshi turned to face ahead.

"Then let us be off:" He declared.

Takeshi turned the key, and the RB26DETT engine roared to life. Before putting the GT-R in reverse, Takeshi took a moment to soak in the idling engine, reflecting upon one of the last things he had said in his conversation with Maho:

"Get ready, bitches: The NightKids are coming back!"

Takeshi smiled and put the GT-R into reverse, backing out of the garage and down the driveway towards the gate. As much as he enjoyed his brief tenure in Starfleet (until his downfall following his transfer to the Tokyo.), this was still truly Takeshi's nirvana, and in a way, he was glad to be out of Starfleet, so he could go back to doing what he loved most.

Posting by

Takeshi 'Zack' Nakazato
Disgraced Starfleet Officer

Sayuki Nakazato
Townsend Thoresen Travel Agent

Mako Nakazato

Zack Nakazato Jr.

With a special guest appearance by

Commander Maho Takahashi
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi


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