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Behind Closed Bookcases (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Jun 30th, 2021 @ 12:01pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Commander Alora Knight
Edited on on Wed Jun 30th, 2021 @ 12:23pm

1,608 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Operation Romulus Return
Location: Romulan Embassy, Paris Earth.

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

T'Rei sat back in her chair, pondering for a few moments. "I will have this person arrested. However I need to take them back to Romulus" she explained. "I have a strange feeling that the Tal Shiar will not want us to return without putting up a fight".

And now the continuation...

She closed her eyes for a few seconds and then opened them again. "I do know from regular reports that Starfleet and the Romulan Star Navy have detected Elachi vessels operating in the Neutral Zone. It is safe to assume that the Tal Shiar know that I will be returning somehow" she pondered to them both.

"Of course they do. Everything that happens in this office is known by the Tal'Shiar," Kathryn replied. "Everything you say or do after we leave will also be available to them. So, what can we do to help you now that they won't see coming?"

"I wouldn't say that. " Max replied as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Strolling in and out of room, undetected mind you, and arranging secret meetings is not the only tricks I have up my sleeve. We can either use this situation to feed them information we want them to have, to lure them into a trap, or understand that there are other moves we can pull knowing there are other avenues we can use to our advantage."

"I believe the best option is to arrest this person" T'Rei said. "We have ways of making people talk, thats not a problem" she added. "However, I am aware that our 'methods' of extracting information are frowned upon by your Federation" she explained as she pondered for a few moments. "I think, we shouldn't alert the Tal Shiar to what we have planned..."

"No, they won't know about this meeting. that doesn't mean we won't leak false information. If you arrest your assistant, there will need to be a reason apart from the information we just gave you. One that looks legitimate but will still keep them in the dark. You also need to ensure that your assistant does not take her own life. I hear that is not unusual with TalShiar agents."

"Then the plan is something like this..." T'Rei stated as she leant forward intertwining her fingers together. "I will be returning to Romulus with my staff to meet with the Senate regarding the incident at Alvatar Colony" she said. "We won't make the arrest until we are safely out of the clutches of the Tal Shiar. Once I have crossed the border into Romulan Space, I can use my methods to obtain the information from her brain without risking the lives of Federation Citizens, or risking a war between our people"

"However, I don't believe that the Tal Shiar will want me to return to Romulus quite yet. I'm going to need protection against them, and their new Elachi allies" T'Rei stated simply.

It was a viable option. "We could assign a starship escort to the Romulan border," Kathryn replied.

"It's not just up to the border" T'Rei said. "I can grant Diplomatic Immunity to any vessel which I choose. The Tal Shiar may not stop just at the border. Your escort will have to ensure we get all the way to Romulus alive if we are to stand any chance" she paused for a few moments. "The one I want is the Tokyo. Captain Aisaka and her crew have the most experience with the Elachi out of anyone else we know"

Kathryn looked at Max and raised an eyebrow. "They are also the ones least trusted by your government."

"Which is why them escorting a Romulan Ambassador home would be a show of good faith. If anything it will strengthen my argument against the Tal Shiar" T'Rei replied.

"And the more obvious." Max replied, crossing his arms over his chest. Placing you on the ship, along with the spy, will place the entire ship in danger. We have no way of knowing if the Tal Shiar will destroy the ship, along with the spy, to keep them and you from revealing anything." He looked to Kathryn as he let out a sigh. "If it were me I would play the old shell game. Three of four ships leave at the same time towards the Neutrol Zone then scatter them. No way of knowing which ship has the Ambassador or spy. Maybe even a double blind. Neither of the ships have them and a cloaked ship, let's say Romulan Valdore..." He looked over to Vavila. "Follows with both the Ambassador and spy using the others as a bluff."

"Max is right. Send the ship with the Tokyo, but don't be on it. The Tal'Shiar will be looking for you to do something like that." Kathryn watched the Ambassador carefully . She wasn't going to agree with them. Her mind was definitely made up. She sighed and looked at Max.

"So we send a few ships at once" T'Rei said. "I'll leave the logistics upto you Admiral Burke. But the best thing to do is to play the Tal Shiar at their own game. This information needs to get to the Senate if we are to maintain peace in the galaxy"

Burke just nodded. "Your best chance of that being successful is to send it through multiple sources at the same time."

The Ambassador nodded. "I'm sure that we can come up with a plan of action, one worthy of evading the Tal Shiar. But I warn you Admirals, if the Tal Shiar are meddling in the affairs on Romulus and we don't stop them, then many lives may be lost" she paused. "That is not a threat, but a simple fact. Most of the Romulan Senators are not as... understanding as myself"

"Ambassador," Burke replied, still professional. "We are quite aware of what is at stake. This matter is of great concern to both the Romulan Star Empire and the United Federation of Planets."

"Allow me to give you a proper fact, Ambassador." Max said as there was a sudden change in his demeanor, as if a switch was flipped by the Ambassadors comment, pushing one of Max's very dangerous buttons. "You are risking Federation Officers and ignoring an opportunity to work together to secure a threat to your people all for the sake of saving face to maintain an illusion of control over the situation." He clinched his fists as he placed them on the desk and leaned slowly towards the Ambassador, looking sternly into her eyes, an almost frightening look in his eyes. "We came to you in peace and you slapped it away because of your own arrogance when we could have simply dealt with this matter without involved you. If any Federation ship is destroyed, and lives are lost, in this situation then the Tal Shiar will be the last threat you have to be concerned about. There will be no Embassy, no planet, no ship, and no quadrant that will not keep you hidden from me. Do you understand? I will find you and you will have to answer for your mistakes and arrogance. We are not here to work for you. We are here to work with you."

T'Rei's eyes narrowed slightly. "You misunderstand Admiral" she said. "I wish to work with you. However we all know just how dangerous the Tal Shiarr actually are. I am only suggesting that we tread lightly" she explained cooly. "My intentions are only to prevent this injustice and to save lives, both Federation and Romulan".

Kathryn put a hand on Max's arm and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Yes, Ambassador. We all want to save lives and stop the Tal'Shiar. What Admiral Hunter is saying is that we've given you suggestions based on our not-inconsiderable experience and you've brushed each one aside. And since you are determined to do things your way, we are limited in what help we can give you. Yes, you will have your starship escort, but if this does not work out as you hope, it will not be the fault of the Federation or Starfleet." Her combadge chirped once. "Our time is up. We will send you word when your escort is ready. Until then, Ambassador, remember that this meeting never happened."

With a polite nod, Admirals Hunter and Burke went back to the bookcase where Max again opened the hidden passage.

When the two disappeared into the hidden door, the bookcase closed.

Intrigued after the two Admirals left T'Rei rose from her chair and wandered over to the bookcase casually. She began to examine the bookcase carefully, pulling out books to see if she could find the mechanism.

Vavila watched as the Ambassador began to pull out the books. "If you'll please excuse me Ambassador. I have preparations to make" she said simply.

T'Rei nodded to excuse the commander and shortly she had disappeared in a haze of green lights, beamed back upto her ship in orbit.

"What the..." she said as she pulled out every book to no avail. She even looked behind the bookcase, to find there was no door, no secret passageway and no signs of a transporter beam in point. Just a lovely blank grey wall stared back at her, and if it had a face it would reflect the confusion back at her.

Posting by

Admiral Maxmillian Hunter
Head of Covert Ops
Theta Fleet

Admiral Kathryne Burke
Commanding Officer
Theta Fleet

Commander Vavila
Tal Dianne Commander

Ambassador T'Rei
Romulan Ambassador to the UFP


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