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The Best Accessories (Part I)

Posted on Sat Jun 26th, 2021 @ 11:25am by Commander Alora Knight & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Lieutenant John "Pitbull" Mackey & Lieutenant Jazra "Jazz" Sirel & Lieutenant JG Julien "Dutch" Wachenbach & Lieutenant JG Kurt "Lem" Lemansky

1,260 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Runabout: The Prowler
Timeline: After the Trial of Captain Taiga Aisaka


Alex walked with Alora down the corridor to the shuttle bay where the Prowler was housed. They both got a message from John, Pitbull, that they found something important they needed to look at. However, he was being surprisingly vague.

"I wonder if he found something new in the Elachi database," Alora asked.

"Let's hope so." Alex replied as he continued with her through the shuttlebay doors. "I promised Max everything we figure out will be forwarded to him and Burke to distribute where they feel will do the most good."

"Good idea. I'm happy to leave the details--and the paperwork--to them."

Alex stopped outside of the Prowler's ramp before saying. "Let's make sure to create duplicates for us. In the event something were to happen we will have back ups."

Alora grinned. "Already done. I will neither confirm nor deny that I have the originals."

"You see?" Alex said, with a smile, as he approached her. "You are my wife." He gave her a deep and impassioned kiss before pulling away. "Shall we see what the children need us to fix?"

She chuckled softly. "I'm going to enjoy working in intelligence again, especially now." She took his hand. "Yes, let's see what they're up to."

Alex walked up the ramp with Alora, holding her hand all the way, as the internal sensors of the Prowler made a quick scan as they entered. Passing the first door, separating the ramp entrance from the main cabin, they came across a dim light interior. "If this is some surprise party I am going to punch the first person who yells it." He said as he looked around, checking to see if he spotted anyone.

Alora, too, looked around. "I'm not sure... Do they surprise you often?

"Only if they have a death wish." Alex replied softly as he looked around a bit more before shouting. "John? Where you at?"

"Office." John shouted back.

Alex looked to Alora before approached the office. Before taking a step closer to activate the sensor that opened it automatically, he stopped and shouted firmly. "John. If you guys are planning on jumping out at us, I want you all to know, I am prepared to break bones. And my wife... is very strong."

John chuckled slightly before replying. "Will you two get in here?"

"I'm not sure," Alora replied, chuckling. "I'm quite enjoying this."

"Of course you are." Alex said softly to Alora before approaching the door. He saw the team, gathered around his desk, all seeming very suspicious. "Have you all decided that today you're going to mutiny?" He said with a slight smile.

"Not today, but maybe tomorrow, Boss." Jazz replied.

As Alex approached the desk, he stopped, crossing his arms over his chest. "If you are all worried about if things are going to change, with me headed to Security, it's not. SWORD will remain the same and I'll be able to run point on both departments with no issues."

"That's not what this is about, Boss." Dutch replied, smiling from ear to ear. "Although we are proud of you guys. Alora for taking over Intel and you, Alex, for your promotion and now being over Security."

Alex nodded his head, looking briefly over to Alora, before returning back to look at the others. "And yet I am still uneasy with whats going on here."

Alora chuckled. She really was enjoying watching this unfold. She had no idea what this was about, but it was entertaining so far. "Ready to put him out of his misery?" she asked John.

"Actually, this is more like a belated wedding gift from us to you both." John said as he looked at the others before stepping aside revealing a rectangular wooden box with a bow on it resting at the front of the desk.

Alex looked to Alora, before changing his gaze to John. For a brief moment he raised a brow, almost asking him what was going on, without exactly speaking. Only to catch a smile and nod in return.

Slowly, Alex approached the box, placing his hands on the sides. He was surprisingly cautious, not sure if this was all a practical joke of genuine gift, as he raised the lid slightly before closing it again. "If this blows up, and stuff ends up on my face, I may end up killing you all. Fair warning so we are all on the same page."

Alora stayed by his side, enjoying his reaction as much as the expressions of the others.

The small group chuckled slightly, looking around at each other, as the stood there awaiting Alex to finally open the box.

Alex looked over his shoulder towards Alora, shrugging a bit, before finally opening the box and taking a step back. He half expected it to explode, but when nothing happened, he finally straightened up.

Inside the box was a set two cylinder like devices. The same in shape, but with slight color variations. Alex had never seen anything like it before, comparing it to a smaller baton, but made with stronger material. As he picked one up from the box he immediately felt the weight to it. It wasn't much, but it certainly had some heft to it. However what really caught his eyes was the controls, placing within thumbs reach in the center of the device itself, making it easily accessible. As he ran his thumb over a certain button, Lem immediately spoke up.

"Easy!" He shouted, stepping up and placing his hand on the device, slowly easing it out of Alex's hand. "Before you go pushing buttons, let me explain what it is."

"You let me get this far with it before finally deciding to explain what it is?" Alex asked as he raised a brow.

Lem smirked slightly before answering. "I wasn't expecting you to start touching buttons instead of asking, but I guess I forgot, we were dealing with you." He chuckled slightly.

Alora chuckled. Even she knew better than to give Alex something without telling him what it was and expect him not to touch it.

Lem held up the device, gesturing to it, as he began to speak. "This... well... this has yet to be named, but its a cool weapon idea that I've had and finally managed to put together so, in a sense, you and the Boss Lady get to be the guinea pigs."

"Is that why I keep getting the feeling it might blow up in my face soon?" Alex questioned as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"One time." Lem shouted. "One time that happened and you have yet to let me live that down. I told you, specifically, to be careful and not jostle the bomb because the chemicals are highly volatile so you should remain covert until you set it and were at a safe distance. But, oh no, Alex had to decide to go in through the front where people would start firing at him and the highly dangerous bomb he is carrying."

"Alright alright." John said, patting Lem on the shoulder. "Can you handle this, Kurt, or does Dutch need to take over."

(To be continued...)

Commander Alexander 'Alex' Knight
Chief Security/Tactical & SWORD Team Leader
USS Tokyo

Commander Alora Knight
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant John 'Pitbul' Mackey
SWORD Team Second
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Jazra 'Jazz' Sirel
SWORD Team Corpsman
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Kurt 'Lem' Lemansky
SWORD Team Member
USS Tokyo

Lieutenant Julien 'Dutch' Wachenbach
SWORD Team Member
USS Tokyo


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