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Posted on Thu Jun 24th, 2021 @ 7:23am by Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Alora Knight

2,165 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Captain's Ready Room


Alora held tightly to Alex' hand as she paused outside Taiga's ready room. She needed to talk to the Captain, but she wasn't sure how her decision would be received. "Thank you for coming with me," she said to Alex.

"Where else would I be?" Alex replied with a smile. "Stronger together, right?"

She smiled back. "Yes. Definitely stronger together."

She took a deep breath and rang the chime.

Taiga hadn't been back aboard long. She had only been in her ready room a few minutes and already there was someone ringing her chime. "Come in" she called, the sound of exhaustion in her voice from the hellish few days she had just gone through.

Alora squeezed Alex' hand as she walked in. "Hello, Captain. Do you have a minute?"

Leaning forward in her chair at the desk Taiga smiled. "I think I can squeeze you in" she said simply.

The smile made Alora feel more uncomfortable about what she had to say. She nodded and sat across from the Captain. "As you probably know, Alex and I met when we served on the Niagara. Unfortunately, he had to go after his brother and we...lost contact...for a while." She smiled at Alex, then turned back to the Captain. "We haven't had much time together, with all the responsibilities I've had on the Tokyo." She hesitated. "I don't want that any more. I want to spend my evenings with Alex, not doing paperwork, or checking up on departments. I would step down as first officer."

"For the record, Captain, I told her she should get an assistant." Alex replied softly with a smirk. "She's a great first officer and sold when it comes to tense situations. Ready to take command at a moments notice, but she's made up her mind and I supposed her either way. Even thought, I think, its a bad move but what do I know? I put in my own hours and I let someone else handle the paperwork." He took her hand and smiled, looking at Alora, before focusing back to the Captain. "If this is something she feels is the best move for her I don't stand in her way."

"If it was just the paperwork, I could do it from my quarters," Alora said. "It's everything." She hesitated again. "And, I'm tired of constantly butting heads with you. I think Commander Daxer is a better fit for you than I am."

Taiga blinked a few times as she let the words sink in. "I see" she said simply. "If you don't feel like you can do it, then there's nothing I can do to stop you from standing down" she explained. "The question is, what will you do now?"

"With respect, Ma'am." Alex replied cautiously before continuing. "Anything she wants. She is a competent and completely capable officer. While, it is the Captain's prerogative to give the orders and the crew follows, something needs to be said when both command staff are constantly keep conflicting with decisions. Decisions, Captain, that will always favor you because its your ship. It difficult to remain in a position where you feel your voice is not being heard, no matter what is going on." He paused slightly before adding. "And, to state a fact, Captain. Should she decided to leave? I leave with her. Which also means my team does leave as well. This is not an ultimatum or threat by any means. After what we just did to help you that is far from the case. It's just a fact. As she said, we've been apart for a long time, so we don't plan on being apart now that we are together."

Alora nodded, agreeing with Alex. Then, addressing the Captain, she said, "To be honest, I don't know, ma'am."

A few seconds of silence fell upon the room. "I understand that now you are married, you want to stick together" she replied giving them both a small smile. "I know that I couldn't leave Ryuuji behind if I transferred to another ship, or went elsewhere" she explained to them. "The question is Alora, are you wanting to leave Starfleet? Or would you prefer to both stay aboard?"

Holding her hand to her chin, placing her chin between her finger and her thumb as if thinking she leant back in her chair slightly. "Like you suggested, Daxer would be next in line for the First Officer Spot..." she looked up at Alex. "I can make you permanent Chief of Security/Tactical Officer. You would have to wear uniform on the bridge however and at official functions" She then turned to Alora.

"You have a background in Intelligence if I remember correctly" Taiga said. "I could really use a decent Intelligence Officer. With all that's happened with the Tal Shiar and the Elachi, several things were missed which could have resulted in many people losing their lives" she paused.

"I've worked in Intel, but so has Alex," Alora said, not sure if he would be more interested in the position.

Alex looked to Alora, for a moment, before looking back to Taiga. "I will be honest, being Chief of Security and Tactical would allow for better synchronize with SWORD and Security, but I want it made clear I am not setting aside my responsibilities to my team. They are my team and they are my family. Just like Alora." He squeezed her hand slightly.

"SWORD will still be your team. Officially they will be an extension under the Chief of Security..." she paused. "I think that now I have seen how well you guys work, I can trust you to do whats needed. You're all a valuable asset to the ship and this crew. I can officialize them under you, they would answer to you only however..." she paused again "Because I know you wouldn't have it any other way".

"You would have to." Alex replied quickly, with a slight smile, before adding. "They wouldn't listen to anyone else other than me, Alora, or another member of the team."

"In that case," Alora said, "I'll stay, too."

"You would of course keep your ranks" Taiga said. She stood up, but still felt rather small to the both officers. "I also want to say... thank you for all you've done for me. I know we haven't exactly seen eye to eye at times, however I am hoping to become a better Captain for both of you"

Alora wasn't so sure the Captain would change, at this point, but it didn't matter. "As long as you find someone you like working with. I know that wasn't me."

"Not without a lack of trying." Alex quickly commented.

Taiga glanced away slightly before looking back at them. "I know I'm not the easiest person to get along with. I sometimes have difficult dealing with myself" she told them both. "However..." she stood up, which didn't really add much to her height.

"Thank you again" she said bowing to them both. She rose up and held out her hand to Alora. "Welcome to your new role as Chief Intelligence Officer. May I consider you a... potential friend?"

Alora stood and took Taiga's hand. "I hope so." Her eyes twinkled mischievously. "Although I can't guarantee that I won't pin you against the bulkhead at some point."

"Yeah, leave that to Daxer. or Ryuuji, depending on what time it is and where it is" Taiga said with a slightly sarcastic tone.

"Daxer's more likely to shoot you with a phaser," Alora replied with a chuckle.

Taiga then turned to Alex and bowed her head. "And I welcome you back as the ships official Chief Security/Tactical officer and head of the SWORD team" she told him once again outstretching her hand so he could take it.

Alex stood up and took her hand, smiling as he did so, gripping it tightly but not enough to harm her in any way. "My team and I will continue to serve to the best of our ability, Captain. That hasn't changed."

"There is one more matter" Taiga said simply. She reached under her desk and slid out one of the drawers. She pulled out two black gold-lined boxes and placed them on the smooth surface of her desk.

"After reading your reports on what occurred on the Elachi ship. Not to mention your dedication to duty, the leadership qualities you both showed and your strong loyalty to not just me, but the fundamental principles of The Federation. I recommended to Starfleet Command that you both receive these" Taiga told them simply. "Now usually, these would be awarded with a whole ceremony at Starfleet Headquarters. We cans till do that if you want to sit through the excruciating boring and dry speeches, the bad chicken dinner and having to sweat like a waterfall in dress uniform. Or we can skip all that and I award them to you now as your Captain" Taiga asked.

"No ceremony, please," Alora said, looking to Alex, then back to Taiga. "We were just doing our job."

"Uh huh" Taiga replied. "Well in that case let's just do this. I captain Taiga Aisaka on behalf of Starfleet Command award you both the Christopher Pike medal of valor for your actions, bravery and loyalty to your ship and your crew" Taiga said as she slid the two boxes towards them.

Alora looked at the box, wide-eyed. "Thank you." She'd expected a small commendation in her record. Not this.

Alex raised a brow slightly. He knew of his Christopher Pike who commanded the ISS Enterprise until he was assassinated, but he wasn't exactly sure what this version of Pike did to earn a medal named after him. He leaned over to Alora and asked plainly. "I'm not well versed in your history. What did Pike do to get a medal named after him?"

"No idea," she whispered back. "He was the Captain of the Enterprise before Kirk. I think it was something to do with a cadet cruise, but I admit, I don't pay a lot of attention to every award Starfleet gives out."

"So..." Alex said softly before adding. "I should just smile and nod, then?"

"Yes," she whispered back. "That's always a good option."

Alex nodded quickly before smiling and saying to Taiga. "We're happy to accept."

Taiga raised an eyebrow slightly confused. "Ok... then..." she said before clearing her throat to get back onto topic. "Also, Lieutenant Commander Knight. As the ships new chief of security. I'm promoting you to Commander. I'm sure that you're more than capable of passing the bridge officers certification exam, so I'm skipping that... unless you want to do it first?" Taiga asked.

The former first officer grinned at her husband. He'd been amazing on the away team and deserved this.

Alex smiled slightly. Commander Alex Knight. Had a nice ring to it, he had to admit, but he wasn't one for grandstanding over rank and titles. He did look over to Alora, noticing her look, before turning to Taiga. "It's appreciated, Captain. I didn't do it for the rank, but because it had to be done. Regardless, I'll take the promotion with pride and not let you down." He paused for a moment before adding. "As far as the bridge officers exam goes? If its required then I would rather go through it. I don't want to utilize any special treatment."

"I can arrange that should you wish to" Taiga said simply with a small smile. "Although, don't expect it to be fun" she stated "It will be one of the hardest exams you may ever do."

Alex looked to Alora, smirking slightly, before replying. "Given what I have done recently, and what I have dealt with in the past, I am pretty sure it will be a vacation compared to all that, Captain."

Taiga nodded. "I'll book you in for the test then" she replied. "Do, either of you have anything else to discuss before I make all this official?" she asked indicating the two medals and the stack of PADDS on her desk which contained crew and roster data.

"No." Alora had only expected to resign as First Officer. All the rest was...unexpected.

"Nothing from my end." Alex replied, looking from Alora to the Captain, before running his hand through his hair.

"Once again. Thank you for what you have done," Taiga said to them both. "Congratulations, and dismissed" she added.

"Thank you again," Alora said, taking Alex's hand.

Alex stood up, his hand still in Aloras, as he nodded to Taiga. He smiled a bit before leading them toward the exit of the Ready Room, award and pip box in his other hand, allowing his wife to lead the way.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer


Commander Alexander 'Alex' Knight
Chief Security/Tactial Officer and SWORD Team Leader


Commander Alora Knight
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Tokyo


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