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Avoiding Questions

Posted on Sun Jun 27th, 2021 @ 12:34am by Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini' & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'

2,322 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: USS Tokyo (NCC-91101), Lieutenant Dillinger's Quarters, Deck 6
Timeline: End of Trial Day 2- shortly after "Rumors"


Soren tidied up his room slightly. Tossing a few things here and there, picking up clothes from the floor, and finally straightening out his bed. The good thing about having a room all to himself was there was no one to get out or worry about screwing up his system. Cost him a good bottle of Andorian Ale and a favor on the side to get it all to himself so it was well worth it.

"So, telling me about Ensign Kusuda, Soren? You've never spoken about her?" The voice of Bettie May came from the holosphere.

"Nozomi?" Soren said as he leaned against the counter with a smile. "J-Pop is a cool little bird. Part of that group I used to hang with back in my academy days." He paused for a moment, thinking of Tammi, before clearing his throat. "She used to be a singer. You've probably heard my play her groups music from time to time it just never registered that I knew her. She gave it to me, by the way, as a joke gift with a note attached that read: From your new favorite pop star." He let out a slight laugh.

"And after... the accident?"

Soren crossed his arms slightly as he thought for a moment. "I know she, and a few others, came to see me. I didn't want to see any of them so I turned them away. I was a real jerk afterwards with losing Grace and my legs. They didn't deserve that. Nozomi in particular. She was always giving us advice and taking care of everyone. All she did was care and, afterwards, I was too angry to care." He got away from the counter and uncrossed his arms, looking at the sphere across from him, grinning slightly. "That's when By-the-Book Soren was gone and All-Around-Jerk Soren was born. Turned away from everyone and everything Starfleet. Took my fighter and went AWOL. Shortly after that, you were born, then our adventure into the seedy underbelly of crime and all things shady commenced."

Bettie's holosphere lit up as her holographic form emerged wearing her typical old fashion pilot's jumpsuit and bomber jacket. "Do you miss it? Being a Starfleet Pilot? Like you used to be?" She said as she approached Soren.

"Somedays when we had to watch our backs and sleep with one eye open. All the good friends we lost along the way might still be alive, but without what happened, none of the fun we had wouldn't have happened. All our contacts and allies. All the jobs they said were impossible we made possible. Not to mention, B, I wouldn't have made you. My best friend. My best co-pilot. My partner in crime."

She giggled slightly, placing her hands behind her back, as she looked down. The hologram crossed her legs slightly before approached Soren and giving him a hug. "You'll always be my ace, Speedy." She said softly.

Soren embraced her, with a smile, before pulling away. He cleared his throat and walked away, tapping her on her shoulders, as he walked to seat by the wall. He moved the seat aside, removing a panel behind it, revealing a hidden compartment with a few things he kept on the side. Soren removed the bottle of Sake, which was in a medium sized porcelain jug, painted with a beautiful blue on white graphic. He only took it out for rare occasions, so it was still at a midway point, which meant there would be plenty to kill if this was all they were sticking to. He then removed two small glasses that came with it, painted in the same fashion, before closing the panel and sliding the chair back into place.

A dull knocking noise could be heard just outside the door to Soren's chambers.

He looked from Bettie to the door, finding it odd they didn't use the chime, before looking back to Bettie. "Make yourself scarce, Bettie. That might be Nozomi."

"You embarrassed of me, Speedy?" Bettie playfully asked, putting his hands on her hips, as she smirked.

"Not... it's just... she might find it a bit odd. Maybe creepy. You are modeled after Grace, remember? Nozomi knew her too. She might not get it in the same way you and I do." Soren said softly as he approached the door.

Bettie nodded her head, understanding what he was getting at, as she walked closer to her holosphere. She paused for a moment before turning to face him. "You can't keep me a secret from her forever, Soren. She's gonna hear my voice eventually and then start asking questions. Don't you think its best to show her now and explain instead of her finding out later and just getting creeped out or look at you funny?"

Soren stopped as he looked to Bettie. "I got this, B. Trust me."

She looked at him and shrugged before fading away. Bettie went back into the holosphere, but remained online. She was curious as to what they would talk about or even how close they were. Soren never mentioned her and so Bettie wanted to make sure she wouldn't be any trouble.

As he turned to face the door, he paused for a moment to get in the right state of mind, before tapping the controls on the side to open it. When he saw it was Nozomi, he greeted her with a smile. "Hey, J-Pop."

"Thanks for inviting me over, Sorenchi," Nozomi greeted, bowing her head as per the custom. "I'll be in your care."

Soren bowed his head back, as he used to do back then, and smiled as he hugged her slightly. "You couldn't be in safer hands." The holosphere let out a deep buzzer noise which prompted him to shush it before gesturing to the rest of his quarters.

"Wow, you weren't bluffing," Nozomi remarked, her gaze slowly panning towards the table. "You really did keep that bottle of sake I got you!"

Soren walked over to the table, picking up the bottle, before handing it to her. "The very same, Nozomi. I only take it out on rare occasions. I would say, this counts." He gave her a smile before gesturing around the room. "Feel free to sit where you like. Sorry its not as clean as it should be. You know I could never keep a clean place for long." He let out a slight laugh.

Nozomi nodded and proceeded to draw up a seat.

"So," she began, "How have things been going with you?"

"Good." Soren replied softly. "Keeping busy." He wasn't sure if she was aware of his record and what he did after leaving the Academy, but Soren wasn't about to bring it up unless he had no choice. "You?"

"Well, there's been some developments," Nozomi began. "For starters, guess who I bumped into at the TIC?"

"Knowing how friendly you can get, I saw we skip the guessing section and move right on to the answer." Soren replied, placing the glasses that came with the bottle on either side, before picking up the bottle itself opening it.

"Well, if that's how you want to play it, Hotshot," Nozomi remarked with a smirk. "I had the pleasure of running into one Phyllis D'Lar; I presume you're acquainted?"

"Sorceress?" Soren replied quickly, laughing a but as he put the bottle down, taking the ceramic cup in his hand. "Yeah, I seen her around before you got her. Spoke with her a few times." He paused slightly before smirking as he continued. "I'm convinced, when the galaxy finally implodes on itself, two things will survive. Roaches and Phyllis. Even then she'll find a way to teach the roaches how to fly and use them as a squad. That Old Bird will outlive us all."

"Amen to that," Nozomi chuckled before switching topics. "Well, in other news, Elichi's doing pretty well for herself; Rear Admiral Kree recently promoted her and placed her in command of the Moscow, so she's got her work cut out for her."

"Good to know." Soren replied as he drank a bit of the sake from the ceramic cup before adding. "It may come in handy down the line. She was always a lot of fun, the Lil Rusky, Eli. Good to see shes doing good." He finished the sake before pouring some more.

"She always did hate that nickname," Nozomi remarked. "Anyways, Honoka's making her way up the ladder, too. You remember Honoka, don't you, Sorenchi? Ginger, blue eyes, kind of a dork?"

Soren nodded remembering exactly who she described. "Yeah, I remember her."

"Well, I just found out earlier today that she's been appointed as Chief Engineer on board the Hyperion," Nozomi continued. "Don't have a whole lot of information on that, but I'm glad her persistence finally paid off."

"Good for her." Soren replied, smiling a bit, as he took the cup off the table. "Nozomi? Are you going to make me drink by myself?"

"O-oh!" Nozomi faltered as she reached for her cup. "My apologies."

The two of them fell silent as Nozomi gently put her lips to the rim of the glass and tilted her neck back, allowing the warm, fermented rice wine to trickle down her throat.

"Aaaah~" she sighed contentedly. "That there was six years' worth waiting for. Anyways-- where was I?"

Soren chuckled slightly, placing his hand on her shoulder, before speaking softly. "Nozomi... you need to relax. Take a moment to shut your brain off and breath. I don't want to hear about everyone else we know, while informative as it may be, I want to hear about you and how things are with my little J-Pop."

Nozomi fell silent for a minute or two as she racked her brain for something that would be even remotely conversation-worthy.

"Well, if I'm being honest, I'm not certain if there's anything all that interesting going on in my life," Nozomi eventually admitted. She was trying to keep a brave face, but the look in her eyes betrayed how she felt about it.

Typical Nozomi.

Soren raised a brow, having known Nozomi well enough to recognize the look, before replying. "J-Pop." He said softly as he sat down in the seat across from her. "I hear the words, but I don't see your face agreeing with them. You know what I mean?"

"Who, me?" Nozomi smiled. "I'm just peachy!"

That was a lie. Anyone with half a brain could see that.

He took a moment to consider his words before finally clearing his throat after finishing his cup of sake. "When I left Starfleet, angry at everything that happened, I did a lot of things to keep from falling apart. I learned a lot of stuff and got very creative when it came to accomplishing goals. One of the things I got really good at, and came very handy in my profession, was reading people. Watching them and learning their tone, their facial expressions, and their gestures. I had to learn when a situation I was involved in might go bad and when it was time to get ready to either fight or flee." He began to pour some more sake in his cup as he continued. "It's saved my butt plenty of times. Nozomi, I remember you well enough to be able to figure certain things out, so I know that there is something going on." Soren paused slightly, holding his hand out to her for a moment, before saying quickly. "Now, I am not pushing. I am not going to force you to talk to me about whatever is going on with you thats bothering you. I know better than that, but I do want you to know this. When you are ready to talk? I am ready to listen. Depending on what it is I may be able to help or I may not. The point is... no matter what... I am here and I'll help in any way I can."

"Sorenchi," Nozomi began, gently placing her hand on the backside of Soren's palm. "I appreciate the fact that you're concerned for me, but I didn't come here to pity myself. I came here to unwind after a long day on the job and speak with a friend I haven't seen in six years."

Soren let out a sigh as he placed his other hand on hers. "Nozomi? You are never going to make it seem like you're looking for pity. For years, at the academy, you've been the first to help one of us with a problem and we've always appreciated it. But, when it came to us trying to help you, you've pulled away immediately. You don't have to do that. There is no shame in it. We care about you too, so help yourself and don't be afraid. Nothing you say will change my opinion of you. I promise. And it will remain between us. Nothing said will go passed these walls. You have my word." He placed his hand over his heart and smiled. "I would never betray you."

"I appreciate it, Soren," Nozomi smiled. "I really do. And one of these days I'm going to have to take you up on your offer and have a nice heart-to-heart. But what's say for now we save that discussion for another day and enjoy the time we have together?"

Posting by (in order of appearance):

Lieutenant Soren Dillinger
Harley Squadron Leader, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Bettie Mae Paige
Holographic AI

Ensign Nozomi Kusuda
Fighter Pilot, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)


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