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Assault on the Starbase

Posted on Fri May 22nd, 2015 @ 1:14am by Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Lieutenant JG Silica Tetsuhiko 'Twin-Tails' & Lieutenant Fubuki Kuchikukan 'Snowflake' & Lieutenant Mimi & Lieutenant K'Eltora

834 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband
Location: Various

The Tokyo and all of its fighter craft dropped out of warp. The large Romulan starbase infront of them had several hull breaches, one huge section of it was already blown away from the explosion caused by the freighter. Several sections were blazing with fire and debris was scattered around it. It was obvious that Taiga's team had made good work of sabotaging the base from the inside out, now it was the Tokyo's turn to do some damage.

=A= Takasu to Aisaka =A= Ryuuji said opening a comm call on an encrypted Starfleet channel. He was hoping that Taiga would respond, he just hoped that she hadn't been captured or worse killed.
=A= Aisaka here, whats your status? =A= replied the voice of Taiga. Ryuuji began to rest easy, she was still alive.

He moved over to assist at the Tactical station and did a quick tactical scan of the station. He sent orders down to Starfighter Operations to provide cover fire while the Tokyo would move in to get the away team back.

=A= Fighter squadrons have begun their assault on the starbase. We've also opened fire with all weapons. We're finding it hard to lock onto you and the away team due to radiation from the core, you need to move out of its field before we can transport =A= he explained. You could hear a slight tone of panic in his voice.

=A= Understood. Transport us out as soon as we're out of range =A= Taiga replied. The channel cut off and Ryuuji looked down at the tactical station.

"Helm. Move us in range" he ordered. "Ops, as soon as they are out of the radiation field beam them out of there. Lets give them a hand in doing some damage to that base, fire at will"

"Understood." Binea said, she kept one eye on the transporter signal while the other watched the sensors for anything unexpected.


"That was close!" Silica said as her fighter barreled to port to avoid a large chunk of debris. The field was intense but the fighters were more then manueverable enough to deal with it.
"Careful Silica!" the voice of Fubuki came over the comm system. Silica looked out of her port window to spot Fubuki flying in close.
"I'm going in" Fubuki said. "Care to join me?"
Silica could see her friends face, it was full of determination and enthusiasm. She nodded and the two fighters headed nose on towards the Romulan starbase. Once they were in range they both unleashed an imprssive volley of phaser cannon fire.

Swooping over the top of the base, destroying several of the large antennas on the roof of the base and then pulling around to start another run the two young fighter pilots couldn't help but cheer.
"Hey K'Eltora. How you holding up? I bet I can hit the starbase more than you can!" Silica said over the comm channel challenging her older Klingon squadron member.

K'Eltora said, "Fine. I am still having problems with the controls. This is nothing like a tactical console."

"You're a fighter pilot aren't you?" Silica asked as her and Fubuki pulled alongside. Silica leant forward in her seat so she could look over at K'Eltora. "If you need extra training on the controls we can show you how, but I thought that you were more experienced at this than us?" she asked curiously.

K'Eltora sighed. "I have some basic training. I only did this in case I was needed for it. What I am is a trained tactical officer. I thought I could do this and I shall. But I feel my place is on the bridge of a ship.


=A= Tokyo to Aisaka. Prepare to beam out! =A= Ryuuji said over an open channel to Taiga's comm badge.

"Beam them out!" Ryuuji ordered now seeing they were out of range of the radiation preventing them from locking on.

Binea activated the transporter beaming the away team back onto the ship. Knowing Taiga would probably want to come straight up to the bridge she used the closest transporter to deck one. "I've got them Commander."


"All starfighters withdraw immediately and regroup at the motherhsip" came the order over Silica's comm channel. Silica gripped her controls tighlty and pulled her starfighter away from the starbase.

K'Eltora said, "Roger that, coming in."

The Romulan Station exploded in a blast of fire. The Starfighters began their docking procedure as the Tokyo held position in space. As soon as Silica got back aboard she knew that something was happening, but she had no idea what.

She looked back through the through hangers doors only to see the Tokyo jump to warp speed. She guessed that they must be high-tailing it out of there as quickly as possible.

Posting by

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Chief Starfighter Operations Officer

Lieutenant Mimi
Chief Operations Officer

Lieutenant K'Eltora
Fighter Pilot

Ensign Noriko Ogawa
Operations Officer

Ensign Silica Tetsuhiko
Fighter Pilot

Ensign Fubuki Kuchikukan
Fighter Pilot


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