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Sneaking Aboard (Part 4)

Posted on Sun May 30th, 2021 @ 6:05am by Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Lieutenant John "Pitbull" Mackey & Lieutenant JG Julien "Dutch" Wachenbach & Lieutenant JG Kurt "Lem" Lemansky & Commander Alora Knight

1,323 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Prowler


"Plot a course for the Sol System. Push the engines if you have to." Alex said as he returned back to his seat. "Alora? Use the Prowler computer and go through everything you collected from the Elachi ship while we were there. Hopefully there is something there that will shed more light on what all this was about."


“I will.” She hesitated. “Is now a good time to tell you I brought back the body?” She asked, nodding to the back. “That will lend credence to our information. I think we should put him on ice.”

"I'm sorry... you brought a body back with you?" Alex replied, being caught off guard. It would give them more to use as proof, but the idea that there was no actual discussion to the idea is what surprised him. "I didn't realize that, my wife, has a major case of kleptomania." He let out a sigh and took her hand. "Honey? For future reference... next time you want to bring a body onboard. A general warning would be preferable. I'll be honest. This isn't the first corpse we've brought on board The Prowler, chances are it won't be the last, so you're lucky we have a way to keep it cold. Next time, just let me know, please."

"It was a last-moment decision," she replied. "I was going to scan him, but then we had to beam out immediately, and I just grabbed his arm." She smiled, unapologetic. "I think Max will appreciate it." She raised an eyebrow. "I think we should contact him. We'll need help getting to earth unnoticed. I suspect the Tal'Shiar framed Taiga, too."

"I'll contact him." Alex said softly. "You have the pleasure of telling Vida about the Elachi body she now needs to find a way to keep in storage."

She wasn't sure she wanted that task, but he knew Max better than she did. "I'll go find her."

She turned to Dutch. "Anything else we need to know?"

"Once you plant the information into the Prowler computer, it will establish a baseline and hunt for familiar symbols, to determine the best way to translate the information to whatever language you think is best." Dutch replied with a smile.

"I'm pretty sure that's not what she meant, Dutch." Alex said firmly as he motioned for Lem to come to him.

"Oh... Well, according to what I have gathered about the trial its just started. So maybe we should get a move on... just saying?" Dutch added with a shrug before remember. "There is good news. According to the same sources the Shakespeare is in orbit and Max was spotted at the trial, along with Admiral Burke, so that means the Cerberus is also somewhere in orbit. Just not... you know... visually in orbit."

Alex nodded as Lem approached. "Lem..." He said as he picked up the Elachi disruptor and handed it to him. "I want to know how what it does and how it works."

"And after?" Lem asked curiously.

"Add it to the armory." Alex replied with a bit of a smile before tapping him on the shoulder. As Lem walked off, Alex turned to Alora and said. "At least, knowing Burke and Max are there will help us buy some time."

"It does." She leaned against him. "But it still doesn't give us much time."

Alex nodded his head. "I know, but there isn't much we can do from where we are now. Let's hope it naturally takes a bit longer and, when we finally get a hold of Max, he can find a way to buy us the time we need. Even if we have to send something ahead of time, we should." He paused for a moment before adding. "Let's just hope your dead friend over there will be enough to convince them the Tokyo isn't responsible."

"Admiral Burke would be good for that. They wouldn't suspect her as much as they would Max."

"We should let them figure that out." Alex replied quickly, as if trying to avoid the conversation.

"I'm sure they will." She wondered what had gone on in the past to make Alex so quick to respond, but she wasn't going to ask. "Right now, I need to inform Vida about our guest, take a quick shower, and start looking through the data."

"Yes, please shower. After all you were the one who brought a dead body onboard. Scrub vigorously. You don't know where that thing has been... you know... before I shot him. Her. It." Alex said before looking over to her and adding. "I love you."

"I love you, too." She smiled. "I think whoever he/she/it was was working on a power conduit at the time. But I take your point." Her eye twinkled wickedly. "If you want to be sure I get clean enough, You'll have to help me scrub. Otherwise, you're taking your chances that I won't miss a spot."

Alex raised a brow, looking at Alora with a smile, before looking to Pitbull.

Pitbull looked over his shoulder to Alex and chuckled softly. "Don't look at me, Boss. She didn't ask for my help."

There was a slight moment of thought before Alex opened his mouth to say something but was immediately cut off by Pitbull.

"Don't worry, Boss. I'll contact Max and Dutch will keep digging. You two go... quarantine with each other. There will be plenty to do when you guys get back." Pitbull turned back around a smirk as he continued to fly the Prowler back towards Earth.

Alora chuckled. "Up to you, love." She flashed Pitbull a smile before turning back to Alex. "Right now, I should take our friend to Vida. That might give you enough time to call Max before giving me a hand."

"Alright. Run along and play with your dead friend. I'll meet you in a few minutes." Alex replied before adding. "And tell Vida I said not to break anything."

She smiled at Alex, her eyes sparkling. "I will." She turned and sauntered back to where she'd left the Elachi and half-carried, half-dragged him out the door to give him to Vida. She might even have time to start the analysis before Alex joined her in their quarters.

Alex smiled back at her before looking to Pitbull. He tapped him on the shoulder and said. "The lead is yours, John." Before walking away towards his office.

"Take your time, Boss." Pitbull replied as he tapped on the console. "I'll get us there. You and the misses relax."

The door to Alex's office opened just as he walked through. He removed his uniform jacket and tossed it aside before taking a seat at his desk. With a few taps on the console he initiated an encrypted message directed to the Cerberus. He knew it wouldn't get there immediately, but it would definitely get there before them and it would at least give them some time. "Max, this is Alex Knight from SWORD. Alora, my team, and myself just escaped an Elachi ship that was abducting Romulan colonists who sent out a distress call to the Tokyo. We have proof that the Tal Shiar are working with the Elachi in these abductions and, furthermore, we have proof the Tokyo did not destroy the Romulan ship or the colonists on the planet." There was a pause, a deep sigh, then a smile as he added. "Oh and we have a dead Elachi onboard. Wasn't my idea. Blame the wife. Let me know if that's good enough proof for you. Alex Out."

Lieutenant Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight
SWORD Team Leader

Commander Alora Knight
Executive Officer

Lieutenant John "Pitbull" Mackey
SWORD Second in Command

Lieutenant JG Julien "Dutch" Wachenbach
SWORD Team Member

Lieutenant JG Kurt "Lem" Lemansky
SWORD Team Member


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