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Sneaking Aboard (Part 3)

Posted on Sun May 30th, 2021 @ 6:04am by Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight & Lieutenant Jazra "Jazz" Sirel & Lieutenant JG Julien "Dutch" Wachenbach & Commander Alora Knight

1,093 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Allegations


Alora wanted something to take with her, but time was running out. She looked around one more time and followed Alex, ordering the rest of the away team to head back to the beam out point.

Then, on the way out, she noticed a device on a counter and pocketed it for later study. Alora followed Alex away from the control center of the Elachi ship, to the location where they would safely beam out.


After a few twists and turns they made it to just a few feet from the door. Unfortunately, an Elachi had turned down the corridor on the opposite side, and began to work at a panel by it. Alex looked over to Alora, throwing up a signal to everyone to stop moving, before peeking around the corner.

"One Elachi. Maybe a maintenance worker. He's, or it, seems to be armed." Alex looked back to Alora and took her hand. "Wait right here?" He said softly before looking back around as he let go of her hand. "I'll go ask for directions." He added before walking around the corner.

He stuck to the wall on the opposite side. Remaining out of the Elachi's sight. As he got close enough, he removed a blade from a sheath hidden behind his back, gripping the handle tightly. Alex took a deep breath before approaching the Elachi, prepared to stab him, until suddenly the alien turned.

Perhaps he caught sight of Alex from a reflection where he was working or maybe the Elachi had some extra sensory ability that they didn't know about. Whatever the case, Alex was seen and lunged, only to be stopped by the alien and pushed away against the wall. As the Elachi removed his disruptor from its holster, Alex threw himself at the alien, knocking the weapon out of his hand. Before the alien had time to respond, Alex dove for the weapon and grabbed it, as he turned onto his back while he slide against the floor.

Before the Elachi realized what had happened Alex shot him with his own weapon. The disruptor threw the alien back and onto the floor, leaving a slight hole in his uniform. Alex slowly rose to his feet before signaling to the others to come out. When they managed to open the door to the room, he instructed the marines to bring the body inside, so no one can find it and ruin their escape.

"While you work on getting us out of here, I'll lock the door." Alora intended to do more than just lock it. She wanted to make sure that anyone trying to break in would have to blast their way through the door first. It would buy them a minute or two of time. When that was done, she scanned the Elachi. This was a perfect opportunity to get more information on the alien.

Alex tapped his combadge. "Knight to Prowler. We're in the right location. Ready when you are."

"Give me a few, Boss." Dutch said over the combadge.

Suddenly the alarm began to go off. Clearly, the brief firefight was detected, which meant they were out of time.

"Dutch!" He shouted. "You don't have a few. Now or never."

"Gotcha, Boss. Transporting now." Dutch's reply came over the combadge.

Alora grabbed the Elachi’s arm so he’d transport with her.

A moment later, they were transported back to the Prowler. Alex tucked the Elachi disruptor into his belt and immediately went to the front of the runabout. "How long till they jump?"

"You guys got there just in time." Dutch said from his console. "Hold onto something!"

Alex removed the alien weapon from his belt and placed it down before taking a seat by Pitbull. "Brace yourselves!" He ordered as he turned to look to Alora to make sure she was okay.

Alora let go of the body and took her seat. She could move it to storage later.

The Elachi Ship opened the tear and jumped out of their space and into normal space. The jolt from one area to the other was a bit strong, even with inertial dampeners working. It shock the inside of the Prowler that some stuff that wasn't locked down fell over.

"Where are we?" Alex said as he looked around.

"We made it back into normal space, but something is off." Jazz said as she looked over to Alex.

"What?!" He replied, raising a brow. "Don't tell me we came out in a different time?"

Jazz looked back to her console and tapped away before answering. "Kinda? Still in the same year, but not in the same time before we left."

"Good." Alex said firmly as he leaned back in his chair. "At least we don't have to deal with any time traveling headaches." He tapped on Pitbull's shoulder and laughed slightly before saying. "Get us out of here. Let's find the Tokyo."

Dutch tapped his console before suddenly looking over. "Alora? Alex? You guys better come take a look at this?"

Alex looked to Alora and got up, walking over to Dutch's console. "What's going on, Dutch?"

Alora glanced at the Elachi corpse, now laying against the bulkhead in the back and went over to see what Dutch had.

"I've been rustling through the updated information. You know, com traffic and what not, when I came across this." Dutch said as he pulled up an Intelligence feed about the Tokyo being recalled to Earth and Taiga was being charged with destroying a Romulan colony and starship.

"What the hell?" Alex said as he shifted through the information. "There is nothing here about the Elachi ship." He looked to Alora. "They are blaming the whole thing on the Tokyo, specifically Captain Aisaka."

“The only thing I can think is that the Tal’Shiar framed her to cover up their activities. We need to get what we have to Earth—without letting them know we’re coming.”

"Plot a course for the Sol System. Push the engines if you have to." Alex said as he returned back to his seat. "Alora? Use the Prowler computer and go through everything you collected from the Elachi ship while we were there. Hopefully there is something there that will shed more light on what all this was about."

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight
SWORD Team Leader

Commander Alora Knight
Executive Officer

Lieutenant John "Pitbull" Mackey
SWORD Second in Command

Lieutenant JG Julien "Dutch" Wachenbach
SWORD Team Member

Lieutenant Jazra "Jazz" Sirel
SWORD Team Member


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