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The New Kids On The Flight Deck (Part 2)

Posted on Wed Apr 7th, 2021 @ 5:57am by Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya & Jennifer Daxer & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini'
Edited on on Wed Apr 7th, 2021 @ 5:58am

1,848 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Starfleet Headquarters, San Francisco
Timeline: Immediately after "Not much to go on"

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

"Where is daddy then? Why is he not here either?" Mikoto asked and began to look around placing her hand flat against her forehead like she was playing.

"Your father is currently elsewhere" Karuta replied simply without any sort of emotion. She would not divulge to her daughter the nature of the relationship with her current husband, or why he was not with them at that time. "I shall explain to you when it is more relevant to do so".

"Now" she said as they reached the shuttlebay area and she held out a hand. "Take my hand. This area is dangerous for children. I do not wish you to come to any harm". She felt relieved that Mikoto gently took her hand and held it tightly. "We are to board a shuttle with several other officers, we shall then board the Starship Tokyo after a couple of hours flight time."

Mikoto knew all too well that was her mothers way of telling her to behave during the flight. "Understood Mummy" she replied with a smile.

And now the continuation...

Jasd Yuvek was livid.

He had prepped himself to depart at the soonest available time to head to the USS Tokyo and begin familiarizing himself with his newly assigned post. He assumed that his Orders were just slightly delayed and that they would be ready by the time he arrived at the Shuttle bay to depart.

That had been over 30 hours ago.

"What do you mean my Orders aren't in compliance?" The Cardassian asked in an aggravated tone. "I am to depart from here and travel to there" He said, using exaggerated gestures to the non-plussed Crewman.

The Saurian looked down at the computer console once again and looked back up to the Cardassian that was harranguing him. "Before any personnel can depart from this facility, they must have a signed copy of Starfleet Form SF-2240 on file indicating that they have received their medical evaluation." He replied.

"I've already gone through that!" He said in a more enraged tone.

Just at that moment, a pink haired woman walked around the corner to find the commotion in front of her. Dressed in medical teal Starfleet uniform she approached the Saurian and the Cardassian. She recognised the Cardassian man from the profiles she had been given on crew assigned to the Tokyo.

"Excuse me" she said as she approached. "You're lieutenant Yuvek, if I'm correct?" she asked.

"YES!" Lt. Yuvek said, unable to keep his frustration directed towards just the one person before him. "I am Lieutenant Yuvek, of the USS Tokyo" He said as he noticed the medical division-clad officer before him.

"Are you the reason my records have been lost? How difficult is it to press one button and upload a document so the rest of us can go on about our assigned duties!?" He asked rhetorically.

Anu looked the Cardassian up and down before turning to the Saurian. "Lieutenant Yuvek will have a medical evaluation log in the computer archives" she said as she pulled an isolinear chip from a pocket tucked inside her uniform. "You will need a medical authorisation to access such information..." she looked around the shuttlebay area "...and since I am the only medical officer on deck, if you use this access code you will be able to access that information which should allow you to view the digital copy of his SF-2240" she explained.

Lt. Yuvek found himself speechless. "Th-th-thank you very much." He finally got out. "I appreciate the assistance." He said as the Saurian took the chip, inserted it into the console and began to access the specific archive for the necessary form.

Amu smiled. "No problem" she replied simply.

It took several minutes for him to locate it, but he looked up from the console and nodded to the Cardassian.

"I've found it and I have uploaded it to your Personel Record Management System. You should be able to book your appropriate shuttle without any further difficulties." The Crewman stated, showing no sign of remorse or contriteness for the prior difficulties.

Having been informed of a problem concerning one of the Tokyo's new transfers, Daxer chose this moment to appear from around the nearest corner. Not having heard the last bits of conversation, she was unaware that the issue had been resolved, as she spoke up.

"Excuse me." Jen said as she approached, not bothering to identify herself just yet. "I was informed there was an issue with the new Tokyo transfers. Perhaps I can assist."

Amu turned to face the newcomer, she noticed the rank pips on her uniform. "Not anymore Commander" she smiled. "It was just a matter of an issue with some paperwork being missing. We have located it and sorted the issue" she looked over at the Saurian and narrowed her eyes slightly to indicate that she meant business. "Haven't we?" she asked him.

"Yes Sir." The Saurian crewman replied. "You're all set now."

"Very good." Daxer said simply, as she turned to Jasad. "Mr Yuvek, tell your ship mates to report to me, once they're settled in. I'll probably be somewhere around Headquarters." She didn't bother mentioning the trial, figuring just about everyone in Starfleet knew about it by now.

"Understood, ma'am. I don't anticipate there being any further. . .obstacles. . .to our being able to depart in a reasonable amount of time." The Helmsman said to the obstinant crewman.


A Type 9A Shuttlecraft had been provided for the transfer, courtesy of Captain Nanjō. A group of fresh-faced Ensigns were already camped out in front of the craft, presently engaged in some lively banter as they awaited formal deployment. A handful of the officers present were sporting the gold tunics denoting their field of expertise as security or engineering; still fewer sported the teals nominative of science or medical; but a vast majority of them sported the signature white-and-blue uniforms of the fighter detachment.

"ATTENTION!" Commander Romanov's proclamation cut through the air like a knife, at once silencing the Ensigns and sending them scrambling to attention. For a good few seconds, the only sounds that could be heard were the click-clack of Commander Romanov's boots as she stepped into view, a PaDD in one hand and a suspicious Manila envelope in the other.

"I see that your instructors have conditioned you well," Commander Romanov remarked with a sneer. "My Name is Honorable Madame Katyusha Romanov, Executive Officer of the USS Moscow. Allow me to preface this debriefing with a warning; while many of you here may have grown accustomed to the safety net that the Academy provides, once you step off that Shuttlecraft, the training wheels officially come off. Anything you say or do from now on in will have its repercussions, so choose your actions wisely. Do I make myself clear?"

"Ma'am, yes, Ma'am!" The Ensigns replied in unison.

"Very Good," Commander Romanov nodded. "I have taken the liberty of updating your PaDDs with information pertinent to your deployment, including a map of the USS Tokyo and various shipboard access codes, the latter of which will be updated in a few hours' time. Upon disembarkation, you will have approximately one hour to settle into your appointed quarters before you are expected to report directly to the ship's Chief Of Security, Commander Jennifer Daxer; she will be down here at Headquarters, so please speak with any security personnel for any further questions. You may be asked to provide identification, so make sure you have it on-file.

"Once you have spoken with Daxer, you are to report directly to the sickbay on Deck 4 for a mandatory health screening. I understand that we already had you undertake a health screening prior to your deployment, but it is official protocol for the Chief Medical Officer to cross-reference your files and update them with any changes; be sure to have your copy of SF-2240 on hand for the doctor's convenience.

"Once you have been formally dismissed from sickbay, you are to report directly to your assigned department head; their names and the locations in which they can be found have been provided to you with the information I have forwarded you, though it is encouraged that you speak with Commander Daxer on this matter. Are my instructions clear?"

"Ma'am, yes, Ma'am!"

"A fine, obedient bunch you shall make," Commander Romanov nodded before turning her head and spotting Yuvek's group standing just off to the side.

"Ah, like Clockwork!" Commander Romanov remarked, diverting the Ensigns' attention to the Cardassian. "I take it that you are the Lieutenant Yuvek that the Admiralty spoke of, yes?"

Lieutenant Yuvek raised an eyebrow slightly. While he was quite confident in his abilities, he had not idea that he had already gained the attention of the Admirality so soon.

"Yes, I am Lieutenant Junior Grade Jasad Yuvek, Chief Helmsman of the USS Tokyo." The Officer said with a obvious swell of his chest.

"And not a moment too soon," Commander Romanov remarked, sizing up the puzzled Lieutenant. "I've been hearing a fair deal about you as of late; you're part of that "New Generation" of Cardassians that have been setting a new bar for their kind."

This certainly was not the first, and probably would not be the last time he had heard such a speech from a ranking Starfleet Officer. It almost seemed as if the Federation was overjoyed and utter pleased with themselves to have given so many Cardassians admissions into the Academy.

However, Jasad could not pretend as if he did not recognize the wonderful opportunity he and his brother had been given by the Federation. Unfortunately, where Jasad saw an opportunity to expand his people's horizon's and be a part of the larger galactic community by serving within Starfleet, his brother Bretav saw an opportunity to strengthen the Cardassia Military and to rebuild what their people had lost over a generation ago. It was certainly not easy to tell anybody that your brother wore the uniform of the Cardassian Empire, the former enemy of the Federation.

Jasad realized that he had lost himself in his own thoughts. He turned his attention back towards the Commander. "That is correct," The Helmsman responded.

Seemingly content with his response, Commander Romanov quickly turned her gaze back on the Ensigns.

"And let this man serve as an example to you," she explained, pacing up and down the line. "Any individual with the right mind to do so can and will change, so eject any preconceived notions you may have had about a given race, because it won't get you very far on this ship. Am I clear?"

"Ma'am, yes, Ma'am!" the Ensigns affirmed.

"And I think that covers everything," Commander Romanov nodded contentedly as she made her way over to the Shuttlecraft. "Lieutenant- Care to do the honors?"

To be continued...


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