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The New Kids On The Flight Deck (Part 3)

Posted on Wed Apr 7th, 2021 @ 5:57am by Lieutenant Amu Hinamori M.D. & Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya & Jennifer Daxer & Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant JG Nozomi Kusuda 'Gemini'

1,236 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Starfleet Headquarters, San Francisco
Timeline: Immediately after "Not much to go on"

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

Seemingly content with his response, Commander Romanov quickly turned her gaze back on the Ensigns.

"And let this man serve as an example to you," she explained, pacing up and down the line. "Any individual with the right mind to do so can and will change, so eject any preconceived notions you may have had about a given race, because it won't get you very far on this ship. Am I clear?"

"Ma'am, yes, Ma'am!" the Ensigns affirmed.

"And I think that covers everything," Commander Romanov nodded contentedly as she made her way over to the Shuttlecraft. "Lieutenant- Care to do the honors?"

And now the final continuation...

Lt. Yuvek was slightly confused. "Honors?" He certainly hadn't been informed of any specific duties that were to be performed before reporting to the Tokyo.

"If Starfleet entrusts you with flying an Armitage-class carrier, then I can entrust you with piloting a Type 9A," Commander Romanov clarified somewhat bluntly.

"Ah....yes, right away." He said, quickly realizing what the Commander was referring to.

Piloting a Type 9A shuttle. . .hopefully I'll pilot this thing back into a museum where it belongs. Lt. Yuvek thought to himself as he made his way into the rear of the shuttle with his gear.

He was about to take the controls of one of the few rapid-response Carriers in the fleet with a full compliment of lethatl attack-fighters. And yet. . .he found himself first piloting a bucket of a shuttle that should have been decommissioned before the outbreak of the Dominion War.

Amu simply smiled as she followed the lieutenant into the shuttle. Inside sat another woman. "Greetings" she said simply. She didn't rise from her seat, her rank showed that she was the most senior enlisted rank, that of Chief Warrant Officer.

Next to her sat a young girl, no older than ten years old. She was leaning back on the rear begnch swinging her legs back and forth. As soon as the others entered she jumped up and smiled. "Hi!" she exclaimed. "Who are you?" she asked curiously.

"Mikoto" the woman said simply. "Please refrain"

"Its ok" Amu smiled as she crouched down to the same level of the young girl. "I'm Doctor Amu Hinamori. And this here is Lieutenant Yuvek. Are you coming on the shuttle ride too?" she asked softly.

"Yeah. Mummy and I are going upto a new ship. I hope its a really big one with lots of space to run around and play!" Mikoto replied. "My name is Mikoto Roromiya!"

"Nice to meet you" Amu replied. "But, we need to get flying. Maybe we should both sit down while our pilot here gets us upto the ship?"

Mikoto nodded and returned to the bench seat and sat down. Amu sat down opposite and looked over to the other woman. She noticed she had pointed ears, obviously she was part Vulcan.

"Assigned to the Tokyo too Chief?" she asked simply.

"Indeed" Karuta replied. "I am Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya. I will be taking the position of the Air Boss" she explained simply. "Mikoto here is my daughter, please excuse her outbursts and behaviour. She is more Human than Vulcan, biologically and emotionally"

"I don't mind" Amu smiled. She looked over at Yuvek. "I'm sure that you don't mind either do you?"

Lt. Yuvek bit his tongue from speaking his true feelings. He couldn't think of anything more foolish than bringing a child onboard a combat carrier. The Tokyo was not designed to ferry children across the galaxy on a field trip. It was a vessel designed for dangerous missions. It certainly was not a place for a child, especially one as rambunctious as the one behind him currently.

"Everyone, take your seats, I'm sealing the hatch and requesting clearance from Docking Control." The Cardassian said, avoiding a direct response to the question.

Commander Romanov, who was in the process of doing a head-count, suddenly realized that her numbers were coming up short.

"Hold the phone, Lieutenant," she ordered, a look of irritation crossing her face. "It would appear as though one of our transfers has forgotten the memo to show up on time..."

No sooner had she relayed her instructions when a dull thunk directed everyone's attention to the rear hatch. All eyes watched with silent curiosity as an officer toting a large, heavy-looking suitcase stumbled on board. Despite appearing considerably older than most of her contemporaries, the singular pip on her collar denoted that she was, in fact, an Ensign. She shuffled towards her seat not too graciously (earning herself a snicker from some of the younger transfers), and in spite of the stern words that Commander Romanov would likely have in store for her, she seemed completely unfazed by the icy glare that the XO was currently sending her way; if she was, then she certainly didn't show it.

Karuta looked over at the tardy Ensign. She raised an eyebrow simply as she looked the woman up and down who was wearing the same colour blue she was. However this woman seemed to be a pilot.

Mikoto leant forward in her seat to get a better view of the new person. She looked past her mother and began to examine the newcomer.

Lt. Yuvek's patience was wearing thin. First, the intractable Saurian, then the child tagging along, and now an Ensign had somehow forgotten how to use a chronometer.

"Care to explain yourself Ensign?" Commander Romanov remarked, likewise reflecting how Lt. Yuvek was feeling right now.

"My apologies, Commander," the Ensign expressed, almost casually as if it weren't a big deal. "I got held up by a random security check and had to make a break for it; it won't happen again."

Then, briefly reconsidering her words:

"Well, I don't think it'll happen again..."

"Just. Be. SEATED!" Commander Romanov scowled as she drew up a seat in the co-pilot's chair.

"Apologies for the delay, Lieutenant," she sighed, turning her attention to Yuvek. "All hands are now accounted for; seal the hatch and take us up."

"Are you sure? Is there anybody else who didn't get the memo as to when we are supposed to depart?" Lt. Yuvek groused.

"Don't patronize me, Lieutenant," Romanov scowled, her patience with everyone beginning to running thin.

Lt. Yuvek received clearance to launch from Docking Control and slowly accelerated the shuttle as it took off and began to clear the immediate area. They swooped under the re-built San Francisco bridge and made their way over the water as they begun to ascend higher and into the planet's atmosphere.


Posting by (in order of appearance):

Commander Katyusha Romanov
Executive Officer, USS Moscow (NCC-61025)

Captain Eliza Nanjō
Commanding Officer, USS Moscow (NCC-61025)

Commander Jennifer Daxer
Chief of Security, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Chief Warrant Officer Karuta Roromiya
Starfighter Air Boss, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Mikoto Roromiya
Civilian child

Lieutenant JG Jasad Yuvek
Chief Flight Control Officer, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Intractable Saurian Receptionist

Lieutenant JG Amu Hinamori, M.D.
Chief Flight Deck Medic, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)

Ensign Nozomi Kusuda
Fighter Pilot, USS Tokyo (NCC-91101)


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