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Clash of the Commanders

Posted on Wed Jan 7th, 2015 @ 8:24pm by Jennifer Daxer & Captain Taiga Aisaka

953 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Expeditious expectations
Location: Tokyo Bridge

Jennifer had been ordered to report to the USS Tokyo. After arriving at Earth, she took a shuttle to the Utopia Planetia shipyards, and boarded the USS Tokyo.

Getting directions from the computer, Jennifer made her way to the Bridge, which was where the Captain should usually be.

As she entered the Bridge, everything seemed quiet, except for... someone was crawling around under the CO's chair.

"Where the bloody hell did I put it?" a small yet angry voice yelled from under the chair. No one on the bridge seemed to be noticing though, they were all just carrying on. "Wait, whats this red wire do?"

Jennifer pulled her gun, training it on the woman crawling around. The mention of a red wire caught attention. "Hold it right there!" She ordered. "Keep your hands where I can see them, and don't make any sudden moves!"

Taiga jumped, hitting her head on the bottom of the chair with a crack. She darted out from under the chair, grabbed the gun from the womans hand and threw it across the bridge. "WHAT THE HELL!" she shouted angrily. "Don't just point guns at people, you made me hit my head you IDIOT!" she shouted her face now cross and she was now rubbing her head.

"Perhaps crawling around under your chair wasn't the brightest of ideas, Commander." Jennifer said simply. "Your Executive Officer couldn't exactly identify your rear... I'd like my gun back." the two women stood nose to nose, but Jennifer showed no emotions of any kind.

Taiga crossed her arms and stood her ground. "Then go and get it" she said simply her eyes fixed on the woman. "And you're the new XO? No one told me about this" Taiga said. "But then there's a lot that I haven't been told about" she murmered under her breath.

"You may want to take that up with your superior officer." Jennifer said simply, as she moved to pick up her gun, placing it back in it's concealed holster. "Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Daxer, reporting for duty."

"Ok" Taiga said. "And why do you carry weapons with you? Are you some sort of Starfleet Mercenary?" she asked placing her hands on her hips and leaning back slightly to make herself seem a little taller, without much success like.

"I am also serving as your Chief Security Officer." Jennifer replied. "Weapons are needed for me to serve that purpose."

Taiga looked at the woman then shot a look over at an officer on the bridge, obviously not pleased at all. "Mister Jennings, you are the current acting Executive Officer. WHY was I not informed about... THIS?" she asked with a hostile tone.

It was obvious the man was rather nervous, that was evident from his shaking hands on the console. "Sorry Commander... I left the report on your desk..." he explained nervously.

"Oh so that was what was on that PADD I dropped somewhere" Taiga said facepalming in her own disbelief.

Jennifer noticed a PADD stuffed down into one side of the Captain's chair. "You mean this PADD?" She said, pulling it from the chair, and handing it to Taiga. "You should keep better track of your things."

Taiga snatched the PADD out of her hands. "Thank you" she said. As she then sat down in the chair, her legs not quite touching the floor when she sat all the way back into the chair. "So tell me Commander" she said as she tapped on the PADD. "Why did Starfleet put you here under transfer orders marked as 'Urgent'?"

"Considering your mission, and my position here, I would think that would be obvious." Jennifer replied with a slight smirk. "However, since you asked, your mission presents an urgent need for a Chief Security, and Tactical Officer, and thus, I am here."

"Fair enough then" Taiga said throwing the PADD softly into the XO seat and then sitting back in her seat, put her hands behind her head and closed her eyes. "I was a Security and Tactical officer before I was here. Are you any good? I was pretty damn awesome, if I don't say so myself" she asked opening one eye to look at Jennifer.

Jennifer raised an eyebrow at the woman. "I was able to successfully sneak up on you, wasn't I?" She asked. "Not that it was difficult, mind you."

Taiga shot her a warning look fire in her eyes. "Sarcasm will get you nowhere" she said. "Consider yourself reported in". Taiga jumped down from the command chair and started walking over towards the ready room. "Shouldn't you have Security or XO Stuff to do?" she asked stopping to look back at her before she reached the door.

Jennifer sighed, as she looked at Taiga. "You don't have a clue what you're doing, do you?" She asked.

"Yes I do!" Taiga snapped back. "I've served as this ships XO for its ten month shakedown cruise. Do NOT lecture me again. Take this as a warning LIEUTENANT Commander" she said her eyes focused on the woman, she made sure to emphasize that she was a lower rank even though they both had the word 'commander' in them. She spun around and walked quickly into the ready room her hair flowing behind her.

Jennifer looked over at Jennings, who opened his mouth to say something, but she shot him a warning look. "Don't say a word." She said. "Not one word, Lieutenant."

Jennings just nodded and turned back to his console.

Jennifer decided to leave the Bridge. Her next stop would be Sickbay. Hopefully the staff there would be more accommodating.

Posting by

Commander Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Daxer
Executive Officer
Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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