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Bringing her on board

Posted on Sat Jan 9th, 2021 @ 11:15am by Lieutenant Alexander "Lex" Knight & Jennifer Daxer

2,080 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Starfleet Headquarters - Secured Medical Quarters
Timeline: 1 year before the Trial

*Dreaming - USS Tokyo - Engineering - The Borg Incident*

The main engineering department looked vastly different than what one would usually find on an Armatage Class Starship of the line. Several of the bulkheads had been heavily modified to accommodate Borg alcoves, which were scattered all about the room on each level.

This was the hub of Borg activity on the ship, but there was one special drone in particular that had been separated from the rest... The Borg Drone that was once Jennifer Daxer stood quietly in her alcove, just listening to the whispers.

For the most part, Engineering had been quiet, since they'd managed to get past the doors, and disable the self destruct alarm.... But that changed, as 3 drones escorted another female officer into the main area.

"You guys really need a new decorator in here." Ensign Wendy Denovin blurted out, as she took in the scene. She was terrified, and making bad jokes was generally her way of handling fear. "I like the pretty green though."

"Desire is irrelevant." Daxer's voice could be heard, as she stepped out into view. "Soon, you will see this too." She said, as she reached forward, injecting the woman with assimilation tubules.

*Starfleet Headquarters - Secured Medical Quarters - One year ago*

Jen woke with a start, in Starfleet's medical wing, in secured quarters. She lie there awake for a few moments, sweat glistening along her skin, before barely noticing the silhouette of a person sitting in what was probably the darkest corner of the room.

She quickly reached for the gun on her night stand, bringing it up to point at them.

"Who are you?" She asked seriously, as she pulled the hammer back to show she was ready to fire. "And how the hell did you get in here?"

The man slowly raised his hand, holding the clip to her gun in his firm palm, before replying softly. "That's going to be useless without this, Lieutenant." He gave the clip a slight wiggle before standing up.

Daxer was now able to see the man completely. He was an older gentlemen, with dark hair with slight gray, and a mustache. He wore an all black tailored suit with a white buttoned shirt and black tie. With a firm look on his face, the man walked over to the bed, until finally laying the clip on her lap.

"I'm a man who can walk through walls... amongst other things." As he brought his hands behind his back he continued. "You can put that back in your gun and shoot me if you want, but I assure you before this conversation is over, you wont be needing that." He gave her a slight smile before raising his hand an snapping his finger, prompting the lights to turn on but at a dim setting. "For now... Call me Max. Maybe you'll earn the rest of my story as we move forward."

"Max, huh...?" Jen asked absently, her mind taking in what he'd said. She lowered the gun, placing the still full clip into it, before setting it in her lap. When she looked back up at him, the seriousness was still there. "What do you want, Max?"

Max gave a slight smiled as he eased his hand inside his suit jacket. With his other hand he raised it slightly, easing her off, noticing her hand clench around the handle of her gun. Probably preparing for him to pull out a weapon.

Slowly Max removed an all black PADD about the size of a standard small PADD, on the back was a Starfleet Intel Insignia but it was slightly altered, one she may have heard of but never actually seen with her own eyes.

"Pretend I know every answer to every question I am about to ask. So, do me the courtesy of not withholding information and I will do you the same by answering any questions you have for me. Well... the ones you are authorized hear the answers to anyway." Max said as he placed the PADD down by the gun, screen side up, revealing the photo of Taiga Aisaka. "You are familiar with this Officer?"

Daxer recognized the insignia. She remembered seeing it during an interrogation in one of her undercover cases several years ago. AFter being broken in an interrogation, the woman who'd shown it to her had mentioned the name Paladin, before being let go.

As she looked at the padd's contents, she looked back up at him, with no hint of emotion. "She saved my life." Jen said simply, then added. "You've been watching me for some time."

"Keen observation, Lieutenant. I wouldn't expect anything less from a Vulcan." Max replied as he placed his hands behind his back. "Yes, in the infancy of the division, the woman who approached you saw potential in you and we kept watch on you from a distance." He took a moment to take in a breath before exhaling it softly as he continued in his calm tone. "We keep an eye on many potential officers. I try to select officers with certain drives and traits that would fit well within our division. Officers who look passed medals and awards and just want to make a difference. Who ask for nothing in return for a good deed and who place others above themselves. Among other things. Paladins goal, Lieutenant, is to maintain the balance and keep a constant flow of valuable information to ships and officers scattered throughout the quadrants so that they can remain prepared and safe to keep doing what they were taught to do. Seek out new worlds. New civilizations. And above all else... maintain peace and diplomacy."

He paused for a moment, having felt he given her enough information to understand what his ideals were, to better understand what Paladin was and their intent. Max ran his fingers through his mustache before speaking again. "During the course of our duties, my Officers, have come across a potential threat to Officer Aisaka. The details are still vague and we are still gathering what we can, so what we know is still limited, but we felt it necessary to act accordingly. That's why I am here. She saved your life once. How would you like the chance to return the favor?"

Jen was quiet for several seconds, as her still waking mind took in all of the information he'd given her. Even in the short term, it was a lot to process, but when she looked back at him again, there was a look in her eyes that showed clear understanding. Mixed in with that was also clear evidence of mistrust, and questions.

"I'm on medical house arrest, Max... and my gun is loaded with sleep darts." She pointed out casually, as if she were talking to an old friend. She took that moment to brush her hair aside, revealing the Borg ocular implant still surrounding her eye. "After what I've been through, they probably won't let me out of here for at least another year, or two... or three."

"Lieutenant... do you think you were placed here by chance?" Max replied as he crossed his arms over his chest. "You're not the first Starfleet Officer we've taken in who was liberated from the Borg. Our division has become very knowledgeable and skilled at helping officers return back to their lives and even return to duty. Who do you think gave Starfleet Medical a majority of their knowledge on how to safely remove that technology?" He couldn't help but smile slightly. "We can have you back up in one and a half if you are up for it."

This time, it was only a few short seconds, before she gave her only reply. "What's the catch?"

"No catch. We don't put any fine prints on our contracts if that's what you are wondering. There is no threat here. We protect one another as well as the people around us. When you need one of us, we are there, no questions asked. No reciprocation needed. Whether you need extra information or an extra weapon at your side." Max uncrossed his arms and let out a bit of a sigh. "I see you as a woman with talents and skills that would benefit our cause. At the moment, we need someone who would be a new face to the people in play, as well as someone who can remain on their toes." He paused slightly and smiled a bit before saying. "Sometimes, Lieutenant, we don't choose out missions. Our missions choose us."

"Yeah, you're from Paladin alright." She said smartly, as she recognized the phrase he'd uttered. "About Taiga... What do you need me to do?"

"We need you to hate her." Max replied with a sly smile.

"Seriously...?" She seemed confused, despite now being more awake. "You know I'd consider her a friend, if I thought she'd accept such a title, but you want me to turn against a woman I owe my life to?"

"We know that. You know that." Max replied as he slowly began to walk away. "It is our hope that the ones plotting to harm Taiga do not."

"Guess I could blame her for getting me assimilated." Jen replied. She took the loaded gun, moving it from her lap, back to the end table, before she stood up, and moved to the nearby mirror. She took a moment to check herself out, before looking at him in the reflection. The realization of what he was suggesting hitting her then. "They might believe it, if I tell them that Jepson's stupidity screwed up my investigation too."

Max saw the her move the gun from her lap to the table before smiling a bit before speaking. "We've been able to identify several players who could possibly lead you to whoever is behind this. It may take some time to get close, and should you be asked to do something to prove your loyalty, we can help you reach that level of trust. I can connect you with several members who will have your back."

"I'm still not entirely certain I trust you, so let's get something straight, Max." Jen said, as she turned around to face him, choosing to lean back against the nearby desk, crossing her arms. For a moment, her eyes flickered over the gun, and a flash of paranoia crossed her features. "Once I get in, I work alone... no partner, no assistant."

"I'm afraid, working alone, is not an option." Max replied, his tone suddenly becoming a bit harsh and defensive. His calm tone shifted to a firm one while the look on his face became stern. He was afraid he may have judged her wrong and have exposed him, and Paladin, prematurely. "I thought I made it clear that this branch, my team, works as a unit. Alone may have been your ideal choice, but accepting this job, will take that option off the table. We provide support to all our officers. We watch each others backs. If this is not something you can accept then I will leave you here, but I warn you. If you insist on going it alone I can assure you that you won't make it as far as you think. I don't want you compromising this investigation or putting my people at risk. If these people feel a threat they may scatter and we may lose our chance to stop this from escalating."

She stood there for another few moments, looking at him, before giving a heavy sigh. "You're right, Max... I can't do it alone." She finally admitted, looking away. She lightly, but absently reached up to touch the implant around her eye, her memories flashing back to the Borg incident on the Tokyo, before her lucidity returned. "I'm still not entirely all there, so you'll have to forgive me. If you say Taiga is in danger, and you're looking to save her... "

At this point, Jen moved to where Max stood, and in a very un-Vulcan move, offered her hand for a handshake. "I'll help you keep her, and the Tokyo crew safe."

Max extended his hand, taking hers firmly, before replying softly with a smile. "Told you, by the end of this conversation, you wouldn't be needing that."

Posted by:

LT CMDR Jennifer Daxer
Acting Captain
USS Tokyo


Admiral Maximillian 'Max' Hunter


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