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A late visit

Posted on Sat Jan 9th, 2021 @ 7:10am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Jennifer Daxer

1,072 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Starfleet HQ - Brig
Timeline: After "Accusing the Admiral"

After demanding that she be beamed back down to the surface, from Mayahara's ship, Daxer immediately called for transport to Starfleet Headquarters.

It didn't take her long to reach the building's high security detention area, where she knew that Taiga was being held. As was expected, she was stopped by two guards.

"Identity, and business?" The woman in charge asked, while the other guy took the liberty of scanning her body with a Tricorder.

"Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Daxer, Acting Captain of the Tokyo." She said simply, ignoring the man with the tricorder. "I'm here to see Taiga Aisaka."

At that moment, the Vulcan security officer scanning her stepped back, and gave the other woman a nod. "She's clean, and appropriately armed."

"She's in cell 16, first corridor on the left." the woman said, holding out a padd, which Jen gave her thumbprint on, before silently moving past her into the corridor.

Having been moved to a cell instead of quarters during the trial; Taiga wasn't having the best of days. She had taken off her red tunic and was simply laid down on the small bed in her grey undershirt. She was holding a PADD in her hand which she was flicking through. Even though she had been removed from command, security had allowed her to continue writing the letters to the family members of the crew she had lost.

There were so many to go through, many of the names she only recognised from reports. She vowed to herself that if she got out of this she would endeavour to become closer to her crew. She heard footsteps and noticed Jennifers face as she walked in. She sat up.

"Jen..." she said raising an eyebrow. "Either you have been beating someone up on a holodeck, or you finally gave that idiot Miyahara the beating of his life for me?" she asked.

"If only it were that simple." Jen said with a raised eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure someone tried to shut me up, because an assassin was sent to my parents home to kill me."

Taiga shot up to her feet. "What!" she exclaimed. "How?" her face turning immediately to anger. "Have you alerted Starfleet Security?" she asked. Then she turned away. "I bet it was Miyahara. He seems like he has something to hide. He seems like the type of bastard that will go and do anything necessary to send me down!" she said. "But, if they wanted to shut you up. They will want the same from me too. I invite them to come after me" she clenched her fists "Then I can knock them into next week!"

"An investigation is already underway, but the man was a professional, so there won't be much to find." Jen explained. She grabbed a nearby chair, and moved it over near the cell to have a seat. "I confronted Myahara, but he denies any involvement, and even accused me of lying... at first."

"Yeah, because you just go around beating yourself up" Taiga replied sarcastically. She let out a long sigh as she sat back down on the bed. "The question is, what do we do next? Do you think Starfleet will side with him or us? I'll admit I've started to question my own decisions"

"Don't blame yourself, Taiga." Jen told her, without hesitation. It was the first time she could ever remember calling Taiga by her first name, but in that moment, it felt right. "In all honesty, if I had been in command, I likely would've done much the same as you did."

"I know what I did was right, at least I thought it was. But I can't help thinking that we shouldn't have crossed the Neutral Zone. It was technically an internal affair for the Romulans" she paused as she looked down at the floor. "Would have Starfleet have understood if we just stoodby and did nothing? Or is this a double edged sword type of situation? Doomed if we do, doomed if we don't?" she asked.

"I believe the correct phrase is 'damned if you do, and damned if you don't'"Jen said with a sigh. Though she was hiding it from Taiga, for the most part, the woman was frustrated beyond belief. "When dealing with the Romulans, it's always a double edged sword. We should honestly be lucky they didn't open fire the moment we crossed into Romulan space."

Taiga crossed her arms. "Seems the odds are stacked against us" she replied. "How are we going to get out of this?"

"Very carefully." Was Jen's initial reply. "Because if we screw this up, you, and a lot of other innocent officers will lose their freedom."

"Told the medics who came to the house to let my injuries heal on their own." The Vulcan woman pulled aside her leather jacket to reveal the large bruise on her neck, and shoulder. "The attacker was Human, and used cyanide, before I could interrogate them."

Taigas fists clenched again. "When I get out of here, I'll find them and make them know not to mess with my friends!" She threatened. She looked down at the floor. "If I get out of here..."

"The best thing you can do right now is sit tight." Jen explained. She knew the situation was bad, and she also knew that the prosecution would do what they could to take advantage of the situation. "If Mayahara, or anyone from the prosecution shows up to talk to you, or ask questions, say nothing... Not even in my defense, or that of the crew... Can't risk giving them anymore fuel to burn us with."

"I guess you're right" Taiga said. "Keep fighting. I can't really do much here right now. But once I get out of here, you can count on me to catch whoever is responsible"

"I'll also make sure they increase security around you." Jen assured her simply. "Since you're the key to all this, they may try to shut you up as well."

"I'd like to see them try" Taiga replied simply her fists clenching.

"I get the feeling, you might get that chance." Jen said, standing back up. "I've got other things to attend to, before I go back home. Relax, and try to get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow."

Taiga simply nodded in response.

Post by:

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Lt CMDR Jennifer Daxer
Acting Captain
USS Tokyo


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