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Meeting the new engineer (Part 1) (Backpost)

Posted on Sun Jan 10th, 2021 @ 5:38am by Lieutenant JG Mika Fujimoto 'Pickpocket' & Ensign Saeko Busujima 'Crazy Horse' & Lieutenant Hamlyn Ambrose
Edited on on Sun Jan 10th, 2021 @ 5:39am

1,089 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Allegations
Location: Fighter Bay
Timeline: Before 'Asking for an Appeal'

Saeko leaned against the wall, chugging a bottle of replicated Gatorade. For the past half an hour, she had been lugging heavy crates around the fighter deck, and doing so had worn down even her unusually high stamina, and she had recently gotten permission to go and grab some refreshment.

The sound of kantele music drawing near caught Saeko's attention: It was Mika, looking just about as dirty as she felt. With one hand, she was strumming some Finnish folk song on her Kantele while in the other, she too clutched a bottle of replicated Gatorade.

"How're things going for you?" Saeko asked when Mika was within earshot.

"This gale has blown itself out into a gentle breeze." Mika responded. "You look about as exhausted as I feel."

"Same here." Saeko said. "You know, we really should go and get some food. I'm starving."

"I'd love to, but Trigger wants me back working on birds as soon as I kill this." Mika said. "How have you and Takasu been doing with crate duty?"

"Takasu?" Saeko asked. "It's been just me for the past half hour. I only just recently found somebody to take over for me so I could have this."

Saeko chuckled to herself.

"Sharp-Shooter won't be pleased I gave my job to Twin-Tails." She said. "I told her I was going to get somebody to help me, not pawn the work off on them."

Mika found Saeko's story amusing, even if it meant trouble for her friend.

"Crazy Horse, you naughty girl." She teased. "You'll be in trouble for sure."

It suddenly occurred to the two young women that they were being watched, and they turned in the direction they felt they were being stared at from to find a middle-aged, slightly portly man who had some height on Saeko, and towered above Mika taking interest in their conversation.

Though Saeko wasn't about to come right out and say it, he did remind her of the man that tried to sexually assault her all those years ago, and her free hand subconsciously went to her belt, where she kept a phaser clipped.

"Can we help you?" Saeko asked.

'Chief Engineer Hobb,' he replied simply with a wan smile, 'we've, uh, been told that there was some work to do up here in the fighter bays. The rest of the teams were busy, so I've taken up the job,' he indicated the tool belt slung around his waste, 'if you could direct me to whoever's in charge around here, I'd appreciate it.' His attention wandered as he looked around the bay.

He was getting better, but it still didn't sit well with him that he was on the Deck. Too many memories, and in truth he had hoped one of his more junior crewmembers would have had the time to come up from Engineering.

"Busujima Saeko." Saeko responded, introducing herself in the traditional Japanese manner. "But around here they call me Crazy Horse."

Saeko perked a brow.

"Who exactly are you looking for?" She asked. "Because there are like three people or something in charge of everything: Though one just took off a half hour or so ago..."

'Right, OK,' Hobb felt a little irritated at the obtuseness of the answer. Pilots he thought to himself. 'Who is the, uh, ranking officer then, Ensign Busujima?'

Regs... Saeko thought to herself. Never making it easy for us to point them in the right direction...

"Well, there's Trigger- Sorry, Lieutenant Commander Trigman; the wing commander." Saeko explained, having to correct herself because she was speaking to a reg. "And then there's Lieutenant Nakazato; the Air Boss. There's also Lieutenant Commander Takasu; the flight deck officer, but he took off about a half-hour ago, so good luck finding him..."

'Nakazato's in the brig,' replied Hobb flatly. 'so he can't be the ranking officer. Pilots, I know you understand that the ranking officer is just the senior-most officer in charge, so quit it.' Hobb paused for a moment, 'just tell me who's in charge of the Fighter Bay repairs, please, and I'll owe you both a drink. Of your choice.'

It was unusual of him to be short, but time was pressing, he was tired, and he still had the administrative tasks due his temporary position as Executive Officer.

Saeko was slightly taken by surprise, as she wasn't aware of Lieutenant Nakazato's arrest. Even Mika stopped strumming her kantele and turned in Hobb's direction at the news.

"Well, I suppose that only leaves Trigman, then." Saeko said. "He's been supervising fighter bay repairs."

Saeko narrowed her eyes. She knew an advance when she heard one.

"But, friendly word of warning; I don't take too kindly to being offered drinks on a stranger's tab..." She warned in a firm tone.

'I didn't mention a tab,' replied Hobb regarding her quizzically before shrugging. 'Trigman is otherwise engaged right now- anyone else around or is it just you two?'

"Regardless, I don't accept drinks unless I watch them being poured from the bottle." Saeko responded. "As for the people in charge, I don't know what else to tell you: I've been lugging crates around for the last half-hour, and Pick- Sorry, Ensign Fujimoto here has been working on fighters."

Mika nodded.

"Fujimoto Mika." She said, also introducing herself in the traditional Japanese manner. "They say one person's misfortune is another's fortune..."

Saeko considered warning Hobb about Mika, but decided against it: These kinds of things were best learned the hard way.

'Really, you don't say?' replied Hobb with raised eyebrows. 'Perhaps you're right, Ensign Fujimoto. As there seems to be a dearth of officers about, and I'm pressed for time perhaps you'd both enjoy a break from lugging crates. I'll clear it with the rest of them later. C'mon.' He beckoned them both to follow him.

'By the way, it's fine to use your callsigns. It doesn't bother me at all.'

Saeko still wasn't fully trustworthy of Hobb, so she secretly set her phaser to kill while it was still on her belt. She was more than willing to deal with a court martial if she had to.

Mika tried to subtly warn her off, but Saeko wouldn't have any of it, so Mika shrugged and scooped up a small object that she had observed fall from Hobb's pocket before following him.

Saeko sighed to herself before following Mika and Hobb.

To be continued...


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