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Accusing the Admiral

Posted on Thu Jan 7th, 2021 @ 2:33pm by Admiral Tanaka Miyahara & Jennifer Daxer

998 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Allegations


Admiral Tanaka Miyahara had taken some time off to meet with his brother and sister at their apartment in Tokyo. It was a small, humble place, but Tadashi and Tazuko had made it theirs.

"I've got to say, you two have done quite well for yourselves." Tanaka said humbly. "I couldn't be any more proud."

"Yeah, well, it's going to be a little lonelier here soon." Tadashi admitted. "Tazuko, why don't you tell Tanaka your big news?"

Tazuko turned around.

"Huh?" She asked. "Oh, I've been accepted into Starfleet Academy: Engineering major."

Tanaka smiled.

"So, that's why this place looked only half-lived in." He said. "So, you've been packing up? Getting ready for the big move to San Fran?"

"You bet!" Tazuko exclaimed with glee.

"Well, congratulations." Tanaka said, settling down on the couch next to Tadashi. "If you do well, you might even be a great officer like your brother some day..."

At that moment, the door burst open, as Jennifer Daxer came barreling through it. The look in her eyes was more in line with Human emotions than they were with Vulcan logic.

"HOLY SHIT!" Tadashi exclaimed, reaching for the phaser he kept in the pocket of the couch and pointing it at the intruder.


"Admiral Myahara, we need to talk!" She said, looking dead at Myahara. Her eyes showed anger, and contempt, while beneath the surface she boiled with anger. Despite this, what she showed was mild annoyance. "Now!"

Miyahara stood up, locking eyes with Daxer.

"If you're upset about Lieutenant Nakazato's parole, I gave you every opportunity to release him." He explained. "You didn't want to, so I did what I had to."

When Myahara spoke Jen's temper flared. "Oh I'm mad as hell, Admiral, but not about that!" She told him with obvious anger in her words. "I'm mad, because someone just tried to kill me, and I think you sent them!"

Miyahara tapped his combadge.

"Miyahara to transporter control: Two to beam up." He said.

"Copy, sir." The officer at transporter control responded. "Targeting you and Cadet Miyahara..."

"Negatory." Miyahara responded. "Target myself and Lieutenant Commander Daxer."

"Are you sure, Admiral?" The young officer responded.

"What did I say about following orders without question, Ensign?" Miyahara responded. "Do it!"

"Aye, sir:" The ensign responded. "Targeting you and Daxer for beam up..."

Before Daxer could speak, the two were in a transporter beam, materializing onto the Myogi's transporter pad.

"Let me be perfectly clear, Daxer:" Miyahara said, his voice low and threatening. "I don't appreciate you making up accusations against me. The fact that you have the guts to come to me and accuse me of hiring an assassin, which I would NEVER do, only shows me one thing: That you are bound and determined to make this case go your way."

Miyahara stepped off the transporter pad.

"Takeshi may be an idiot," He growled. "But you are a fraudulent scumbag piece of shit! You bring disgrace to the uniform that you wear..."

"Fraudulent!?" She said, stepping down right after him, almost as if she were going to strike him, but instead, she brushed the hair out of her face, revealing a cut near her lip, which was accompanied by the green hue of a bruised cheek. "Does this look fraudulent to you!?" She asked.

Daxer then pulled the collar of her leather jacket aside, exposing even more severe bruising. "How about these!?" She asked him hotly. "Are these fraudulent too!?"

"Who's to say you didn't give yourself those scars??" Miyahara thundered. "That you did it because you know deep down, this is a battle you cannot win, and are doing everything in your power to prevent nature from taking its course?"

Miyahara pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"As a former Security and Chief Security Oficer, I've seen some pretty shady shit." He explained. "Case in point, on the USS Silver Stallion, my old boss had it out bad for the CO, and when she rejected him, he cut himself up deliberately and lied about a suicide attempt. Sadomasochistic lies are one of the oldest tricks in the book!"

"Tell that to the Security officers investigating the crime scene in my parent's house, or to the Human with no records, who committed suicide there, after failing to kill me!" She told him. Her temper was hot. "You can look up the information yourself, so can the shit, Admiral!"

Admiral Miyahara grinned.

"Finally, some evidence to suggest that your word is more than just an expertly fabricated lie." He said more calmly. "I will be questioning the security personnel involved in this investigation, but if I were you, I'd quit searching for blame where there is none."

"I swear, if you had anything to do with this, I'll make sure you see the inside of a cell!!" She said, before storming back up onto the transporter pad. She looked at the transporter operator, all but ignoring Myahara at this point. "Send me back to the surface... Now!"

The young ensign operating the transporter nodded and powered up the transporter, and Daxer disappeared in the transporter beam.

Once Daxer was gone, Miyahara sighed. He should have known that the disorganized would use some of the dirtiest tricks in the book to protect their precious status quo, and he secretly doubted that there was any investigation ongoing, but he did say he would look into it.

At that moment, Commander Takahashi entered the transporter room.

"Admiral: I was notified of your return." He said. "There was something I wanted to discuss with you."

Miyahara turned. The excitement on Keisuke's face told him exactly what he wished to talk about.

"Of course, Commander." Miyahara responded. "Let's take this matter to my ready room..."

Posting by

Admiral Tanaka Miyahara
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi

Commander Keisuke Takahashi
Second Officer
USS Myogi

Lt Cmdr Jennifer Daxer
Acting Captain
USS Tokyo


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