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In the same boat

Posted on Mon Sep 28th, 2020 @ 11:51pm by Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu & Sayuki Nakazato

871 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: Corridor

Sayuki made her way back to her family's quarters in shame. She wasn't sure how she was going to break the news of Takeshi's arrest to the kids. Mako certainly wasn't going to take it well...

Her face burned from all the crying she had done. Her tears had streaked her heavy mascara down her face, and she wanted nothing more than to wash it all off and not see anybody aside from the kids until she put fresh makeup on the next morning.

However, it seemed fate had other plans for her, for when she wasn't that far from the quarters, she spotted Ryuuji in the corridor. Though she looked like a mess, she tried her best to straighten up and make it seem like everything was fine.

"Are you lost, Mr. Takasu?" She asked.

Ryuuji turned. "Not really. Just taking a walk to clear my thoughts" he replied. He had been doing this a lot lately, over the last few days avoiding his and Taigas quarters as much as possible. He hated being away from her, as tiny and puny as she was, she filled the biggest hole in her heart, one which was now bleeding.

"Well, Mr. Takasu; it seems like we're both in the same boat." Sayuki said. "What with our spouses being detained for stupid ass reasons..."

"Seems that way" Ryuuji said. "Although I wasn't aware of Takeshi's arrest. I just hope Taiga isn't doing anything stupid"

"Yeah, and in the meantime, I'm over here wondering why siding with a different Starfleet officer can get you arrested!" Sayuki sighed. "Short of this ship being commanded like a cult, like he said..."


Sayuki buried her face in her hand. Fresh tears began welling up in her eyes behind her hand.

"Takeshi can be so damn self-centered sometimes, I seriously question how exactly we wound up together." She explained. "Did he even think of me and the children before he made that decision? No: He thought of himself. Himself and his old CO, always his damn CO! And now, I have a five year old girl down the hall who loves her father more than anything in the galaxy, that I have to tell daddy's not coming home tonight!"

Sayuki collapsed to the floor and began crying again.

"I'm so sorry... You must think I'm an idiot for crying like this..." She sobbed. "Well, I hate it, and I wish I could just stop it already! Why am I such a crybaby? You'd think a girl talking about this shit would be a little tougher..."

"So don't tell her. Say he's busy or something. Its not entirely a lie" Ryuuji replied simply. "And if he got himself arrested, no doubt that Daxer had a reason to do so. Maybe even for his own protection?" Ryuuji shrugged. He didn't know the details of what had happened.

"You think it's that easy?" Sayuki asked, looking up, slightly amused by Ryuuji's Naivete. "You really never have dealt with children, have you? To have your kid pester you about when their other parent will be home so often, you could set your watch to it? There's only so many times 'Daddy's busy' or 'Daddy's running late' will fly in the mind of a child before they begin to suspect something is up."

Sayuki got up and brushed the dirt from the floor off her trousers.

"Remind me when you're expecting to give you two a comprehensive course in parenting: It could do the both of you good." Sayuki said playfully.

"We've not got any children yet" Ryuuji said a hint of sadness in his voice. It was obvious to most people that it was a difficult subject to him.

"Of course." Sayuki responded, returning to a more serious tone. "But, you did say yourself this morning you've been trying for years, and when and if that happens, there's no sense diving headlong into something that life-changing without a little practice or knowledge first..."

Sayuki realized as she was talking that paranoid Takeshi wasn't going to like what she was about to offer one bit, but it was the least she could do as an existing parent to an aspiring parent.

"I know Mako and Zack are a little on the... Older side, that's something I can't help..." She said. "They're both past the most disgusting parts of early parenthood, but they could give you an idea of how children their age might behave. You don't have to decide right now, but if you change your mind, come find me: You can read Japanese, right? Just look for a plaque that reads 'Nakazato'"

Having put her offer out there, Sayuki turned to leave, the issue of her burning makeup having recently re-entered her mind.

Ryuuji nodded. "If it ever happens, I might turn to your advice" he replied after her. Right now he was still lost without Taiga being as his side. He turned in the opposite direction, to return to his quarters. It was about time to dig out the dress uniform, no doubt he'll be needing it with the upcoming trials.

Posting by

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Flight Deck Crew Chief

Sayuki Nakazato


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