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How could you do this?

Posted on Sun Sep 27th, 2020 @ 1:09pm by Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Lieutenant Shingo Shoji & Sayuki Nakazato

1,676 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: Various

[Nakazato Family Quarters]

Sayuki logged off work on time. It had been another long day strewn with potholes, as she had been busy both making bookings and cancelling bookings with Townsend Thoresen's recent string of bad publicity with crossings being stopped and boarded by Starfleet for inspection, and on top of the matter, she had caught wind of the latest crossing that Starfleet had stopped.

But, she was done with work now, and would deal with it all again tomorrow. For now, all Sayuki could do was anticipate when Takeshi would finish work and come home so the family could have a much-needed get together with that drifting video game that Mako and Zack loved to play.

However, the time that Takeshi should have been done by came and went. At first, Sayuki wasn't all that concerned: Perhaps Takeshi had gotten caught up with things at the office, and he was working late again.

But one hour passed, and then two, and then Mako started pestering her wondering where the hell daddy was, as she was understandably looking forward to playing her favorite game with her father. Eventually, three hours after Takeshi said he'd be back, Sayuki decided she couldn't wait any longer:

"Screw it!" She declared. "I'm going to the TIC to find out what's going on..."

[Tactical Information Center]

However, when Sayuki arrived at the TIC, she found it a deserted, charred mess. Tools and construction materials lay strewn about, and consoles were covered in debris.

"What the hell happened to this place?" She muttered.

"Are you lost, ma'am?" A crewman passing in the corridor asked.

"No, this is where my husband works." Sayuki responded. "But nobody's here..."

"Ma'am the TIC is currently off-limits to civilians." The crewman explained. "If you're looking for the air boss, he's currently on the bridge."

Sayuki nodded.

"Thank you, crewman." She said. "I'll be sure to go there next..."


When Sayuki made her way to the bridge and began asking to see the Air Boss, she was surprised to hear that it wasn't her husband, but Lieutenant Shoji who was Air Boss. Regardless, Sayuki needed to get to the bottom of this conspiracy, and she approached the station she was pointed towards where Lieutenant Shoji was working. He spun around as Sayuki approached:

"Hey, no civilians allowed on the-!" Shingo began.

Shingo paused when he realized that the civilian in question was his old friend Sayuki.

"Oh, hey, Sayuki!" He said. "What's up? So, how's that idiot Takeshi been treating you?"

"Cut the crap, Shingo." Sayuki responded. "You know why I'm here: Where's Takeshi?"

"Well, it seems that idiot has let you down again." Shingo explained. "The guy chose the wrong side, and now he's spending the night in the dog house..."

"WHAT???" Sayuki screamed.

"I guess knowing the wrong people around here is equivalent to treason." Shingo said. "I watched security lead the guy off, but I guess that's what happen when you let an idiot take your hand in marriage-!"

"My husband may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but he is definitely not an idiot!" Sayuki interrupted. "So, I'd suggest you stop calling Takeshi an idiot, or you can kiss our friendship goodbye!"

"Jeez, Sayuki! Change your freakin' tampon or something..." Shingo muttered.

"So I worry about my husband's whereabouts!" Sayuki responded. "Sorry, it's one of the changes that comes with being a housewife!"

Sayuki shot Shingo a menacing glare.

"Now, what's this you were saying about the dog house?" She asked.

"Well, traitors usually get thrown in the brig." Shingo surmised. "Not like I'd know from experience or anything, but that's more than likely where they're keeping him."

"Great, than I'll go there next." Sayuki said, turning to leave.

"I'd talk to the acting CO first." Shingo suggested. "I think she's like the head of security, and you'd have a better chance at seeing him if you explain yourself instead of just swaggering into the brig in your usual style."

Sayuki shot Shingo a mean glare and scoffed.

"Damn bureaucracy..." She grumbled.


It had taken a lot of convincing, but Sayuki finally managed to obtain limited access to the brig to talk to her husband.

"I'm here to see Lieutenant Nakazato." She said as she approached the guard.

"Of course." The guard responded. "Your name for the record, please?"

"Sayuki." Sayuki responded. "I share the prisoner's surname."

"Mrs. Nakazato, eh?" The guard asked, perking a brow. "Of course. Right this way, please..."

The guard led Sayuki into the brig, where she found Takeshi inside the containment unit, lying on the bed.

"No physical contact." The guard explained. "You'll have to chat through the forcefield."

Sayuki nodded. Just because she was a civilian didn't mean she was dumb.

"I just wanted to speak to him." She said. "It's not like I was going to make love to him, and certainly not with anybody watching!"

The guard nodded and then took a few steps back. Under the conditions of Lieutenant Nakazato's arrest, he was required to remain present while visits took place.

Sayuki approached the containment unit.

"How have they been treating you?" She asked, her voice quivering slightly.

"This?" Takeshi asked, sitting up as his wife approached the forcefield. "Ah, this is nothing: Hell, this place is a five star hotel compared to Admiral Miyahara's brig."

Takeshi chuckled. An almost sadistic glee punctuated his laughter.

"And to think that that's where Captain Aisaka is right now." He said. "Probably miserable off her ass... But, I suppose that's what she gets for shitting on me and not listening to me."

Sayuki couldn't believe those words were coming from her husband's mouth. They sounded so heartless: So cruel...

"Why, Takeshi?" She asked. "Why would you do something so STUPID?"

At that point, Sayuki's legs refused to support her weight anymore, and buckled. She dropped to her knees and began crying. Her tears mixing with her mascara before falling down her face.

"How could you do this, Takeshi?" She sobbed. "How could you do this to me and the children?"

Takeshi got up from the bed, kneeling to the floor in front of the forcefield.

"Dear," He explained, returning to his more caring tone. "Everything I do, I do for a reason, and I'd hope that you'd be the first to realize that:"

"Yeah, but Mako isn't going to know..." Sayuki blubbered. "She loves you more than anything: Did you not even THINK of her before you pulled this stunt??"

Takeshi sighed. He knew his little girl was going to be pissed off with him. But, that was just one of the pains of growing up: Sometimes you'd have to deal with people letting you down...

"Admiral Miyahara is a good man, Sayuki." Takeshi explained. "There are a lot of good people aboard the Myogi, too: Some good friends I have made-!"


"If you'd let me finish..." Takeshi muttered. "Miyahara-senpai is my mentor; Nishizumi and Takahashi have become the siblings I never knew I wanted. I could name all of the people on the Myogi I know and have befriended..."

Takeshi waited until Sayuki stopped blubbering so he could look her dead in the eyes.

"Now, compare that to people on this ship: Captain Aisaka, who has been nothing but suspicious and distrustful of me ever since I came aboard, and took away the VERY POSITION I applied for! Commander Knight, who turned everything I thought I knew about Starfleet on its head and made me question what the hell I joined; Lieutenant Commander Daxer, who LITERALLY locked me up for daring to disagree with 'oh-so-perfect Captain Aisaka who is incapable of doing any wrong'!" He said. "It's about damn time somebody finally stood up for what was right, and exposed this cult for what it truly is: Daxer doesn't want to admit it, but I stand on the right side of history, and she doesn't."

"That sounds very... Miyahara of you..." Sayuki muttered.

"Which just goes to show how good of a teacher Miyahara was." Takeshi said, standing up and returning to the bed. "I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Miyahara isn't the bad guy: The true bad guys are those who resist change..."

Takeshi sat down on the bed.

"A once-very great man once said that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." He said. "Miyahara's reforms could save Starfleet, and the Federation as a whole, but nobody wants to accept them because they're too militaristic. But now, with one of their precious commanders having performed a perceived act of war, and with Romulans no doubt threatening it, now they'll have to listen to him, unless they want another Dominion War where we get annihilated in droves before we finally get our act together."

"Do you even realize what you're saying, dear?" Sayuki asked.

"Every single word, dear." Takeshi responded. "I have tried being reasonable in doing my job and my duty as a Starfleet officer since my transfer, and all it's been met with is suspicion. So, yes, dear: I am done playing Mr. Nice Takeshi."

Sayuki stood up.

"Than your soul is just as black as Miyahara's..." She muttered. "If you really loved us more than your job, you wouldn't be here, now would you?"

Sayuki turned to leave.

"Wait, Sayuki!" Takeshi called standing up.

"Don't speak to me." She muttered, her voice low and threatening. "Don't say another god damn word..."

Sayuki nodded to the guard on her way out. Fresh tears began welling up in her eyes as she left the brig.

Posting by

Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato
Air Boss

Lieutenant Shingo Shoji
Deputy Air Boss

Sayuki Nakazato
Townsend Thoresen travel agent


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