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Mon Jun 28th, 2021 @ 10:36am

Sayuki Nakazato

Name Sayuki Nakazato

Position Family Member

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6
Weight 103 lbs
Hair Color strawberry blonde
Eye Color brown
Physical Description Sayuki is very beautiful, standing about 4 inches shorter than her husband, Takeshi. Despite having gone through 2 pregnancies, she has managed to regain her figure fairly quickly. She keeps her hair relatively long and loose, letting it flow over her right shoulder. Sayuki also wears heavy makeup, and only Takeshi has ever seen her without.


Spouse/Partner Takeshi Nakazato
Children Mako Nakazato, Age 5
Zack Nakazato Jr. Age 3

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sayuki is a cheerful extrovert who is always chasing men since her husband is away all the time. She is extremely flirtatious and loves to tease men including her husband, but it's all in good fun, as she is a faithful wife and loyal mother.
Hobbies & Interests Building and racing antique ground cars, including looking after her husband's GT-R when he's away.
Flirting with good looking guys.

Personal History Like her future husband, Takeshi, Sayuki also liked to tinker around with old ground cars. Together with her childhood friend, Mako Sato, they became one of the fastest racers on the old Usui Pass, driving a ground car cobbled together from two ground cars called a 'SilEighty'

Sayuki met her future husband Takeshi after they both lost to an old Toyota AE86. After helping Takeshi settle some past grudges, he dissolved his team, The Myogi NightKids, in a surprise move and asked her hand in marriage.

After they were married, Takeshi shipped off to San Francisco to attend Starfleet Academy. About a year into the Academy, Takeshi returned home, having a crisis of faith, and Sayuki would help her husband regain his confidence.

With his confidence restored, Takeshi returned to San Francisco, but not before leaving Sayuki pregnant with their first child; a girl, which she would name after her friend, Mako.

Due to the hormonal imbalance caused by pregnancy, Sayuki wound up making Takeshi's first months back at the Academy rough, as she demanded he be home for one meal a day every day, and Takeshi would wind up staying up past midnight in San Francisco to beam to Gunma for dinner every evening. Safe to say, he wound up using a lot of transporter credits.

After Takeshi graduated from Starfleet Academy, he returned home before his first assignment to the USS Myogi, where he got to bond with his wife and his daughter before having to report to the Myogi, leaving Sayuki pregnant once more.

When Sayuki gave birth to their second child; a boy, she named him after her husband's academy nickname that was beginning to make rounds aboard Myogi: Zack. Unfortunately for Sayuki, the Myogi's commanding officer was very strict on the subject of allowing crew members' families on board, and Takeshi just couldn't get away from his work to meet his new son. As such, Zack Jr. would spend the first few years of his life only knowing his father through pictures that Sayuki had and the stories that she told about him.
Service Record Sayuki works as an in-house travel agent for the Sol System Ferries Group, DBA Townsend Thoresen