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Taken into Custody (Part 1)

Posted on Mon Sep 7th, 2020 @ 10:57am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Jennifer Daxer & Admiral Tanaka Miyahara

1,098 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: USS Tokyo & USS Myogi

The Tokyo approached the Myogi. The Armitage by her side whilst the other Federation Starships broke off. Their orders were now damage control, ensuring the Romulans don't retaliate.

Taiga, escorted by two security officers walked into the transporter room. She hadn't bothered changing, her uniform was still scuffed and dirty in places from the battles. Withoutva word she stepped up onto the transporter pad.

"Lets get this over with" she said simply.

A moment later, Jennifer entered the room. She already felt guilty enough having to do what she was doing. She wouldn't even put the responsibility of transporting her on anyone else. "I'll take care of it, Chief." She told the transporter operator, who nodded, and stepped aside.

Jen stepped to the console, and looked up at Taiga. "For what it's worth, I'm going to fight this." She said, before simply starting the transporter cycle.

(USS Myogi)

Admiral Tanaka Miyahara made his way to the transporter room with his first officer to personally greet Captain Aisaka on her arrival, having left the bridge in charge of his second officer. He shouldn't have been surprised that this turn of events had happened, as the disorganized had an unhealthy penchant to cause unwarranted chaos. What did shock him was that these events had unfolded no less than 24 hours after he had spoken with her over the behavior of his former third officer, Lieutenant Nakazato.

What Captain Aisaka had done yesterday was nothing short of sticking order a giant middle finger: Lieutenant Nakazato, perfectly executing the doctrine of the orderly, an act Admiral Miyahara would have heralded the Lieutenant as a hero for, instead got him kicked to the curb. What Admiral Miyahara hadn't expected was for Captain Aisaka to further laugh in the face of order and go blow up a Romulan colony.

Yes, it would appear that the little renegade captain would need a lesson or two in real justice, rather than the farce she was used to practicing, and Admiral Miyahara would be there when they were taught.

"And the armed guard from security is in place?" He asked the XO.

"Yes, Admiral." The young woman walking beside him replied. "They will follow us and the prisoner from the transporter room to the brig, as requested."

"Excellent." Admiral Miyahara said as the two entered the Myogi's transporter room. "If Captain Aisaka tries anything stupid, she will be struck down where she stands..."

The Admiral and the first officer stood near the transporter controls, the young woman drew her phaser as a precaution: A necessary evil when dealing with a member of the disorganized, in case one of her crew was idiotic enough to slip her a weapon before she was transported. Admiral Miyahara crossed his arms and noted where his phaser was located in case things got ugly fast.

"Be prepared for a firefight." Admiral Miyahara instructed the transporter crew. "We have no idea what we may be bringing aboard."

"Aye, Admiral." Several members of the transporter crew responded, some putting hands to their phasers, others drawing them.

With all possible precautions in place, Admiral Miyahara awaited Captain Aisaka's arrival.

The transporter powered up and after a few seconds Captain Aisaka emerged on the pad. She was unarmed and noticeably tired.

She looked around at the guards. "Expecting someone else?" She asked simply. "Or did you think I'd come in shooting?" She asked crossing her arms.

"A necessary precaution when dealing with your type." Admiral Miyahara responded coldly. "Especially when you make it clear that you hate order enough that you feel the need to go blow up a Romulan Colony."

"My type?" Taiga smirked. "Well, you sounds like Lieutenant Nakazato. He was from this ship wasn't he? Also if I wanted to blow up a Romulan Colony, I wouldn't have got caught..."

Taiga paused as she stepped closer to the admiral. "I think you'll find Admiral. That we didn't lay a finger on that colony, we defended it against an unknown attacking vessel. I can assure you as a Starfleet Captain that we did no wrong"

"You can spin it any way you want, captain," Admiral Miyahara responded. "But there is no evidence backing your deception tactic, and until some evidence comes forward, we reserve the right to hold your words in doubt. It's akin to the second Miranda warning: Anything you say or do can and may be used against you in a court of law."

Admiral Miyahara was surprised that Captain Aisaka recognized the similarities between himself and his former third officer, but that merely proved how well he had taught the Lieutenant the doctrine of the orderly.

"But enough about that," He continued. "How about I show you to your accommodations... I think you will find them most... Comfortable..." He said with a tone of ominous sarcasm.

"On an old wreck like this. I would hate to sample the VIP quarters" Taiga replied. He wasn't tje only ome who could be a prick, Taiga had that skill perfected.

As his first officer made her way to the exit of the transporter room, Admiral Miyahara stopped her and leaned in to say something that he didn't want Captain Aisaka to hear:

"Captain Nishizumi; keep your eye and phaser on her:" He told her. "If she tries anything, kill her where she stands."

Captain Nishizumi nodded.

"Understood." She said.

"That is all." Admiral Miyahara said.

As the small party exited the transporter room, the two guards posted at the entrance began following them, unclipping their phasers and training them on Captain Aisaka. When a member of the disorganized stepped into a house of the orderly, they needed to be reminded that they were no longer in their pigsty, and that they would do best not to forget that.

Taiga rolled her eyes at his orders. "Trying to show off huh..." she muttered.

The brig on the Myogi was unlike those normally found on New Orleans class frigates, as the brig had been extensively modified to Admiral Miyahara's demanding specifications, as sometimes confinement to quarters was not a harsh enough punishment, or someone became vengeful during their confinement to quarters. Whatever the reason, the Myogi's brig was reserved for the worst of the worst: Anyone locked away here should be lucky that they even had a toilet and sink, as the brig had no other accommodation, not even a bed, as those could be used to hide escape attempts. If one couldn't handle sleeping on the floor, they should have thought about that before they committed a serious offense.

To be continued...


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