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Taken into Custody (Part 2)

Posted on Mon Sep 7th, 2020 @ 10:57am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Jennifer Daxer & Admiral Tanaka Miyahara
Edited on on Mon Sep 7th, 2020 @ 10:58am

1,177 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: USS Myogi

Previously on Star Trek Tokyo:

The Myogi's brig had garnered a reputation on and off the ship as being 'The Alcatraz of Starfleet' for being virtually escape-proof, and it was something Admiral Miyahara took pride in: The brig's security was also constantly being refined thanks to the admiral's practice of having new crew members spend a night in the brig to both show them what they'd be dealing with if they stepped terribly out of line and to show Admiral Miyahara any new escape techniques that had failed to be considered previously, so he could further fortify the brig.

And now the continuation...

It was no surprise that Starfleet always turned to Admiral Miyahara when it came to transporting high-priority prisoners. It would be here that Captain Aisaka would have plenty of time to think about what she had done and all the poor Romulans she had senselessly massacred while she was being brought to trial.

"It's not The Four Seasons, far from it, in fact, but it can meet one's basic needs while they're being detained." Admiral Miyahara explained. "If you thought I'd simply confine you to quarters, than you're insulting me."

Taiga took one look at the brig. "You've got to be joking" she said simply. "I'm not going in there. You Admiral whatever your name is, are an areshole" she paused. "Starfleet has regulations and general orders regarding the treatment of prisoners. I can see at least ten violations" she explained simply crossing her arms.

"Threatening to shoot to kill" she glanced over at Nishizumi. "Shame on you for even considering following such an order" she said. She turned back to Miyahara. "I have rights as a Federation citizen snd Starfleet Officer. Either respect them or I will have your balls hung up infront of a full court martial!" Taiga demanded her voice raising slightly. "And don't piss me off Admiral, I'm fully capable of knocking you on your ass!"

"So whats it going to be Admiral? Give me a proper place, remodel your brig and attitude or I show the whole fleet what sort of backwards slave trader ship you're running here?" Taiga asked.

Admiral Miyahara laughed, as he had never had a prisoner talk back to him like this before.

"I'm sorry, Captain Aisaka, but I'm afraid you're not in a position of bargaining." He said. "If you desire better accommodations, you should have thought about that before you went and senselessly slaughtered a bunch of innocent Romulans."

Captain Nishizumi stared coldly back at Captain Aisaka. She had been warned that the disorganized tended to carry silver tongues and to avoid any attempts by them to charm her.

"When there is an order, you follow it:" She explained, her voice devoid of emotion. "Without question, without hesitation, without... Compromise..."

"As goes the doctrine of the orderly." Admiral Miyahara completed. "Now, Captain Aisaka, all modifications to this brig fall within Starfleet regulations: I'm orderly, not uncivilized, though I would understand the confusion a member of the disorganized would have."

Admiral Miyahara placed his hand on his phaser, not liking where this was going.

"To revert this brig, which I have worked so hard to get to this point, back to stock would be to show weakness in the face of the disorganized." He said. "If the Romulans saw this, they'd think I was being merciful! And if you think it's that easy to throw slander at me and ruin my reputation, let me be the first to tell you that I am a HIGHLY decorated Starfleet Admiral and Dominion War Veteran: What merits do YOU have that would make you a credible threat to me?"

"What do I have?" Taiga repeated the question. "Innocemce for one. I didn't attack that Romulan colony. Also, I'm not a sadistic controlling bastard like you. I have the respect of my crew not out of fear but out of understanding uike you. Oh and to top it of the Tokyo is a far superior vessel than this. So Starfleet must seem to like giving you the hand-me-downs"

She paused for a few minutes. "Trust me Admiral. You don't want to make an enemy of me. It won't be good for you". She stood there simply, refusing to move. "Go ahead" she said looking at Nishizumi. "Shoot me. If it really is set to kill and its not just a scare tactic then you'll both be trailed for murder. The murder of a Starfleet Captain too. That sentence ain't going to come cheap"

Admiral Miyahara removed his hand from his phaser, relieved that the worst didn't have to happen. Perhaps the disorganized could be reasoned with after all.

"Captain, while murder might be the Romulan and Klingon way of justice, it is certainly not the Federation way." He said. "I am under orders to transport you to your trial, and this doesn't have to be any more than that: However, I would advise you that while you are in my company, you keep your opinions about both that second-rate junkpile and your farcical system of respect to yourself."

Admiral Miyahara looked over to Captain Nishizumi.

"Stand down, Captain." He ordered. "We are not beasts."

Captain Nishizumi nodded and holstered her phaser.

"Understood." She replied.

"Oh, and one more thing, Captain:" Admiral Miyahara turned back to Captain Aisaka. "Your childish insults don't faze me: I've been called every name in the book, more often than not by people like you who were children during the Dominion War, and didn't have to witness the horrors of it firsthand. Only after you've helplessly watched your friends get slaughtered will the flaws in your precious system become apparent, and I will have nothing more to say to you other than 'I told you so.'"

Taiga looked at Miyahara. "So you believe that just because you've seen some bad things it allows you to be like you are?" She asked simply. "I'm not the best Captain, but you're totally not the best Admiral. Your attitude and behaviour disgraced the uniform you wear" she told him. "I can't wait to see you proven wrong about me. If I say we did nothing wrong, you can damn well trust my word that we didn't" she kept her arms crossed. "Well Admiral. How about we get back to Earth and see just how wrong you are about me?"

Admiral Miyahara folded his own arms, his cold, emotionless stare back at Captain Aisaka remained unbroken.

"Very well, then." He said. "I shall confine you to some vacant quarters for the journey. I am acting against my instinct to force you into the brig: Dont make me regret it..."

Admiral Miyahara said no more as he led Captain Aisaka out of the brig. If she did try to stage a mutiny against him, he would hang her head in his ready room.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo

Admiral Tanaka Miyahara
Commanding Officer
USS Myogi

Captain Maho Nishizumi
Executive Officer
USS Myogi

Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Daxer
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Tokyo


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