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Back on the Rocks

Posted on Sat May 30th, 2020 @ 10:58am by Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack' & Mako Nakazato & Sayuki Nakazato & Zack Nakazato Jr.

890 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: The Elachi Return
Location: Nakazato family quarters

Having been utterly humiliated, Takeshi decided to go off duty early that evening and returned to his quarters, which he now knew how to find thanks to his family erecting a plaque with 'Nakazato' in Kanji outside. He entered his personal code to unlock the quarters and the door swooshed open to be greeted by the aroma of Japanese cooking.

"DADDY!" He heard Mako screech as she dropped everything she was doing to rush up and hug her father.

"Missed you too, kiddo." Takeshi replied returning the embrace.

"You're home early, babe." Sayuki said. "What's the matter?"

Though Sayuki said so in jest at first, she looked up into her husband's face and saw the sheer amount of dread in it.

"Dear god, what happened?" She asked horrified.

"I screwed up, and now everyone hates me." Takeshi muttered.

Sayuki looked down at Mako.

"Mako, honey; I know you're excited to see daddy, but he and mommy need to have a private talk."

"Okay." Mako sighed, running off to go join her brother.

Takeshi sat down and was joined by Sayuki.

"So, tell me what happened." She said.

"Well, it all began at the pilots' briefing." Takeshi began. "Some nincompoop decided it would be a good idea to insult me in front of everyone gathered. So, I took the natural next step of investigating who it was. I'll admit that I made some missteps, and nobody was happy with it. I lost my second officer's commission, and..."

Takeshi buried his face in his hands.

"I felt pretty crappy after the briefing, but now I just want to shoot myself and get it over with." He muttered.

Takeshi set one hand back down on the table, and Sayuki held it with her own.

"This doesn't sound like the Takeshi I know." She said. "This sounds like the quitter Takeshi from the academy. Need I remind you that the Takeshi I know never folds to such pressure."

"You don't understand!" Takeshi remarked. "You weren't there: You didn't see the sheer, murderous rage in the Commanding Officer's eyes! Frankly, I'm starting to wonder if I made a mistake bringing you aboard, because now, I'm fearing for the safety of you and the children: I can't get the vision out of my head of her murdering us in our sleep, and killing the kids or raising them as her own: Frankly, I'm not too sure which is worse..."

"Whoah, that is some deep shit." Sayuki was taken aback.

"I know." Takeshi replied. "Point being, we're going to have to delay that dinner invitation until cooler heads prevail."

"Understood." Sayuki said. "Perhaps you need to do something to take your mind off it. Say, I heard somewhere that this ship has holodecks. Perhaps you should consider taking a virtual spin with Mako; she's been dying to know how you drive."

Sayuki watched all the dread leave her husband's face, replaced by slight glee. She had done the trick: She knew how he worked; he was just like her: Cars were his escape."

"You know, now that you mention it, I don't believe I've ever gotten to show Mako grip technique." Takeshi said, a grin on his face. "Knowing you, you've probably only shown her that amateur drift stuff."

"Come on, lay off me already!" Sayuki teased. "I was only showing her the stuff I knew. I never told her such lies like you drifted yourself, even though that was a partial truth..."

"Enough, already." Takeshi said, blushing. "I was young and stupid, but then I realized that drift wasn't the end all, be all."

"Now, that sounds more like the Takeshi I know." Sayuki remarked. "So, what are you waiting for? Go get 'em, tiger!"

"You know what? I think I will!" Takeshi proclaimed, standing up. "But first..."

Takeshi strode over to the replicator.

"Cloak, black, size LL." He instructed.

"Come on, you're scared to show your face now?" Sayuki teased as the replicator replicated the desired article of clothing.

"Yes." Takeshi replied perfectly seriously. "Frankly terrified."

[Recreation area]

Mako and Zack Jr. were playing one of their drifting video games when their father stepped in, clutching a lump of cloth.

"Hey, Mako." Takeshi said.

The sound of Takeshi's voice immediately grabbed his daughter's attention, who threw the game on pause to look up into her daddy's eyes.

"I heard you'd like nothing else but to know how daddy does things on the pass." He said.

"But how, daddy?" Mako asked. "We're not on earth anymore: Did you forget?"

"No, I didn't forget:" Takeshi replied. "You see, there are these areas of the ship that can simulate anyenvironment, including Myogi Pass! So, what do you say? Are you in, or not?"

"Heck yeah, I'm in!" Mako exclaimed.

"Language, young lady!" Takeshi reprimanded.

Takeshi turned to his son.

"Junior, you interested in joining us?"

"No..." Zack replied lazily. "I think I'll stay here and try to beat my sister's record..."

"I'd like to see you try!" Mako rebuffed.

Mako closed out of the game's multiplayer mode they had currently been playing and handed the player 1 control to her brother before leaping up to join her father.

Posting by

Lieutenant Takeshi Nakazato 'Zack'
Air Boss

Sayuki Nakazato

Mako Nakazato

Zack Nakazato Jr.


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