
Unexpected News

Posted on Wed Jan 7th, 2015 @ 4:27pm by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu

701 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Expeditious expectations
Location: Commander Aisaka's Quarters

The silver and grey doors swished open and a young woman stepped through into the room. Her long blonde hair ran down her back to where her navel would be, and her brown eyes scanned the room as if taking in everything she saw. Although she was nearly in her thirties, Taiga Aisaka was very short and small for her age at just under five feet, two inches.

"You look like you've just seen a ghost" A friendly soft voice said from the corner of the room. Taiga looked over at the man sitting in the armchair, a book in one hand and a glass in the other. She took a step forward allowing the door to shut behind her. "So, what did the captain want?" he asked placing the drink down on a side table.

Taiga didn't respond. She wandered over and slumped down into the chair opposite and looked up into the eyes of her fiancé Ryuuji Takasu.
"Oh no. Did something bad happen? Please tell me you're not getting demoted!" he asked a slight tone of worry and even anger in his voice. Taiga shook her head and looked down at the floor. "No? Ok, so why are you acting all weird?".

"It wasn't the Captain. It was Commodore Jenkins in the ready room" Taiga said.
"Commodore Jenkins?" Ryuuji asked. "Why did the commander of the fleet shipyards want to see you?"
"Captain Naghiko has resigned his commission from Starfleet. Apparently there has been a death in his family and he has to return home to attend to his grandchildren who now have no legal guardians" Taiga explained her voice rather low and medium pitched.
"Oh" Ryuuji said. "I'm sorry to hear that. I know you respected him and actually got on with him" he replied a smile on his face.
"Yeah" There was a long pause until she spoke again. "The Commodore has placed me as the ships new Commanding Officer. Tomorrow I will be listed as the Commander of the Tokyo and a rise in rank to Full Commander effective immediately".

Ryuuji sat there staring, he wasn't sure how to take the news. Most CO's didn't get a ship until they had served as an Executive Officer for a minimum of three to four years. But Taiga had only served ten months on the ships trial shakedown cruise.
"Well, Congratulations sweetie" he said with a smile.
"I don't think I can do it Ryuuji!" Taiga said. "Making all those decisions, deciding whats best, giving orders.... ordering people to live or die" she pulld her legs up and rested her head in her knees. "Its a lot, but there is no other person that can take the role".

Ryuuji let out a sigh. It was obvious that Taiga was nervous and a little bit scared at what she had to do.
"I'll help you through it" he said softly. "I told you that I would help you through everything and anything you want when I got down on one knee". Taiga looked up at him her eyes glistening in the light.
"Really?" she sniffles.
"Of course" he smiled at her before pulling himself out of the chair. "So then Ma'am. What would you like for dinner tonight?" he asked.

"NEVER call me Ma'am in our quarters" Taiga snapped.
Ryuuji chuckled and simply smiled. "Of course dear, sorry about that. Couldn't resist". Taiga rested her head back down on her knees. "Do something with meat and rice..."
"You got it. Just cheer up, lets celebrate. Its a good thing afterall isn't it?". The sound of the stove being turned on could be heard and then the sizzling of a hot pan with oil.
"Suppose so"
"Good. Now you sit there and relax, I'll sort everything out tonight".

Taiga sat there, the smell of cooking filling her nose. She didn't want to think about tomorrow when she had to take official command of the ship and start looking for a crew. She had been given two weeks to get herself a crew and to get the Tokyo back to full operational status.

Posting by

Commander Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Ryuuji Takasu
Chief Operations Officer (NPC'd by TA)



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