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A New Approach

Posted on Fri Jun 21st, 2019 @ 2:45am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Commander Kah'Leth & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight

1,347 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Demons in the Dark
Location: Shuttlebay/Ready Room

The shuttle with the junior officers was now en route back to the Tokyo and Taiga was concerned about what they had reported. She pulled herself out of the command chair.

"Commander. Have doctor Kah'Leth and Lieutenant Dillinger meet me in the shuttlebay. Security too" she said simply. "I need to know what the hell happened over there" she said. She also gave her a look to indicate she was welcome to join them.

"Data's coming in now," Alora said. "I'd like to stay here and go over it. I'll check on them as soon as I'm finished here>"


The shuttle touched down softly on the deck. Taiga stood with the other officers waiting. She approached ad the hatch opened. She could see the shocked faces of the shuttle crew. It wasnt often they got to see the Captain like this.

"What happened?" She asked.

"No idea," Pettigrew said, holding on to Morgan's arm. "Everyone was dead. On the bridge, they were all slumped where they stood. Engineering..." She paused. "Engineering...was a massacre. Even Rylie and Crona..."

Taiga raised an eyebrow. "Did you investigate?" she asked simply. She needed facts. "And did you get all of the ships computer core data?" she asked.

"The shuttle is not on fire and seems in tact." Kah'Leth noted. "That is more of a positive I think." He had his kit over his shoulder.

Taiga looked back at the doctor with a rather confused face. "Well... erm... yes it does..." she shook ehr head to get back onto track. She tapped her comm badge.

"Aisaka to Knight. Any luck with that data yet?" she asked.

"Some. It looks like someone cut out sections of data. They haven't been erased, they simply raen't there," Alora replied. "Alex and his team might be able to find the data back on the Cassadra, but I urge caution. Has medical cleared the away team yet?"

"Not yet" Taiga replied. She looked at the officers. "Go with the doctor and get checked out. You did well over there for your first away mission" she explained nodding over to Kah'Leth.

Polly nodded. She'd been scared before, but now she was feeling the panic set in. What if something was seriously wrong with them? What if... She shook her head. No. She wasn't going to think that. She and Morgan were going to start dating openly now and everything was going to be great.

"Lieutenant and Commander Knight. Report to my ready room" she said tapping her comm badge.

"On our way," Alora said, nodding to Alex.

[Ready room]

Taiga walked into her ready room to find them both already waiting for her.
"The away team failed in retrieving all of the data and two crewmen were killed somehow in the incident" Taiga explained simply.

She turned her attention to Alex. "Your team is trained to get crap like this done right?" She said stating a rhetorical question. "Get them together and get over there. I'm giving you two hours to get in, grab that data and get back. I fully intend to scuttle that death trap and get the hell out of here as soon as possible" she said.

She didn't like how this was playing out. A secret covert intelligence ship full of corpses and corrupted data. Something just didn't add up. She needed to look further into this, she wanted to know why two young crewmen of hers now laid dead on the deck plates of a deserted ghost ship. She didn't like this at all.

"I don't think they should board the ship," Alora said. "They should be able to access the ship's files from a distance and retrieve what was deleted."

"I disagree" Taiga said. "Something is obviously very wrong over there, and we have a duty to find out what it is. Plus, such a ship would have special systems installed to prevent anyone accessing the information remotely, including other Starfleet Ships" she explained. "It'll need to be retrieved directly" she told them. She didn't like the idea, but they had a job to do even if she didn't like it.

Alora shook her head. "There are always ways around those protections. I'm more concerned that two members of the away team are now dead. That is not something we want to happen on the Tokyo."

Alex looked between the two, listening and waiting, until finally clearing his throat and saying. “Am I allowed to give my two cents?”

"I'm sorry," Alora said, putting a hand on Alex' arm. "It's not that I don't believe in you and your team, it's that I don't think it's safe for anyone to board that ship. Not until we find out what's going on. I have no doubt you and your team can get what we need without it."

Taiga looked at Alex and nodded. "Go ahead..." she mumbled.

Alex placed his hand on Alora's hand and smiled at her before looking to Taiga. "Both of you are right. There are dangers to be considered and their are certain things we still need from the ships database. We know the risks and its not gonna stop us from getting the job done. As my wife pointed out, its what we do and we can do it well." He looked over to Alora and said softly. "Risks are part of the job and we know what to be careful for. I are within your rights to worry as my wife, I am pretty sure its in the handbook on being a wife, but it doesn't negate its needs to be done. The job still needs to be done and since when have you ever known me to back away when a job needs to be done?" He looked to Taiga. "My team can get in there and get what you need, but we do things our way, because that's how we know we can get it finished. Once we get what you need we're gonna destroy that ship. Its a risk, both to its information and now whats it's done to those two crewmen, and I will not argue that point. I will take full responsibility from Starfleet, if necessary, but everyone here knows it needs to be done. I can even make it look like its not our fault if you want to, but those are my terms. It needs to be done."

Taiga nodded. "I don't really care how its done. It just 'Needs' to be done. The Tokyo can destroy that ship with a few well aimed torpedoes, or you can overload its core. Whichever you think would take less time" Taiga explained. "I don't want to be here any longer than I have to be. If the Cardassians decide to show up, like they seem to be famous for doing without warning, things might get ugly quickly"

"Be careful," Alora said quietly. "I know you have to go, but you also have to come back."

"Are you joking?" Alex replied, looking over to Alora. "We still need a honeymoon."

Taiga looked at them both in turn with a slightly evil smile. "Get this job done and I'll see about getting you some time off ship. Then you can make as much 'honeymoon noise' as you want..." she said throwing the innuendo in there just for old times sake.

Alora kissed Alex. "You heard the woman," she said, grinning at the captain. And then, just for good measure, she added, "We have years of separation to make up for."

Taiga shook her head. "Just get going already" she said. With that said she walked around her desk and headed for the ready room door. Before she left, she turned and looked back at them both. "Don't die over there. I need you here, if those Cardassians show their ugly heads, I'll need you at Tactical". With that said she left the room.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Commander Alora Knight
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Alexander Knight
Acting Chief of Security /SWORD team leader.

Lieutenant Commander Kah'Leth
Chief Medical Officer


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