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Ship of Grueling Deaths (part 2)

Posted on Thu Mar 14th, 2019 @ 4:04am by Commander Alora Knight & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'
Edited on on Thu Mar 14th, 2019 @ 4:06am

1,126 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Demons in the Dark
Location: Aboard the Cassandra



Morgan smiled before kissing her deeply. He eases his hand up from her waist to the sides of her face, caressing it softly, before pulling back. His smile still rested on his face before he whispered. "I'll agree. Let's get this done and dusted. I'll get the panel and see what I can do about the power. Let me know when I hit something you can work with." He kissed her quickly before pulling away and placing his phaser rifle against the wall before bending down and removing the panel. Once he got it off he eased slightly into the work area and began to work with the wires and chips.


Polly was still smiling as she went back to the captain's console and watched for it to get power.

It took a couple of minutes, but finally she saw a flicker of life. "That's it! A little more...there. That should do it. Now..." she began to copy the computer logs and last minutes of the Cassandra.

Morgan eased out from under the panel and grabbed his phaser rifle. He walked down to the Captain's position and stood next to Polly, watching the screen. "This is an Intel ship, isn't it? Anything there that doesn't require a clearance?"

"I'm not looking," she admitted. "First, I want to get it all. Then, I want to copy it to the Tokyo. After that, I'll have a look."

Morgan tapped his combadge. "Morgan to Greschin. We got something."


Meanwhile, Rylie and Crona had made it down to the ships Engineering. The room was littered with bodies, also the walls were stained by phaser burns and there was even splatters of blood on the consoles.

"What happened here?" Rylie asked taken aback by the chaos down here. "It looks like they were fighting... something..." she said.

Crona wandered around, his hands and arms held tightly to his chest as if afraid of the room. "I don't like this.... eek!" he jumped back as he accidently kicked a body.

Rylie ran over. "Don't worry Crona" she said. Pulling out her tricorder she said as she began to scan the body. "This looks like the chief engineer. He has the highest rank pips on him. And... he's been shot..." she began an analysis of what might have shot him. "Oh god..."

"What?" Crona asked "I don't like the 'oh gods'"

"He was shot at point blank range, by a Federation Phaser set on a high level" Rylie explained. "He was murdered..."

She moved to a nearby console to look over the logs, if she could get into them. "Lets see if the computer can give us some insight into what or who might have done this" she told Crona. She frowned as she began to look through the logs, it wasn't often she was very serious.

"It seems as if, the chief was responsible for the loss of the bridge!" Rylie exclaimed.

"What do you mean?" Crona asked curiously as he nervously stepped around the dead chief.

"His access code was used to terminate life support on the bridge. He locked out all of their controls, encrypted them and then locked them up there to die with no air!" she said. "Why would he do such a thing?!"

"Maybe... he was... scared?" Crona asked. He was crouched down next to one of the dead engineers. Gently he removed the phaser from his hand. "Maybe, there was a mutiny... maybe he was scared of being scared all the time" he said. His eyes seemed to have glazed over as if he was looking through stained glass, and his hand shook as he began to aim the phaser at Rylie's back.

"What do you mean by that Crona?" Rylie asked she turned to face him, to find herself looking down the barrel of his phaser. "Crona? What are you doing?" Rylie asked as she took a step back, only to be stopped by the console.

"I'm tired of being scared all the time. Are you scared now? I'm not scared anymore..." he said before starting to laugh like he was demented.

"Crona... yes..." she tapped her comm badge. "Thomas to... anyone..." the comm line opened on all the others comm badges. All they heard was a high pitched scream as several phaser shots were fired before the line cut out.

Crona stood there shaking. Rylie's body laid at his feet several smouldering phaser burns all over her body. "I killed her. I'm not afraid anymore!" he laughed. He turned the phaser on him. "I'm never going to be afraid anymore" he laughed as he turned the phaser on himself holding it to his head. "I am... NOT Afraid!" he shouted before firing and collapsing to the floor. Dead.


Polly wrapped her arms around Morgan. "What happened?" she asked.

"I don't know, but I can tell you this. I don't like it." Morgan replied as he looked at her, slightly concerned, as he placed his hands at her waist. "Just in case... send what you can."

Polly nodded. She checked the tricorder. It had completed its backup of the most recent logs. They were still, however, being uploaded to the Tokyo. "A few more minutes." She leaned against Morgan for comfort. "I think we should notify the Tokyo."

Morgan nodded his head before tapping his combadge. "Tokyo... this is Ensign Morgan of the away team on the Cassandra. We are standing by, awaiting the transfer to the Tokyo, however we are... um... experiencing the problems. The others on the away team are not responding to hails. Only Ensign Pettegrew and Myself seem to be the only ones still active. No sign of Greschin at this time."

"This is Tokyo. We registered phaser fire. Investigate and get back."

"Can we just say no?" Polly asked. "He shot her, and then killed himself."

Her tricorder dinged that the upload was finished. She checked to be sure it got all the files. "Done here. We really should make sure they aren't just hurt before we go back to the ship."

"First, you don't want to investigate. Now, you do?" Morgan said quickly, with a nervous chuckle. "Which is it?"

"I don't want to investigate, but we can't leave without being sure they're dead, and finding out why, if we can."

She picked up her equipment and took Morgan's hand. "Let's take a look and then go back to the shuttle. I want to get out of here."

What they saw in Engineering was horrific. They stopped just long enough to scan the bodies of their former crew members and then went back to the Tyokyo to report what happened.


Security Officer

Ensign Polly Pettigrew
Science Officer

Rylie & Crona
Engineering Officers


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