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Ship of Grueling Deaths (part 1)

Posted on Thu Mar 14th, 2019 @ 4:01am by Commander Alora Knight & Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy'

1,076 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Demons in the Dark
Location: USS Cassandra


The shuttle touched down in the shuttlebay of the Cassandra. For some reason unknown to the occupants of the shuttle, the doors of the bay had been left open. However there was no power to the bay meaning that the forcefield protecting the bay from the vacuum of space was non-operational.

"I'm accessing the ships power systems remotely" Rylie said as she tapped on her console. "I can restore partial power to the shuttlebay to get the safety systems back online" she explained as she continued to tap.

A few seconds later, the shuttlebay emergency lights flickered on. The bay was a mess, shuttles seemed to be overturned and it was obvious that something bad had happened on the ship. Crates and storage boxes were scattered over the deck, and the feet and boots of a dead crewman could be spotted poking out from behind the shuttlebay management console.

"Forcefield is now restored, along with life support" Rylie reported. "The life support systems on the ship are also being slowly restored. Somehow the emergency systems were all offline..." she pondered for a few moments how that could have happened. "I don't know how someone would be able to turn them off, they can only be deactivated by a dry dock at a fleet yards..."

Shrugging she grabbed her kit back which contained a tricorder, phaser which she attached to her belt and a tool kit. She also grabbed a wrist torch light and proceeded to attach it to her wrist.

Polly Pettigrew grabbed her bag and tricorder. "I'm more concerned with the rest of the ship. Let's go see what's going on." She turned to Rylie. "Are you sure we shouldn't go in EVA suits?'

"That's a stupid idea." Morgan added from his corner of the room as he put down another phaser rifle he checked before picking up another one to go through. "I'm no brain, but EVA suits offer the most protection in an environment that we know nothing about especially with minimal life support at play. The suits oxygen will be of great use. Not taking one is suicide."

TAG ALL Prepare to leave shuttle etc

Rylie took a few scans around the shuttlebay, she wanted to see what was still active. "It seems as if minimal life support is now active, but thats all about there is to the ship. The ship is completely dead for power" she explained. "Engineering is five decks down in the secondary hull" she said. It would be a long climb down through the tubes.

"I'm for the bridge," Polly said. "To see if I can find any information."

"I'm behind you, Ensign Pettigrew." Morgan said quickly so as no one else had a chance to take the position. He turned to his Andorian friend and said. "You go with Thomas and Crona to Engineering. Maybe we can get some kind of backup to kick in or request something from the Tokyo. The best way to figure out what happened is through the computers and logs, but we can't reach it without enough power."

Polly nodded.

Rylie nodded as Crona joined her. "Lets go Crona. And don't worry, I'll tell any ghosts that jump out at you to go away" she added with a slightly cheeky sarcastic smile.


The emergency turbolift to the bridge was working, barely. It was slow and stopped twice, but finally the door opened onto the bridge. It was cold and the air thin, but it was safe enough for the two newcomers. Polly stopped as she realized the bridge crew were still at their stations. One string of red lights shone a in a dim strip along the wall. People were either slumped over their consoles or on the floor beside them. By the early signs of decay, they were clearly dead. "I'm glad it's as cold as it is," she said to Morgan. "I'd hate to thing of what state they'd be in otherwise." It was a morbid joke, said to help alleviate the strain of finding the bridge crew dead.

Polly tapped her combadge. "Pettigrew to away team. The bridge crew is here. All dead."

She went over to one of the consoles. "Dead. Let's see if we can turn on emergency power or find a portable generator."

"That's gonna be up to the team in engineering." Morgan replied softly as he followed Polly. "Maybe, if we pop the bottom of one of these consoles, we can feed into the small power generated by the emergency lights and get something we can use."

"Good idea." She smiled at him. "I just need enough to get into the logs and back them up."

"See... I'm not just a pretty face with a phaser." Morgan smiled before adding. "Does this mean you don't regret dinner last night?"

Since they were alone on the bridge, Polly leaned close to him and whispered. "I only regret it didn't last longer."

"Me too." Morgan replied softly, almost taking her hand, until he remembered where they were and their mission. "Polly... I decided on something. Something big... well... for me."

"What's that?" she asked.

"I'm thinking of dropping the act and making our relationship official when we get back." Morgan replied quickly with a smile. "That means, no more, acting like a pain in the butt and making fun of my favorite Ensign. Reputation be damned."

She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him, then blushed and looked around. "Probably not a good idea in front of them." She smiled at him again. "Yes. Definitely yes. Now, let's see if we can get that data so we can go back to the ship and celebrate."

Morgan smiled before kissing her deeply. He eases his hand up from her waist to the sides of her face, caressing it softly, before pulling back. His smile still rested on his face before he whispered. "I'll agree. Let's get this done and dusted. I'll get the panel and see what I can do about the power. Let me know when I hit something you can work with." He kissed her quickly before pulling away and placing his phaser rifle against the wall before bending down and removing the panel. Once he got it off he eased slightly into the work area and began to work with the wires and chips.

(To be continued...)

Ensign Polly Pettigrew
Science Officer

Security Officer


Crona & Thomas


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