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The Cassandra

Posted on Mon Feb 18th, 2019 @ 12:36am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Commander Alora Knight & Lieutenant Jaqobus "Jack" Gaius & Lieutenant Soren Dillinger 'Speedy' & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight

907 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Demons in the Dark
Location: Shuttlebay/Space

The Tokyo turned in space. The Fighters had found the Starship Cassandra. Taiga stared at the viewscreen as the Tokyo began to approach the reported position.

"Recall the third and forth fighter wings. Have the first and second run standard patrols around the area" she ordered. The last thing she wanted was any Cardassian ships to sneak up on them. At least with extra eyes out there, and with sensors they knew exactly if anyone or anything was approaching them.

"Already on it," Bobcat replied.

"Hayami here. Withdrawing" Rinka replied as she sent the message also to Soren to withdraw.

Soren did not reply, his shuttle was still hidden and his bouy was still showing his location was someplace else. He was still lock in a hidden communication with his Cardassian contact.

The Cassandra looked perfectly fine. No weapons damage and it seemed to have just stopped without reason. Even the running lights and nacelle were still active, it was as if the ship had simply come to a halt. There were however a few exterior hatches blown out, bit no other signs of damage or life.

Taiga looked over at Alora. "Put together an away team. I want that ship secured," she said simply. She then looked back at Alex. "Have your team ready," she said. "They may be needed".

"Use a shuttle to get over. I don't want to risk transporters triggering anything" she added.

"Yes, ma'am." Alora smiled at Alex. "This might be a good time to give some junior officers a little experience. The ship's a derelict and should pose no danger."

"Good idea" Taiga replied simply. "I'll leave the crew arrangements to you" she said.

"Yes, ma'am," Alora said, heading off with Alex to go over the crew roster and see who would be best suited for this assignment.

[Shuttle Bay]

Ensign Pettigrew was tickled to be assigned to the away team. As a junior science officer she never got to go anywhere. So, even a trip to an abandoned starship was a real treat for her.

She was the first to arrive in the shuttle bay and took the extra time to once again go over the information they had on the Cassandra.

"Hey there!" Petty officer Rylie Thomas said as she bounded up to Pettigrew in her usual bouncy happy way. As a Petty Officer assigned to engineering she didn't often get away missions. "Looks like we're on this one together! Weren't we just saying we wanted to go on an away mission only last week?!" She said with a grin. "Who's the team lead?" She asked looking around curiously.

Pettigrew was about to respond when someone else joined them.

"I'm not too sure..." a slightly nervous voice said quietly. Rylie turned around and smiled at the newest party member. "Crona!" She said jumping onto the crewman and pulling him into a hug.

"That's me..." he said gloomily. "Just plain old Crona. Nothing special". Crewman Crona was known to everyone to lack his own self esteem and always seemed to be depressed about something. He was also known for being a huge scaredy cat. However he was a fairly decent pilot so no doubt he would be flying their shuttle.

"Oh don't be silly! We're all special. And we get to explore a derelict spooky ship!" Rylie said bouncing on the bells of her feet slightly.

"I don't want to go to a spooky ship..." Croma said looking down at the floor.

Ensign John Morgan walked through the doors leading into the shuttle bay. His Security Uniform neat and tightly fit as he approached the others. He said nothing, just nodding his head at everyone else, before crossing his arms and standing there in silence.

The foot falls of boots against the deck picked up as the lone Andorian of the team arrived. "Don't look so glum," piped-up Greschin, as his antennae flexed out. "The Cassandra's practically dead, there's nothing for us to fear over there!"

"You say that like its a good thing." Morgan replied firmly. "We're babysitting, Blue. I hope you grabbed a diaper bag so you can deal with the mess one of these guys make when they get scared of their own shadow."

Pettigrew glared at Morgan. "Enough of that. Who else are we waiting for?"

"I think that's it" Rylie said with a smile. She was excited to be going on an away mission, and an exciting mysterious one at that.

"Okay, then let's go." The science officer led the away team onto the shuttle.

Morgan raised his brow and shook his head. "You heard the boss." He whispered to Greschin before walking onto the shuttle.

"I think we should stay in groups of at least two once we get there," Pettigrew said. "For safety. I'll take a team to the bridge to check the logs." She nodded to the engineer. "Check engineering. We'll decide what to do from there."

Rylie nodded. "I'll get right on it!" she said happily as the small team entered the shuttle. "Running all engine checks ready for take off" she said.

Polly Pettigrew smiled. "Good. As soon as we get permission from the Tokyo, we'll head out."

"We have clearance" Crona said from the helm as the shuttle lifted off. "I'll get us there... I think..." he said nervously as the shuttle left the shuttlebay and darted across space towards the Cassandra.

To be continued...


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