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Mon Feb 18th, 2019 @ 12:36am

Lieutenant Jaqobus "Jack" Gaius

Name Jaqobus "Jack" Gaius

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human/Megas-Tu Hybrid
Age 755

Physical Appearance

Height 1.88 m
Weight 91.6 Kg
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Grey
Physical Description Jaqobus is tall and well-built, with straight brown hair which he tends to braid around his horns. A scar runs across his nose and he also wears a ring on his left hand which he keeps covered with a leather glove. While regulation foot-wear isn't usually necessary for his specie's phenotype, he does choose to wear them while on-duty.

While he his feet appear human, he possesses extended metatarsal bones, elongating his feet. This, combined with his short shins, forces him to walk on the balls of his feet.


Spouse/Partner Kai Gaius (Deceased - 2375)
Children Alan Gaius (Deceased - 2375)
Ziba Gaius (Deceased - 2375)
Kain Gaius (Deceased - 2375)
Father Unknown Megas-Tu
Mother Miranda Gaius (Deceased - 1648)
Sister(s) Elizabeth Markson, nee Gaius (Deceased - 1657)
Other Family Several Late spouses (Not listed as most names and/or dates of marriage are disputed.)

Several Late children/grandchildren (All deceased)

Dozens of God-children (All share the title of "da Montegerno" or "of Montegerno" as homage to their place of birth).

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jaqobus, or "Jack" as he prefers to be called, is a well-built, powerful man. Though he appears brutish, he’s actually very well-read and clever. After spending his extensively long-life among humans after being rejected (and subsequently abandoned) by his father's people, Jack has spent most of his life drifting from one world to another.

After the loss of his last-surviving family during the Dominion War, Jack fell into a deep depression, and attempted suicide some years later. Now, he prefers to be alone rather than risk allowing the pain to return.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Physically built.
+ Knows several types of martial arts (Actual number unknown, believed to be less than 20).
+ Very open-minded.
+ Extremely protective of the people around him.
+ Possesses an extensive knowledge of herbology.

- Not very trusting of others.
- PTSD which manifests as manic-depressive episodes. (Episodes are usually triggered by the scents of cinnamon and orange, as well as by the sight of multiple corpses with extensive burn-marks.)
- Progressive rheumatoid arthritis in his legs and feet, which requires periodic treatment.
- Recovering from alcoholism.
- No longer able to use his people's native abilities (Shape-shifting, enhanced crop growth, ect.)
Ambitions Currently, Jack is working on staying sober (alcohol, narcotics), to which he has spent the past two decades addicted to.

At some point, he does hope to finally overcome his past record and obtain a full officer's commission of his own.
Hobbies & Interests Though he always seems to prefer to be alone, Jack can usually be found in his off-hours tending the plants in the ship's botanical and hydroponics gardens, tending to his vines.

When not in the gardens, he enjoys playing various string instruments, particularly, the cello and violin.


Federation Standard, Ancient Latin, Klingon, Old Megas, Old English, Middle English, Early-Modern English, Old Gaelic, Middle Celtic, Old French, Classic Greek

Personal History ----This Section Restricted to Level 5 Security Clearance----

Born in the early 1630's, Jaqobus or "Jack" as he prefers to be called was born to a human mother and a Megan father whom had died during a duel with another Megan before he was born. Never the less, Jack was raised and loved by a community of both Humans and Megan. Eventually, his mother remarried, and bore a daughter. While he loved his little sister, his new step-father despised the young hybrid; seeing him as more of a thing than a person.

This animosity between him and his step-father came to a head when he discovered that he had struck his baby sister hard enough to cause her serious injury, and had strangled his mother. In his rage at discovering the harm to his family, Jack killed his step-father and ran away with his sister, Elizabeth. Here, the historical record becomes unclear as to the events which transpired next. However, Jack and Elizabeth don't turn up again until July of 1664, when they arrived in New Amsterdam (Now New York City) not long before the British successfully captured the Island.

Although their time in the city was long, according to church records, Elizabeth eventually married a British Naval officer in 1669 and the pair settled the countryside of the New Sweden Colony (Now the city of Philadelphia). Though documents have suggested that the pair had an extensive family, their fates would seem to have largely been lost to history. What is known, however, is that Elizabeth is believed to perished along with her fourth daughter in childbirth sometime between 1689 and 1691. Jack on the other hand, appears to have sported an extensive criminal history. Between 1670 and 1683, Jack was arrested on numerous occasions for, according to church documents: "...Knowingly and moreth so, opening his house of red doors [...] toeth the sailors of thy king's navy..." Or in other words, for running a brothel in New York City.

In 1683, following the arson of his business, Jack was approached by another Megan, where he was invited to a small town the group was building a community in the Massachusetts colony called "Salem". While his sister and brother-in-law declined, he eventually followed them the following month.

Though he seemed to settled down over the ensuing years, the flair of the Salem Witch Trials, brought about by a rash of witch-hunts which had swept across Europe the decade prior, ended his tranquility. Despite living in the town for nearly a decade, the fact that he had yet to marry rose suspicions. Indeed, in late 1692, he was accused of sodomy and witchcraft by another farmer. Though the initial charges were dismissed, once the court discovered his involvement as the owner of a brothel, they immediately called him back to the stand. By this time however, he had already left. His accuser was hanged a few months later after it was confirmed that he and Jack had been lovers.

More than a year later, Jack turns back up in Port Royal in 1694, where he was serving aboard a privateering vessel, the Ophelia's Rose. Over the next decade, Jack was included in several warrants for arrest for multiple counts of piracy, robbery, wrongful enslavement, ect., ect. until his capture in 1705 by the Spanish in Cuba. Though he was due to be executed following his conviction, Jack went missing the night before when a hurricane the island causing massive flooding along its coastal region. It was believed that Jack and several other prisoners were swept out to sea when the prison flooded, that is, until Jack and several other prisoners turned up on a British merchant ship the following week in Jamaica.

His life would appear to have calmed down after this event. Indeed, records by the British, French and the Spanish would seem to indicate that he became a merchant himself after settling first at Port Royal, and later following the peace treaties ending the War of Spanish Succession, on Nassau. It would appear that he became quite the businessman over the preceding years, starting one venture after another and never remaining on one island for more than a decade.

In 1741, with the piracy following a steep decline and with local government becoming better at upholding its own colonial laws, Jack closed all of his businesses, sold off all of his assets, and promptly disappeared.

Again, the historical record would seem to drop out after this incident, no doubt as Jack went into hiding. Numerous mentions of him turn up in documents around the globe throughout the next three centuries, but it would appear that he never stayed in any one place for very long. Indeed, the next definite entry doesn't appear until 2002, when he was found living in a small village on the island of Sri Lanka, where records show he was working as a school teacher. He remained here until flooding from a massive tsunami wiped out the village on December 26th, 2004.

Documentation remains uncertain until the early days of the Eugenics Wars. During the final year of the conflict, Jack would appear to have gotten himself caught-up in several resistance cells fighting against the forces of Khan Noonian Singh, with the aim of invading to retake the Mediterranean region. Though sources vary, one key element which they all agree on is that he was married to the resistance leader turned warlord whom had recaptured the islands of Sardinia, Corsica and Sicily, with the new capital built from the ruins of the abandoned village of Monti, renamed Nuovo Montegerno. After the end of the Eugenics Wars, the micro kingdom became a republic and re-merged with the Italian Republic at the onset of the 3rd World War.

Though heavy fighting occurred virtually everywhere on the planet surface, the islands remained virtually untouched throughout the war. Following the treaties which ended the war, Jack and his family retired to their estate in 2053, known as the Villa da Semprevivo, which is still an active winery, bordello and resort owned by the same family to this day. It should also be noted that this town is home to the last, operational brothel on the planet Earth, which is also owned by the family and operates as an extension of the winery as a private wine-tasting room.

Here, the record again becomes fuzzy, but it would seem that, with the destruction of his home, Jack once again disappears. Though there is a mention of a "Jack Gaius" throughout the rest of the 21st century with the Red Cross, Doctors Without Borders and the like, the next definite instance appears in 2149 when he enlisted in the United Earth Starfleet. It was during this period that his real history was discovered, when, in 2150 while serving aboard the USS Intrepid, the CMO discovered an oddity in his genome.

At first, Jack was suspected of being an Augment, or some other GMH (Genetically Modified Human), but after his own testimony and an extensive investigation of his history, the previously covered documentation was discovered and confirmed through various interviews. Upon the request of both Petty Officer 3rd Class Jack Gaius, his Commanding Officer, Captain C.A. Wirtz, and her Executive Officer, Commander Thomas M. Sesko, all previous documents and histories dating previous to 2120 have been classified by Starfleet Command, and access limited to relevant authorities and officers with level 6 or higher security access. The following intervening records have been modified to reflect this change.

----Public Record----

In 2149, Jaqobus "Jack" Gaius enlisted in the United Earth Starfleet and received basic training at the New Timbuktu training facility, on Earth. From there, he was assigned as a medic aboard the USS Intrepid. Though his training was no different than most of his peers, the ship's CMO noted that he seemed to know more about Human and Vulcan physiology than nearly anyone else aboard, as well as seeming to have a "Magic Touch", as he tended to have a higher success rate at diagnosing and treating patients with herbal remedies than most of the medical staff.

A year later however, while treating Jack for an infection of the Tarqalian Flu, in which Jack had not been responding to the usual treatments for, the CMO noted an oddity in his genome. After an extensive investigation, it was discovered that Jack possessed an ancestor whom had received genetic modifications. Those alterations were then passed on through successive generations and currently reside in Jack. Once the modifications were understood, the CMO of the Intrepid was able to create an appropriate treatment for Jack. As he was unaware of his genetic history and was beyond the three-generation threshold for the Augment-Limitations rule, he was allowed to remain in Starfleet.

In 2151, Jack was transferred to Jupiter Station, where he, again, was assigned to the station’s medical staff. His tenure there was largely uneventful, rising through the ranks quietly as he worked on obtaining his PhD in medicine. With the Xindi attack on Earth in late 2153, Jack’s life once again changed, as traffic to the station increased nearly 20-fold with people leaving the Sol System for destinations elsewhere in the galaxy.

Though he did his duty with excellence, Jack took a brief leave of absence in 2154 after completing his doctorial. Upon his return to the service, he returned to earth, where he obtained his commission from Starfleet Command, and in 2155, accepted a position as an associate bio-medical researcher the Denobulan Academy of Medicine. There, he remained as the Starfleet Medical liaison to the academy until the break-out of the Earth-Romulan War.

In 2158, Jack returned to Earth, were he was immediately assigned to the USS Guyasuta as her Chief Medical Officer. Though they never fought in any battles, the Guyasuta went missing in mid-2160 with all hands. She was eventually found nearly a century later, crashed on an M-class planet in what is now called the Guyasuta system, and subsequently cataloged as Guyasuta II. On the planet, the survivors had built a colony, and in 2246, a Starbase was established in orbit of the colony.

From the recovered records, Starfleet discovered that the Guyasuta had been attacked and disabled by a vessel of, at the time, unknown origin. However, modern records have since identified the ship as belonging to the Gullundiran Alliance (Then the Gullundrian Empire); a power in the neighboring sector to which the Romulan Neutral Zone once terminated. Following the crash, Jack was assumed to have been KIA, though his body was never found.

In 2331, Jack returned to Federation Space aboard as a member of an Uliqar In transport vessel. Although he had disappeared from the service nearly two centuries earlier, his identity was confirmed by retired admiral H’tan, the Vulcan Ambassador to the Caitian Empire, whom had served with him for a brief time aboard the Guyasuta not long before she crashed. While he didn’t quite explain what had occurred, he did say that he had been taken prisoner by a Gullundrian Boarding party along with three others.

Even though the Starfleet he had once served in hadn’t existed since the birth of the Federation, Starfleet had considered bringing desertion charges against Jack. No charges however, were brought against Jack. From there, he continued to serve aboard the freighter until 2342, when he settled down aboard Starbase 69, where he ran a botanical shop until 2349, when he took a position at the university of New Tenochtitlan as a Professor of Biology.

His life on New Tenochtitlan seemed peaceful enough; not long after settling on the planet, he married his fiancé. Together, they raised three children. In 2374 during the Dominion War, the colony was attacked by the Jem’Hadar. When the Sky Trenches of the capital were breached, the Jem'Hadar forces spared no one. Millions were ruthlessly butchered, with the exception of a small group who managed to make to an emergency shelter under the university. In the heat of the battle, in an attempt to get as many people into the shelters as possible, Jack discovered one of his students had been replaced by a Changeling Founder.

While attempting to subdue the Founder, Jack released a bio-toxin from his lab which he and his colleagues had been researching for Starfleet Command. The toxin killed the Founder, and as it spread, began to kill any Jem'Hadar who entered the grounds of the university. Come the end of the battle, the Dominion forces where unable to hold the colony, however, the bio-toxin began to spread and mutate as it interacted with the residual radiation from the battle, allowing it to become damaging to the cardio-pulmonary systems of non-Jem'Hadar. While Starfleet reinforcements where able to evacuate the survivors before the ambient bio-toxin could reach lethal levels in the atmosphere, Jack found the remains of his family.

It took three Marines and four other security personnel to subdue Jack. Following their deaths, Jaqobus reenlisted in Starfleet, this time, as a security officer.
Service Record (Note: Due to his extensive history and long life, this record will be limited to Jaqobus's current Starfleet Career.)

2375: Enlists in Starfleet.

2375 - 2376: Brig Attendant - USS Oran

2376 - 2379: Security Officer - USS Enlil

2379 - 2382: Security Officer - USS Concord

2382 - 2383: Starfleet Medical (Counseling following an attempted suicide.)

2383 - 2386: Tactical Officer - Starbase 77

2386 - 2390: Assistant Chief Security Officer - USS Concord

2390: Chief Tactical Officer - USS Concord

2390 - 2393: Assistant Chief Security Officer - Starbase 32

2393: Chief Security/Tactical Officer - USS Cassandra

Medical History:
(Note: This is not an exhaustive record.)

- Broken Femur
- Several Lacerations to the face, left arm & shoulder.

- 2nd degree burns (Left abdomen/chest)
- Broken Jaw
- Broken Nose
- (3) Broken fingers (Right Hand),
- Alcohol poisoning.

- 1st degree burns (neck, skin-graph)
- Lacerations to left thigh knee and shin.
- Broken (right) ankle.
- Broken (Left) shoulder.

- Head Trauma/lacerations.
- Broken nose.
- Lacerations to back.
- Stabbing (right arm).

- Broken (right) arm.
- 3rd degree burns (6% of body).
- Radiation Poisoning.

- Narcotics Over-dose.
- Head-cold.

- Alcohol poisoning.
- Broken eye socket.

- Punctured lung (Right - collapsed
- Broken nose
- Multiple lascerations
- Impalement (Piping, upper-right abdomen)
- Attempted suicide (Alcohol poisoning, lacerations to wrists and forearms).
- Recovery at Starfleet Medical

2382 - 2383:
- Suicide Watch at Starfleet Medical
- Released to lite-duty.

- Diagnosed with progressive rheumatoid arthritis in his legs and feet.

- Stabbing (Abdomen)

- Broken wrist (Left)

- Allergic rash (reaction to Laurian Mud Bath Bed).

- Radiation poisoning (minor).