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Getting some Answers

Posted on Sun Apr 12th, 2015 @ 8:34am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Jennifer Daxer

1,429 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband
Location: Breifing Room

The doors of the breifing room swished open and Taiga stepped into the room. Jennifer and the freighter captain were already waiting for her. Taiga's eyes locked directly with the freighter captains as she stood at the opposite end of the table.
"Commander Daxer. Can you stand outside the door. I need to talk with our... guest... alone" Taiga said simply.

"I'm sorry Captain, but no." Jennifer replied without missing a beat. "I would be negligent in my duties as Chief of Security, if I were to leave you alone with him."

Taiga's face didn't change. Nor did she respond to Jennifer.
"Listen to me" Taiga said "We're going to play a little game. I'm going to ask you questions and you're going to answer them. If I don't like your answer, then I'll ask you again. Then if I don't like your second answer I'll cause you some pain until you give me an answer I do like" she explained her eyes still locked on the man across the table.

Jennifer was quiet as Taiga explained how this interrogation was going to go. She'd given her fair share of painful interrogations over the years, but that was black OPS, and what Taiga was planning was illegal, and immoral.

"You can start by telling me who the hell you are and where you got those illegal goods from!"

"What makes you think I'm going to tell you anything at all?" The man said with annoyance in his voice. "Do I look stupid to you?"

"You got caught, didn't you?" Jen quipped.

"Screw you!" The freighter Captain snapped at Jen.

"I didn't like that answer" Taiga said. "So I'll ask you again. Tell me your name and where your ship was loaded with cargo" Taiga demanded.

"They call me Saint Nick, and I got it from your momma!" Was the sarcastic reply she got.

Taiga's face turned from one of annoyance to one of frustration. Her eyes narrowed as she started walking slowly around table towards the man her fists clenched. The room was silent apart from the sound of her footsteps and her teeth grinding.

She slammed her fist down infront of him on the table with a loud bang.
"If you ever repeat that again. Or take the piss out of anyone on my crew or in my family, you'll find yourself on your ass hoping you were never born. Got it!". Taiga stared directly at him. "Now tell me what I want to know, before you get me real angry".

The man jumped slightly as she slammed her fist down, and his only reply was "You can't touch me." He said with a humorous grin. "It's against your precious Federation law."

Taiga let out a smile which looked rather scary. "Wanna bet?" she asked with a grin. "I'm the Commander of this ship and I've been authorised to find out at any costs. If that means breaking a few bones, then do you think I won't?" Taiga explained. "Are you good with Federation History. Do you know what Captain Archer once did to someone like you to get the answer he wanted? Or do I have to demonstrate?"

Jen raised an eyebrow as Taiga explained the lengths to which she was authorized to go to get information. "The use of an airlock may not be the wisest of ideas, Captain." She said.

"Ok fine... Let me volunteer you some information for free." He said, looking between the two of them. "If you're trying to scare me, you're doing a real piss poor job of it." He said, then started laughing at her.

Taiga's fist met with the side of the man's face, knocking him clean out of the chair and to the floor.
"Trying to scare you!" Taiga said with a laugh as she pushed the chair he was sitting on to one side. "I'm not trying to scare you. I want you to tell me, if you haven't noticed I'm not your ordinary Starfleet Captain, I'm no pushover!" she said harshly. She put her boot on his chest to hold him down. "You can tell me from the seat, or from your proper place on the god damn floor if you want. Where did you get that cargo you piece of shit!"

As the freighter captain hit the floor, he was dazed for a moment, but Daxer had her tranq gun out with a quickness, pointing it at Taiga as she put her foot on his chest and threatened him again. "Captain, I must insist that you stand down." she said simply.

"Anyone ever tell you that you hit like a girl?" He said from his place on the floor, antagonizing her even though he was in a bad spot.

Taiga shot a look at Jennifer. She knew that she was right. "At least I don't have a pair of delicate balls..." Taiga said as she stomped down hard between the mans legs then stepped away. She turned around and stood by the wall. "Get him back in the chair" she said.

The man cried out grabbing himself as he rolled over onto his side. He would've expected something like this from the Romulans, or the Klingons, but never from the Federation.

Until Taiga's last order, Jen stood with her gun aimed at the woman. Finally satisfied that she wasn't going to do anything rash, Jen holstered her weapon. She moved to grab the man off the floor, practically man handling him, and sat him back down in the chair. "If I were you, I'd begin cooperating." She told him. "It will go a lot easier if you do."

The man glared hard at Taiga, practically ignoring Jen all together. "If I tell you anything, I'm a dead man." He finally explained. "I don't think you want to be responsible for my death."

"If you don't tell me I'll kill you now" Taiga responded. "Or at least the other prisoners will in the Federation Prison Camp that we send you to" she explained to make her point a little more clear. "So I'll be responsible any way no matter what you say" she said. "Plus, I don't really care"

"Captain, if you continue in the direction you're going, you will force me to relieve you of duty." Jennifer said, shooting Taiga a glare that hinted some annoyance. She had been sent here to report back on this woman's actions, not babysit.

"I was hired by a member of the Tal'Shiar." The freighter captain finally said, then spit some blood on the floor. "But I don't know their name."

Jennifer turned to him with a raised eyebrow. "Where are you taking your cargo to?"

"No way!" The man said, looking between the two of them. "You want me to give you more, then you have to give me something in return."

"Fine" Taiga said as she drew the hand phaser from her belt. She tapped it setting it to vaporise and shot a large plant in the corner of the room. The plant disappeared leaving only a mark where the pot of it had sat on the floor. She then pointed the phaser at the captain. "I give you your life" she said. "Its a simple as that"

In an instant, Jen was between Taiga, and her target, her tranq gun pointed at her Commanding Officer for the second time in as many minutes. "Put down your weapon, or you will wake up in sickbay, after I've completed a proper interrogation." As if to emphasize her meaning, she pulled the hammer back on her gun. "I won't warn you again."

"Threatening me won't get you anywhere, lady!" The man said with a laugh. "I'm already a dead man."

Taiga put the phaser back into her holster after deactivating it. She gave a look that could only be described as death at Jennifer. She turned away from the both of them.
"Commander. Escort this man back to the brig. Then get your ass into my ready room after that" She said as she walked out of the room.

As Taiga left the room, Jen put her gun away. She turned to the freighter captain, hauling him up onto his feet. "I just risked my life to save yours." She told him with annoyance. "Get moving, before I change my mind."

He complied in silence, and the two left the room.


Commander Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer
USS Tokyo


Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Daxer
Executive Officer
Chief Sec/Tac officer
USS Tokyo


Random freighter captain
He's having a bad day...


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