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Meeting the new Engineer

Posted on Sun Apr 12th, 2015 @ 8:12am by Captain Taiga Aisaka & Lieutenant John Stayus

699 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Captains & Contraband
Location: Captains Ready Room

Taiga had heard that their new chief engineer was finally aboard the ship. She wanted to talk with him, especially since the Tokyo was an experimental new design and it had some flaws.
"Lieutenant Stayus, report to my ready room" Taiga said tapping her badge and then walking over to the replicator.

John had just beamed aboard. Grabbing his bag, he heard the command and started for the actual deck. "Computer, please show the way to the location of the Captain's Ready Room." Within a second, yellow flashing lights led his way.

It still took twenty minutes, hitting three wrong decks from the turbo lift, then finally finding the bridge. While he had been given the specs for the warp core and such, John hadn't had time to look up the deck listings. Slinging his bag, he walked calmly across the bridge, hitting the chime for the ready room. "Thank you Computer, I have it from here."

The doors swished open and Taiga could be seen behind her desk. She was tapping away at a PADD.
"I see you got a little lost along the way" she said simply looking up.

"It's been known to happen," John said shrugging as he dropped his clothing bag. "Lieutenant John Stayus reporting for duty as your new Engineer."

"Well, welcome aboard" Taiga said. She put the PADD down on the desk, twirled it around and pushed it towards him. "Here you go" she said "You should find this rather useful, with you being Chief Engineer and all" she explained with a smile.

"Captain Filipowitz had already given these to me Ma'am," John said taking out a small handheld padd of his own design. He'd had twelve years to work on one and it did everything he needed, including an AI that would also scan the ships computers for viruses and other such things. "But yours might be a little more detailed than his." Plugging the two together he quickly downloaded the specs, then handed the captain the padd back.

"So what are we doing here and why did you leave dock without an Engineer? Experimentals are pretty temperamental."

"We were needed" Taiga explained simply. "This is this ships third time out of spacedock and we have rectified all but a few of the ships problems". On her desk was a silver tea set, in which she pulled over and poured herself a cup. "Would you like a cup?" she asked.

"No thank you, tea and I don't get a long well." Smiling he did decide to take a seat. "So give it to me straight Captain. What's the first thing I'm going to have to dive into to make sure we stay up and running?"

Taiga shrugged. "No idea. I'm not the Engineer" she replied simply. "The engineering logs will be in the computer though"

"Alright, how does the warp core and the impulse drives react to orders given? Minimal lag, responsive when you need it?"

"They've been pretty good" Taiga replied with a slight smile as she took a sip of her tea. After taking a sip she put it back on the desk. "We've not had any troubles with the warp drive, the only real glitches we've had are with the computer. Minimal issues really, nothing thats going to send us spinning out of control. However I still want them assessed"

"Easy enough, but like a doctor I needed to assess the symptoms. It shouldn't take more than a few hours to make sure that we're running without a cold." Standing, he smiled then leaned over for his bag. "Anything else I need before me and the little lady have a chat?"

"A map" Taiga said. "Try not to get lost, Engineering is on deck Fourteen via turbolift shaft eight. Turn left, then right" she explained.

"Thank you," he said waving his mini padd. "But Andi here picked up the detailed schematics when you handed me the other padd. She's a good girl, but a little pig headed sometimes." Picking up his gear, John left the room and started heading for Engineering. It was time to get dirty.

Posting by

Commander Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant John Stayus
Chief Engineer


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