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Finally Some Time To Breathe... and Kiss

Posted on Fri Oct 19th, 2018 @ 10:06am by Commander Alora Knight & Commander Alexander "Alex" Knight

1,223 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Demons in the Dark


Alora had finished her work for the day. All her reports were sent in and she made sure she was free for the next two duty shifts and Alex was coming over for dinner. Finally, she and Alex would have time to talk, to catch up, and just be together. She dressed in a Vulcan tunic and waited for Alex to arrive.

Alex tapped on the chime and stood outside of her door. He held a bouquet of flowers behind his back and came dressed in a nice black suit with no tie. He took a moment to clear his throat before checking his breath.

Alora turned to face the door. She couldn't 'believe that she was nervous. Not of Alex, but because it had been so long. "Come in."

When she saw him, all her nerves vanished and she smiled.

Alex walked in and smiled, slightly taken back by her tunic. "Is that formal or casual? I don't know whether to fee over dressed or under?"

"It can be...both," she admitted. She leaned forward and kissed him.

He smirked before locking lips with her. Alex almost lost himself in the kiss before pulling back with a smile. "Glad to see certain things haven't changed." He pulled his hand from behind his back and revealed to her the flowers he brought. "Here... I brought you your favorites."

She smelled the flowers and smiled again. "Thank you. Give me a minute to put them in something." She quickly replicated a vase with the right ingredients in the water to keep the flowers alive. She set them on the table and went back to Alex.

She took his hand and led him to the couch. "I want to hear what happened. Then, we can decide what to eat. I didn't prepare anything in advance so we can eat whenever we want."

"What would you like to hear first?" Alex said as he took a seat on the couch.

Alora sat so she could face him. "What about Jazz? Did you find her?"

Alex smiled and nodded his head. "Jazz is fine. Pitbull wasn't far behind us, I guess. Once we made it into the turbolift he showed up. Dealt with a few Terran Empire officers before transporting back to the Prowler."

"I'm so glad." She liked Jazz, and was relieved she was back and safe. "And you? How are you doing?"

"Relieved." He replied jokingly. "We can finally slow down and take a breath. I feel like I've jumped from one person trying to kill me to another. Oh wait... I did." He laughed softly. "Can't decide who was worse, to be honest. The Borg we just faced or my own brother."

Alora shook her head. "That's a tough call. I hope those two never team up." She took his hand in hers. "I'm glad you're all back here now."

"Me too." Alex replied putting his hand on hers.

Alora leaned forward and kissed Alex.

Alex smiled, running his hand through her hair, as he kissed her deeply. It was like a dream made real. He would lay in bed, several times while on his hunt for Dylan, of being back with Alora. Of kissing her and holding her tightly, only to be brought back to reality. However, this time, this was the reality. He was back with her and he promised himself never to let her go. Even if that meant bringing her with him.

The tight control Alora had kept on her fears and emotions melted away. Alex was here and they were together. And this time, she wanted it to be forever. And then her arms tightened around his neck and stopped thinking about anything but the kiss and Alex.

Alex broke the kiss, resting his forehead to hers, closing his eyes. "I missed this." He whispered softly. "Being with you. No threat. No job. Just you and me."

Alora nodded while she regained some of her control. "Yes. I can't tell you..." She hugged him tightly. "If there's a next time, please, take me with you."

"Is that something you want? To leave all this and come with me, and the team, on the Prowler?" Alex asked softly, running his hand along the side of her face.

"I don't need to be there every time you have an assignment, but if it's going to be long-term, then yes, I want to go with you." She looked up at him for a long moment. "I don't want to put off getting married, either."

"Then let's not." Alex replied softly. "Let's get married now. We don't have to have a big ceremony. Just you and me. If you want we can make it a private thing with only a few people, or just us two and the Captain, I don't care. I just want you as my wife."

"Yes. Just you, me, and your team. They're family." She kissed him gain. "Either with the Captain, or on the starbase. We're scheduled to be there for two weeks for repairs. I don't want anything fancy."

"Nothing fancy. Just the family." Alex replied, kissing her quickly on the lips before smiling. "I don't want to hold it back any longer."

Alora smiled. "If the Captain doesn't officiate, she should attend." She paused again, thinking. "We could get married tomorrow, if you wish."

"Tomorrow. After the meal. Right now if you want." Alex smiled, laughing softly, before adding. "As long as its finally done."

"Tomorrow," she said. "Tonight, I want to spend time with you."

"You have always been the better negotiator." Alex replied with a laugh.

Alora was quite aware that there were many situations in which Alex was the better negotiator. "Not really," she replied. "That just leaves one question. Do you want to eat now...or later?"

"Depends on what your plans are if we eat later." Alex replied softly, easing closer to her with a smile.

"Well," she said, giving him a soft kiss. "We could get comfortable." She gave him another kiss, this one a little longer. "Do a lot more of this..." She kissed him again. "And see where it leads."

Alex smiled before saying. "Well, Commander, I feel you are trying to seduce me. If so... what took you so long?"

Alora chuckled softly. "Because, my dear commander, I wanted you to have a say in the matter."

"I will never object to a good seduction."

She raised an eyebrow. "Only with me, my love," she teased. She took his hand and pulled him up with her as she stood. "There will never be anyone for me but you," she promised and then kissed him again.

Alex kissed her then pulled away to reply. "I hope not, because you're the only one for me." He then kissed her again, deepening the kiss.

For a long while they stood there, kissing. Finally, Alora pulled away. "Now, while I have no objections to making love with you here, I have a very nice bed and an entire night to show you how much I've missed you."

"Who am I to object to those conditions?" Alex replied with a smirk, holding her close.

Alora grinned and the two walked into her bedroom and turned out the lights.


Commander Alora Tau'Ri
Executive Officer


Lieutenant Commander Alexander 'Alex' Knight
SWORD Leader


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