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Classified Orders

Posted on Tue Oct 16th, 2018 @ 10:19am by Captain Taiga Aisaka
Edited on on Tue Oct 16th, 2018 @ 11:26am

932 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Demons in the Dark
Location: Ready Room

Captains Logs Supplemental.

Its been nearly two weeks since the Tokyo was caught in the inter-dimensional rift between the prime and Terran Universe. We've been docked at Starbase 58 for that time undergoing repairs and crew rotations.

The crew put up with a lot during the last mission and it wasn't easy on most of them, me especially. I lost a lot of good people back there, and I don't want to do that again. We are due to head out in a few days, hopefully things don't go bad and we can enjoy the next few days of peace and quiet.

Personally I am looking forward to the weekend I have planned away. I've been busy overseeing the repairs and new crew that have come aboard. However, I've given myself the last three days of our scheduled stop here to enjoy some time with Ryuuji away down on the planet. I've heard that the beaches are something to see.

I am about to sign on to my last duty shift before starting my weekend away. With a bit of luck it'll be nice and smooth, but with this being me and this being my ship that never seems to happen. Also I think Sods Law has always got me on its wanted list or something, something always pops up when I least expect it.

End of log

Captain Taiga Aisaka tapped on the console to end the log as she pulled on her red overjacket. During their time at the starbase, not only had the ship recieved repairs to its damaged systems and areas but the crew had been given the newest upto date Starfleet Uniforms which were being issued fleet wide.

Taiga was actually quite happy that they had simplified the uniforms and the old ones had so much emotional baggage behind them. Starfleet was going for a new look, one that was far different from the time of the Klingon and Dominion war of the 2370's when this Uniform came into play. It was a time of recovery and getting back to exploration for Starfleet, however the Tokyo wouldn't be doing any of that. The Tokyo was a rapid reponse attack carrier and she dealt with more threats and policing issues that could damage or threaten the Federation that not every starship stumbled upon.

She left her quarters heading for the bridge. The ship was a hustle of activity, with several people reporting into their stations and with the engineering and operations teams finishing their system repairs. She walked past people working behind panels in the walls and occassionally saw people pulling around supplies as the ship was restocked.

She arrived on the bridge and made her way towards the ready room.

"Captain" One of the Operations officers said from the Ops console. "A priority one message is coming through for you. Its marked as urgent"

Taiga rolled her eyes. Her weekend away with Ryuuji looks like it might have to wait. "Route it through to my ready room" Taiga said simply as she walked towards the doors and stepped inside.

She sat behind her desk and her screen flashed showing the message coming through and asking for her security clearance. Tapping it in she sighed as she figured this was probably going to be either a dangerous or important mission once again.

The screen turned to that of a Starfleet Admiral.

"Captain Aisaka" the admiral said. "I am Admiral Billings of Starfleet Security. I have a mission we need you to do" he explained simply. It was obvious that this was going to be a very sensitive mission.

"Yes sir. What do you need the Tokyo to do? We're due to depart in a couple of days" she asked. She hoped mentioning their departure time would make him give her those extra days so she could get away with Ryuuji before going back to full standard running.

"One of our science vessels, the USS Cassandra has gone silent on us. She was patrolling the Cardassian demilitarized zone. That ship wasn't doing anything you need to be worried about, but we need her back" he told her. "Your mission is to locate the Cassandra, determine if her crew are alive and bring back the ship. We can't afford to lose any information regarding that ships mission in the Zone"

"Can I ask why Admiral?" Taiga asked curiously.

"Thats beyond your clearance level Captain. I want you to simply find that ship and bring it back. If the Cardassians show up, or the ship cannot be saved you are to download the ships databanks in an encrypted section of your computer core and then scuttle the ship" he ordered. His face was serious and he didn't like the idea of whatever was on that ship falling into the wrong hands.

"Is that understood Captain?" he asked firmly.

"Yes Admiral" Taiga replied, she was beghinning to become curious about what the Admiral might want, or what data the Cassandra had been gathering that was so important to Starfleet.

"You are to recall your crew and set off as soon as possible. I want no time wasted in this mission. Get that ship back, and if not you have your orders. This is top priority, and everything on that ship is classified." he explained. "Billings out".

The screen switched back to that of the Federation logo. Taiga pondered for a few seconds of the nature of the now classified mission. She sighed as she knew this meant she would not get her time away.

Posting by

Captain Taiga Aisaka
Commanding Officer


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